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can never have to many-the mattock my german friend brought over for me a few seasons ago,real handy on the roots.atb dc

Better to have shit kit than no kit at all.I've seen lads put the collar on the dog and forget to turn it on in the excitement lol-the look on their faces;).like pabs said too many rely on technology

Just because you have the best rods on the lake don't mean your gonna empty the f****r do the best you can with what you got and enjoy it for what it is a good day out

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Exactly as long as it works for yourself and your dog does its best and your getting enough with what you have ' who cares what others think ' there not the one who's getting the stuff for ya. Learn more listening to you dog down to ground and digging to it right or getting a bolt . before all them times its going out finding things.as for shit kit yes the ortovox dont work and wasnt accurate when it did but were not all little rich boys

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Better to have shit kit than no kit at all.I've seen lads put the collar on the dog and forget to turn it on in the excitement lol-the look on their faces;).like pabs said too many rely on technology and don't have a clue how to dig their dogs without a collar.been out with plenty of folks that can't use the old grey box to locate a ferret tidy lol.I always have my 15 ft grey box and collars in the truck just incase the b & f and collars f**k up.amazed at the amount of lads that dig and don't carry/or know how to use a t bar -just use them to tether the terriers lol.atb dc

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Its safe an assuring to have ya gadgets but not lost if dont work right/break.if you have to work out for yourself and the way you must get it right ,to be able to think for yourself. Saw one guy jump down to the terrier and made sure the b and f coller was facing a certain way 'so he was reassurred ,is that how the are ? Thought the were very accurate?

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Most of the earths on the shoots i look after i have dug so know how deep they are so i use the old knocker box as it's spot on every time and the noise is so much kinder to my ear than my ortovox set up which i use on unknown ground..

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Most of the earths on the shoots i look after i have dug so know how deep they are so i use the old knocker box as it's spot on every time and the noise is so much kinder to my ear than my ortovox set up which i use on unknown ground..

I also liked the old grey box but they were so unreliable either box or collar could give up at anytime and almost anything would interfere with them,electric fences,pylons even old steel buried in the ground caused them to scrape lol,but very accurate on the break through.

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As you say above that the way of the old grey box and coller and again if you had a reliable good one you could look after it.I tried that one to mark three coller last season and on the burrow was knocking but seemed strange bit in this time' i never end up using it to dig too. The b + f must be right job for distance 'weather an accurate assurance but heard newer ones were not as spot on?. Good that people hav respect old stuff still /

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