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No lab will still get called a ginger tosser lol

These changes will kill the general talk section. We're all adults, and if your letting ur kids flick through the Internet unsupervised then a few "fucks" and "c**ts" on thl will probably be the tamest thing they see.

General talk is the only bit worth looking at everyone knows the dog sections are f****d and the shooting section is full of twats lol

Anyway we shall see in time I suppose.

Ah well. We will be seeing you then.


It's been emotional.

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You, ll never be able to leave Pip behind , that club foot leaves a trail Stevie Wonder could follow .

No doubt Matt will be along with a patronising post followed by a padlock.

Don't know about emotional, but one thing is clear reading through this ,   Matt and moxy I'm at a olds why you were given mod status. Your attitudes and the way you bait members is pretty plain to

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Don't know about emotional, but one thing is clear reading through this ,


Matt and moxy I'm at a olds why you were given mod status.

Your attitudes and the way you bait members is pretty plain to see.


And it's only you pair that revels in these posts.

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It would be a travesty to lose the general section, its done a lot of good with the various fund raisers that its done in THL's name.



general section is a place for everything, without it all the spam will be spread around all sub forums.. much harder to keep on top of imo..

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Don't know about emotional, but one thing is clear reading through this ,


Matt and moxy I'm at a olds why you were given mod status.

Your attitudes and the way you bait members is pretty plain to see.


And it's only you pair that revels in these posts.




I've got better things to do than this, ....... honest :yes:


Now for the last time, would everyone please let it drop.


Ian has decided the rules, and if you haven't got the decency to respect his wishes, then THL really isn't the place for you.



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Don't know about emotional, but one thing is clear reading through this ,

Matt and moxy I'm at a olds why you were given mod status.

Your attitudes and the way you bait members is pretty plain to see.

And it's only you pair that revels in these posts.


I hate goodbyes scot...........

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This is f*****g disgraceful! It's practically an infringement on my human right to free speech! Seriously I can't believe how terribly this is going to affect my life.... :yes::censored:
























No wait.... I don't give a shit.... :laugh:

Edited by Born Hunter
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