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Stoat Or Weasel?

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Yes, yes, let's get the weasily recognised and stotally different quips out of the way. :laugh:


A while back I saw one of these animals run out from under a hedge. As soon as it saw us, it ran back under it. It was orangey brown on its back and white underneath and my first thought was how tiny it was.


Googling it doesn't seem to shed much light as stoats and weasels look similar.


What's it most likely to be or is there no way of knowing? Either way it seems to be eating my voles so suits me. :thumbs:

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Bloody towney lol,,,weasels have a very short tail,,,the stoats tail is longer the same length as a small slim ferret,,,,and as said the stoats tail is black for about the last third...   If it's c

Based on the credentials of the witness, can we rule out a dog or cat?

as soon as you mentioned "how small " it was it had to be a weasel mate like previous post says a stoat is ferret size -amazing creatures

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Bloody towney lol,,,weasels have a very short tail,,,the stoats tail is longer the same length as a small slim ferret,,,,and as said the stoats tail is black for about the last third...


If it's close enough long enough it's easy to tell them apart,,,b


Both creatures are great to watch,,,and all the times I've watched stoats hunt,,,I'm amazed at there tenacity ,,,amazing little creatures,,,


Strangely enough my dogs will hunt them ,they know the difference between ferrets and stoats,,,,but I don't like killing them so discourage the dogs from getting them

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Fascinating creatures to watch when their hunting, sometimes they roll around in a crazy fashion which seems to draw the rabbit into an almost hypnotic state and when near enough they race in and a bite to the back of the neck and bingo, ive witnessed this on two occasions, and for their weight they must be the most ferocious hunter we have in the wild. On one occasion whilst ferreting in an old chalk quarry i came upon a rabbit about ten feet in front of me, all of a sudden it started to scream, and in a flash a weasel jumped on it, i ran over to it and the weasel shot into some rocks and stood watching me, i picked the rabbit up and its heartbeat could be felt through my gloves. within ten seconds it died in my hands. When i skinned that rabbit there was not a single bite mark on it i swear blind that rabbit died from pure fright. YIS KIC.

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