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Move to Australia! We dont have a season, our dogs work in the heat (when its too hot I try and stay along a creek,so they can keep cool) and there is more rabbiting spots than you could work in a lifetime.

I was going to say something similar. After my early education with working dogs, living in Coniston with hairy beardie crosses, walking them early and late and always close to the beck, now I can go out whenever I want. It needs to be temperatures of around 30°c for several days before my kelpie bitch , Scout, will give in and stop for a drink. Noggin seems to feel the heat a tad more though, which I presume is down to his slightly longer coat...difficult to tell with the temperatures we're getting this summer! Old Rusty would still look for a warm spot to lay in in the garden even when the heat was splitting the trees...silly old bugger!


Good dogs them Kelpie's mate. Use to have a Bully x for a nose dog, she was a beauty ran all day in the heat

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Anyone else get bored mooching around the same spots ? In the summer I tend to mooch around the same spots and I know what I'm gone see and that's jack shit and the places I know do hold has to much c


Take mine crop hopping. Good exercise for dogs that can do the work. Some hunt through but the best for keeping fit is the jumpers.

Move to Australia! We dont have a season, our dogs work in the heat (when its too hot I try and stay along a creek,so they can keep cool) and there is more rabbiting spots than you could work in a lifetime.

What dogs do you work, and what temperature do they work in, be great to see some pictures of the land they run on. Atb

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Move to Australia! We dont have a season, our dogs work in the heat (when its too hot I try and stay along a creek,so they can keep cool) and there is more rabbiting spots than you could work in a lifetime.

What dogs do you work, and what temperature do they work in, be great to see some pictures of the land they run on. Atb


Here is a link to my YouTube page plenty of footage of the land and dogs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCet7Vy9obEw8IQK4ZcOcJ5A?view_as=public

Our average temperature 22- 25 Celsius, in late spring and summer it’s a lot warmer I don’t work over 30 mainly because the ferrets can’t hack it. The dogs get use to the heat, as long as you keep them near water you are fine. Most of the ground is rock hard here except for a couple of moths of the year even then its not what I would call soft. Dogs with good feet are a must otherwise they are susceptible to on going and reoccurring injury's

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Anyone else get bored mooching around the same spots ? In the summer I tend to mooch around the same spots and I know what I'm gone see and that's jack shit and the places I know do hold has to much cover or it's generally to warm for the dogs find myself struggling to find somewhere to go out in the morning ?

I know exactly how you feel roll on the winter and back out ferreting and grafting the dogs.

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I had a few hrs on the lamp lastnight great to be out.had 4. the 2 ferret kits will have there first taste of rabbit later.

Edit to add.

Alot of us moan about the heat but you lads working the dogs upto 30c

Fair play they must be Hardy dogs.

Edited by king
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How comes ya lamping this time of year King? Field around me have grass as high as me haha

It's a very sandy area only thin scrubb on the land.and what little grass there is is only a few inches deep.its great there all year round.no matter how hard it freezes mid winter.only the top crust will freeze.the dog soon cracks through so great place to run the dog.
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How comes ya lamping this time of year King? Field around me have grass as high as me haha

It's a very sandy area only thin scrubb on the land.and what little grass there is is only a few inches deep.its great there all year round.no matter how hard it freezes mid winter.only the top crust will freeze.the dog soon cracks through so great place to run the dog.

Any houses for sale near you King hahahaha

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Move to Australia! We dont have a season, our dogs work in the heat (when its too hot I try and stay along a creek,so they can keep cool) and there is more rabbiting spots than you could work in a lifetime.

theres a lot here dont know theres a season.

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me and lowplains had a nice walk out yesterday teatime ,went for a bit road walking and a bit hare spotting ,it was a long night and over a 5 hour walk but well worth while ,I seen that white hare for the first time running with plenty big strong browns ,nice to see them doing well ,the rabbits were in good numbers ,we had roe jumping up under our feet ,seen a nice barn owl sitting proud on the fence post ,the dogs were kept on the leads and were a bit keen to have a run but theres a time n place , this is the time of year were we pack the tents and head off up the hills for our holiday ,we walk the country lanes ,head to the beer gardens with our pack of dogs stagger back up the lanes talking loads of sh.t ,camp fire on bit scran and in the little tents with all the dogs to keep you warm for the night lol,up and out early morning for a walk about different land and finding new places for the coming seasons ,still got a few months before the land right and the crops are down so got to make the most of it ,good way to condion the dogs to be in the best shape for the comming season , atb bobza

If you need another companion on these camping trips give me a shout lol
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