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Pros And Cons Of Micro Chipping

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There are some shocking comments here.   These days chipping your dog is cheaper than a box of smokes. If you value your dogs get them chipped and don't worry if they "Don't make the grade" or not.

When's the compulsory chipping of garden shitting cats taking place.

Your not aloud chip them yourself it has to be someone with the course done and if there not registered it comes back to the lad that chipped them and he gets fined. Only no this because one of my mates done it last week and he can't do his own dogs he has to get another chipper to do them

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you can guarantee once every dog is chipped, licence fees will rise, and rise repeatedly,..big brother rules again...why should we comply with unjust laws...Fk them...if I get pulled I'll lie and say I was told that they were done when I bought them, and then do it on 21 day notice...two things I hate and distrust are Pigs and Tories...

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how about for people who hunt local it wont surprise me rspca and police use the data base to find people who are seen hunting at an area eg fawn dog dog with certain markings. cross check data base they will know all local dogs of that description. even if within the law it could cause loads of trouble. how many times have people been seen and not known it even on perm and something accidently pops up. or even just the ball ache of rspca knocking your door as they like to do with all working dog men. gone are the days if local just poping out to check new ground. it tightens the belt where perm is gone be def needed. its a great finding tool for both us and anyone else who wants to know who you are good or bad

I get that part, but accidents can happen... They are just that, you'd be seriously unlucky to be reprimanded on that alone. I get it's a ball ache if they could follow you up and keep an eye on you etc. but just keep your nose clean and stay on permission, then there isn't a problem. Checking new ground should be done with consent from the land owner although dogs will go over hedges etc. in pursuit, but being on the boundary is one thing, being way beyond is a different kettle of fish...

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Your not aloud chip them yourself it has to be someone with the course done and if there not registered it comes back to the lad that chipped them and he gets fined. Only no this because one of my mates done it last week and he can't do his own dogs he has to get another chipper to do them

If you have the ticket you can chip your own dog no problem.

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Surely it's a duty of care thing if you chip your dogs, just another way of increasing the chances of your dogs being returned if lost. I've always had mine done as pups, I'm a little more curious as to why you wouldn't though? Is it just incase your dog is doing something it shouldn't be? Or is because the government are telling you that you have to and you just don't like being dictated to? Genuinely curious not trying to ruffle feathers... Also do you think microchipping would be compulsory if it weren't for the minority of nobs out there that don't look after their animals properly, do get up to things that they definitely should not be, for the welfare of the dogs or hang around street corners intimidating people with their Chavvy Chihuahua's,,,,, Probably not... Explain to me the major benefits of not having your dogs chipped, I don't want to judge anybody just want to understand.

You seriously think this will STOP animal abuse? As for "doing something I shouldnt be" Well there aint a lot left I can do legally now is there,since the government has made it all criminal and taken away my freedom to hunt even though I was hurting nobody. You seem to think Its alright to punish me because others are irresponsible.

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It can only work if we let it work. It should not be compulsary.. If it doesnt stop backyard breeders and f..kwits why should we support it if we dont want it. What if some farmer says your dog has just cost him 25 grand because youre dog has stopped his free range hens laying by running around his field?

Poachers pocket..Have you had much experience of things getting messy?

No i havnt i generally hunt alone and im very careful what i do and were i do it and only really hunt rabbit. But you only have to go to the shows and listen to dimwit chavs that kill anything in sight it makes my piss boil. I was talking to some lads at a show in summer and the stupid stories they were coming out with i had to walk off the idiots stuck there dog on something at side of an estate and when it got on top they had to leave a dog behind. Thats the sort of nobs im on about and iv never been in a situation like that and i never will be. The worst il ever get is being apprehended with edible stuff.


So you are careful about breaking the law,and where you do it,I wouldnt know about that,but I would be careful what you say in public. Personally I never break the law,and only hunt legally where I have written permission. Best not to believe all the tall stories you hear at shows.

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There are some shocking comments here.


These days chipping your dog is cheaper than a box of smokes. If you value your dogs get them chipped and don't worry if they "Don't make the grade" or not. Ones that refuse through stupidity will be marked. Why go that far?


I'm sure sooner or later there will be post on here ranting how they got fined etc and blame every Tom, Dick and Harry but not themselves.


Forget your smokes and beers for a day and get your dogs chipped.

Edited by artic
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There are some shocking comments here.


These days chipping your dog is cheaper than a box of smokes. If you value your dogs get them chipped and don't worry if they "Don't make the grade" or not. Ones that refuse through stupidity will be marked. Why go that far?


I'm sure sooner or later there will be post on here ranting how they got fined etc and blame every Tom, Dick and Harry but not themselves.


Forget your smokes and beers for a day and get your dogs chipped.

nothing to do with smokes and beers some lads want be able to take there dogs for obvious reasons..
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I know what I'm doing, 21 days sounds good.

Might as well print name and address on the back at me cammo jacket while I'm on.


Here's another thought,


Without a chip you might loose a dog but a chip could also be the cause of loosing all your animals for 10 years or more.

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