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Poxy Place !

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Nice 1 I used to dig a place like that for years always held and a good test for a dog, worst I ever had to dig out or around was paving slabs, kerb stones and a builders blue tub half full of mortar.

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Anyway gets a mark on the locator 1.6 on the other side of the bank . So starts to dig first spade in and clang hits something metal cleans around it gets the spade under it and eventually lifts an ol

The two sisters to the young dog I dug today so far that four out of a litter of five that have started on their way to be grafters !!

Cleaned me dog up then myself and then had a couple of these lol not a bad start to the new year !

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Theres a bank on some ground i do that holds a 5 holer that is pretty sprawling and now 20 ft deep but was once just a puppy spot .In the years ive known the place its had rsj's ,asbestos and block rubble on it as well as a decent capping of general farmyard waste topped off by at least 6 foot of blue clay .About 5 years back i took a lad out with his mate to this ground and unknown to me he went back with the mate to "dig" this spot .From what i gather the dog was picked up days later roaming when they realised the depth and left it ,scroats .

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Cleaned me dog up then myself and then had a couple of these lol not a bad start to the new year !

NOW, you're talking my language ,LOL.

Had a dig on Friday and was wondering what was stopping my shovel, plastic was, a load of it dumped on an earth about two foot under the soil.

Many years back two friends of mine, both dead now, were following a pack of Staghounds and to get a better view ran over to a pile of scrap and jumped onto it.

They bolted a brace of foxes.

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Good going and a nice pair you have there mate an the litters sounding promising


Atb mate

thanks mate but the two in the pic are not mine they where breed and owned by a mate that gifted me mine the brother to the two bitches in the pic , but I agree he must be pleased with the litter so far earth dog to earth dog can't beat it ?
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Cleaned me dog up then myself and then had a couple of these lol not a bad start to the new year !

NOW, you're talking my language ,LOL.

Had a dig on Friday and was wondering what was stopping my shovel, plastic was, a load of it dumped on an earth about two foot under the soil.

Many years back two friends of mine, both dead now, were following a pack of Staghounds and to get a better view ran over to a pile of scrap and jumped onto it.

They bolted a brace of foxes.



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Used to dig at a Spot that was on the site of a former SHANKS factory, Dig down an find your Fox under a pile of Lavvy seats ... :laugh: sure a few oldies on here will know it...covered by housing now,like alot of Former spots,diminishing by the minute by New Build :cray:

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Marshman in regards to your dog being harder. Ive always found that dogs are a lot braver when in un-natural or man made surroundings for the fox such as bales, drains, rock piles etc as the dog feels more confident as opposed to being underground where the wild animal is at home. Ive seen a few terriers that look like world beaters in drains etc but are poor in earths.

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Iv'e hit all sorts of weird stuff on the way down, old cars, bed frames, the old mattresses are a b*****d if you don't have cutters, but the one i really didn't like was an old ash tip, looked easy enough, but a 3ft we hit asbestos sheets, and had to smash through 3 foot or so of them, the keeper could have mentioned that first :whistling: but he wanted shut. Don't get me wrong it was soaking wet, so no dust, but i weren't happy about it :censored:

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