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About ruggers13

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 20/03/1988

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  • Interests
    Ferreting lamping net making

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  1. Sorry not been online for few days yeah it’s spun poly n put ring on end just to start of with n the colour is just personal preference, this is it rigged up n sorted other two out
  2. Is there a app for this website ? Tia
  3. Great idea gunna make one from a mop bucket lol
  4. Just about finished this stopnet, hand made I used 2” mesh board I’m nearly at 10 yards n gunna drop it down to 5 yards so will have 100% bagging thanks for looking
  5. Hi bud join our Facebook group got a lot of net makers with loads of advice hope this helps you too https://www.(!64.56:886/groups/183870588617164/?ref=share
  6. Never thought of this gunna give it a try
  7. I’m thinking about doing a snapchat or another social media sorted for this group too
  8. If you enjoy net making then please come join our Facebook group tia https://www.(!64.56:886/groups/183870588617164/?ref=share
  9. If you enjoy net making then come join our Facebook group tia https://www.(!64.56:886/groups/183870588617164/?ref=share
  10. If you enjoy making nets come check out our Facebook group https://www.(!64.56:886/groups/183870588617164/?ref=share

  11. Ah right guess I won’t be lol cheers
  12. Thanks for the replies n theft wouldn’t happen I’d be there waiting lol
  13. ruggers13


    Hi not posted in a good while I’ve been making nets for the past 5 years or so now I’ve made purse nets gate nets stopnets longnets only one I haven’t made are dropnets anyone know how I would go about hand making them ? Tia
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