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interested how many of you are still using the mk1 and wouldnt be shifted over to the new mk3 ..personally i wont again, as long as i can still get hold of the mk1 in the future.... does ferreting really need all the the frills of new technology and with all its ear bashing :huh: had one when they first came out and sold it as quick as i got it :laugh:

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Never seen a mk 3 that is as acurate at depth marking than the mk1,,, the km 3 is always out,,,usually over reading,,,if it says 4 foot its 2 foot,,,and never seen one go to 8 foot above the collar,,,

Got both a mk3 and a mk1, plus mate brings his mk1 along as well.   Generally use the mk3 for searching with its 16ft range and finding the ferret to within a metre or so. Then if a dig is required

I hated the MK3 at first and slated it on here,regularly....wouldn't be without it now,much prefer it to the MK1,still think theres room for improvement though.Search/Locate is unnecessary,should just

Stock piled a load of mk1 gear and hopefully got enough to see me out , but I've also got a mk3 and two collars but I can't get to grips with it my son keeps trying to persevere with it. So he might move over but as long as I can get my mk 1s serviced and get new collars I'm sticking with them

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Stock piled a load of mk1 gear and hopefully got enough to see me out , but I've also got a mk3 and two collars but I can't get to grips with it my son keeps trying to persevere with it. So he might move over but as long as I can get my mk 1s serviced and get new collars I'm sticking with them

good thinking!.. there still seems to be a fair few about and people who can sevice them ... didnt think much of the collars either on mk3 bit flimsy getting batteries in and out

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Never seen a mk 3 that is as acurate at depth marking than the mk1,,, the km 3 is always out,,,usually over reading,,,if it says 4 foot its 2 foot,,,and never seen one go to 8 foot above the collar,,,they always stop picking up at 6 foot above the collar on locate,,,sure click on search and it pics it up...


That said,,I do like them,,,but if you got a good mk 1,, there hard to beet

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You can shove a Mk3 as far up where the sun doesn't shine as you can. They've let me down so many times (not mine but my mates) making us dig deeper, for longer and for no reason than I ever have with a Mk1. Thing is, with the Mk1 we have total confidence in it's ability and we are NEVER more than a few inches ot on a dig.. We use one at each end of the bury, one in the middle and the next as the locator. Foolproof. Efficient. Gets results. As to an earlier comment about collars, your talking right out of your arse. 30 years of ferreting and you got to be a bit of a judge.

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Got both a mk3 and a mk1, plus mate brings his mk1 along as well.


Generally use the mk3 for searching with its 16ft range and finding the ferret to within a metre or so. Then if a dig is required I tend to switch to the mk1 as I find it has better pinpoint accuracy and not so irritating sounds when you're being careful with the spade to make the final breakthrough.


When putting longnets through a thick hedge at either end of a thick hedgerow warren we will leave a mk1 at either end switched on and then just sit back and allow ferrets and dog to work, occasionally bringing out the mk3 for a little look see just to give us confidence that the ferrets are still down there working away.

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I had a mk 1 15ft until the collar gave up on me last year and loved it, The only replacement collars I could get were 8fts and they are useless so I bought a mk 3.

I've found it to be a pain in the arse at times but it's usually something I'm doing wrong that causes me problems, You need to be a bit more thoughtfull with the mk3's whereas you just switch a mk1 on and point it.

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The only time I ever had a problem with the mark one was when I was ferreting a big garden and they had a wire buried round the perm inter that shocked the dog threw the special collar I kept getting reading three foot down on the permitior fence and I'm ashamed to say I had dug three holes before I clicked what the wee yellow flags where for and what was printed on them

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Well my friend. The funniest was when working a bury at a local Manor. My mate started the dig and was at it for a good few minutes. Then checking with the locator found the ferret had moved. Dug for a good few minutes. Ferret moved. Mate I have got to tell you that my guts were busting. After quite a number of digs he realised that the ferret had lost the collar and all he was doing was moving it from dig to dig. Needless to say that story has never been repeated.

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I hated the MK3 at first and slated it on here,regularly....wouldn't be without it now,much prefer it to the MK1,still think theres room for improvement though.Search/Locate is unnecessary,should just turn the fecker on ,that's it.....a volume control would be nice too :yes:

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