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Ww2 Bomb Shelters

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I slept in a bunker/cave a couple weeks ago up in the fells thats no one knows how it was made its really hard to find but if you no what your looking for its easy it has what looks like gas pipes and taps for lamps and a fire and a chimney its worth a look if you can find it.



that is cool!under ground? how do you access it ?down a ladder?

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I slept in a bunker/cave a couple weeks ago up in the fells thats no one knows how it was made its really hard to find but if you no what your looking for its easy it has what looks like gas pipes and

Used to be all over when I was a kid, usually full of wank mags and human shit ffs   Cheers, D.

well last weekend i fancied a wander to my old childhood haunts with the dogs and a friend, top on my list was to visit an old large mill buildings bomb shelter. i knew the mill had been knocked down



I slept in a bunker/cave a couple weeks ago up in the fells thats no one knows how it was made its really hard to find but if you no what your looking for its easy it has what looks like gas pipes and taps for lamps and a fire and a chimney its worth a look if you can find it.



that is cool!under ground? how do you access it ?down a ladder?
No nothing as elegent as that you have to get on your belly and crawl into it. Yes its underground. Edited by Blackdog92
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I live nearish to what was a weapons factory in ww2, it got bombed a lot, so they made a kind of bunker, munitions store, shelter thing up in the woods on the side of a hill. I found it one day and it has a small drop hole down into a series of underground rooms, no one else seems to know where it is although a few ppl know of its existence. Its pretty cool.

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Friend of mine has an anderson shelter in his garden, and we were talking about it in the pub one night when an old guy we know joined in the conversation. He told us that during the war him and his brother aged 6, he himself was 8 years old, were walking down the street when a german plane came tearing down at low level and opened fire at anyone who happened to be there. They both scattered and a couple of minutes later a spitfire came over after jerry, anyway he could find no trace of his younger brother, and after searching for a couple of hours. the locals found him cowering terrified, in that very same shelter. Makes you wonder the stories that those buildings could tell. My sister in law in hull, had one in her back garden that took a direct hit during a raid killing everyone inside, theres a photo of the front street after that particular raid with a hole in the road you could drop a double decker bus down. :thumbs:

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Tomburras, I have been in that shelter before when I was younger as i grew up in the area. There is also a shelter made in some woods about three miles away to house all the documents of the leeds perm building society. It was a huge concrete bunker that had three storys. A bit claustrophobic to say the least. I was actually stood on another brick built shelter set in woodland yesterday that i stumbled upon.

As a young kid aged about 5 or 6 i spent a long time messing about in those kinds of places, the local allotment had old air raid shelters on them, i remember discovering that was where hundreds upon hundreds of peacock and tortoiseshell butterflies hibernated. I will try and take a few piccs next time I'm there....thanks for the memories. :victory:

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Back in the early 60's my mother used to give me 1/- (that's a shilling for you youngen's) or 1/6d depending if she was flush or not, for me and my younger brother to go to a little old chap who used to cut lads hair in his Anderson shelter in his back yard.


6d for a crop

9d for a short back and sides

1/- for a college boy

We never got the college boy, too dear.


Recall he had a table lamp in the shelter which was a painted nude woman holding aloft a light bulb, we were always fascinated by the 'black triangle' :laugh:

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