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Eu Counting Under Way.

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Firstly.....mon ya beauty. Secondly can I just congratulate the vast majority of English and Welsh for having the balls to make this happen. It's not often I'm embarrassed to be Scottish but there re

In my 50 odd years I've never felt so proud to be British, there's gonna be hard times ahead but we will come out a stronger better richer prouder country... Thanks to everyone in the country who vote

I'm frankly flabbergasted by almost every reporter, remain fan and pro EU politician to grasp the fact that it is absolutely possible for a sovereign nation state to function on its own and in the int

Id like to think we ain't some third world shit hole with a dictatorship that'll stoop to electoral fraud.


If the result is remain it'll be the scaremongering that did it imo.

its looking that way johnny , 52% in 48% out

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First count is in from Gibraltar with a massive landslide for the remain camp, 19322 to 823 for the leave campaign.

I'm surprised they got 823 ...it was always going to be that way for Gibraltar

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First count is in from Gibraltar with a massive landslide for the remain camp, 19322 to 823 for the leave campaign.

I'm surprised they got 823 ...it was always going to be that way for Gibraltar

On a positive note early indications are saying a landslide in Sunderland for leave. ... fingers crossed.

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49.3% leave 50.7% remain in Newcastle the experts were predicting a much higher percentage for remain in Newcastle so it's very encouraging for leave :thumbs:

Apparently Scotland's remain won't be as strong as once though but Orkney count was quite strong but it wasn't a lot of votes thankfully.

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