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Cockerels Free Need Gone Asap

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Hi everyone just having a rant. I've been breeding poultry for around 20 years now and I defiantly don't claim to know everything but always like to learn something new of a fellow poultryman or women. But when browsing the internet or magazine which I tend not to buy anymore it really winds me up when people have had a go at breeding birds and have a load of cockerels left over and are trying to get rid. My point is, if newcomers to poultry have a go at breeding some birds which i think can be a great thing to do they must also take the responsibility in having to deal with surplus birds ie most of the time cockerels that they can't keep. Every poultry breeder knows you have to deal with culling birds it's not a pleasurable thing to do and I personally hate it but if your going to breed poultry it comes with breeding. Most of the time the bird advertised are of no real quality and would be better off having been dispatched at an early age. You might occasional get a few gems but most are not.

I have had people throw cockerels over the fence in to my farm on a few occasions which I've had to get rid of.

So I think if newcomers to poultry have a bash at it please take responsibility and not put unwanted cockerels up for sale or free to good home. If you can't dispatch them ask about if someone can do it for you and then you won't be left with birds you don't want or anybody else doesn't want.

Rant over.

Edited by stevo79
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Have to agree.

What's also becoming common is to see live roosters dumped on country roads.

A neighbour asked me a few days ago was I missing chickens as some cocks had wandered into his yard.

It's a cowardly act.


Another poultry keeper I do some vermin control for is a foreman on a large job and told me that the Polish workers give him 7 euro for a dead cock , feathers and all.

They reckon they're much tastier than supermarket chicken and make a dish they call "Cock Soup."

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The dumping of live birds i've seen for myself Neil. Imo it's the new crop of 'good lifers' that want to live in a land of sterilised poultry keeping, for which sales are increasing year on year. Dobbies (rip-off) garden centres for one, struggle with demand..!

A mate of mine takes all the cock birds off his uncles small holding. If they need to fill out a bit, he keeps em a few weeks and they go to either the table or the kennel and are very welcome to both, why waste bloody good grub...!

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Also came across dumped poultry. I'll admit I've only been keeping poultry 2 years and last year I bought an incubator, I done two batches - one batch was mostly hens -great- the second batch mostly roosters.


Difference is I accepted it may happen before the incubator was even switched on. I've never sold or give away ANY of my birds. Now nearly a year on all them wee rooster who I was told should of been killed are running about my field happy as Larry. Infact - best birds I've got. They don't fight overly bad and really are happy birds. Gorgeous marked even though they are mixed breed. I'm not a breeder I bred these for personal use.


Anyway long story short, always expect the unexpected and if you don't want roosters then don't incubate unless your sure of getting homes or keep for personal use!

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I have 3 people who give me all their cockerels, they know either me, fhe dog or the ferrets will be eating them but they just can't neck them themselves ;D

I also used to run a small group of em without any hens on my sheep fields, they keep the snails down and thereby keep the fluke down.


Trouble is as soon as other people spotted them I got loads more dumped on me, bringing scaley leg and spider mites with them >:(

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We have a varied selection of birds, some for laying, some meat birds and some ornamental/pets. Over the years we have incubated eggs and allowed the birds to brood their own, which of course has resulted in a variety of cockerels. I have no problem whatsoever in necking the unwanted which as young ones go to the ferrets and some of them I grow on for about a year to make them big enough for making my Coq an Vin( Hugh Fearnly Whittingstalls recipe)The ferrets and I love cockerels.

I have noticed when talking to a lot of would be chicken owners they are not wanting to address the issue of what to do with egg layers who don't lay anymore or surplus birds.

Well we have a lovely big black Cochin cock that's starting to throw his weight around, so his days are numbered, time for Coq Au Vin.

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ive bred laying birds for over 20 years the cockerels get culled i only bred to replace existing hens. But on quite a few occasions people have threw young cocks over the fences onto the poultry allotments which winds everyone up.

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It's good to know we're all on the same page with this it's something that bugged me for years. I'm all for people getting into poultry. Surely it's border line cruelty if there not getting chucked over a fence there bound to be scraping one another when breeding season arrives not enough hens to go round so kick ten bales out if each other and the hens get trodden to much and get bald backs. This little poultry enterprise turns into reality.

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Can't understand why people do this, surely if they decide to raise poultry they should expect and be willing to slaughter.

Growing up the way I have with hunting etc I've never had a problem with killing but even the lads down the allotment with chickens knew when the hens stopped laying then they would have to be prepared for the table and any cocks that weren't needed would have to go.

For the record I am more than willing to take any cocks off people's hands rather than them being dumped in other peoples stock or at side of road.

Cocks can be plumped up for the table or the dogs will have a nice treat.

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The trouble is poultry keeping has rocketed in the last 10 years. Everyone's having a go at the good life and don't realize how much hard work it really is. Stupid tv programmes that make it look like anyone can do it. Not realizing that you have think about your livestock before yourself, being home to shut your birds up every night or mr fox will wipe them all out. I had a lady come to my place she said I have 6 pekin cocks fully grown in my garden do you want them? I'm getting complaints about the crowing.i said I would take them but I was going to neck them and feed them to my dogs. She said oh no no no there my babies. I said see you later.?

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The trouble is poultry keeping has rocketed in the last 10 years. Everyone's having a go at the good life and don't realize how much hard work it really is. Stupid tv programmes that make it look like anyone can do it. Not realizing that you have think about your livestock before yourself, being home to shut your birds up every night or mr fox will wipe them all out. I had a lady come to my place she said I have 6 pekin cocks fully grown in my garden do you want them? I'm getting complaints about the crowing.i said I would take them but I was going to neck them and feed them to my dogs. She said oh no no no there my babies. I said see you later.

Lol what the hell did she expect you to do with 6 of them?? Cant say my place would benefit from 6 cocks running around. Straight to the dogs!

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