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Have One Look At This Sick c**t,persecution Complex Or What

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This kid had aspergers and was half british half Asian saying he hated and wanted to kill blonde women. This should go down as a racial hate crime. Apparently his dad is a Hollywood film producer did the hunger games I think.

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I blame the modern society for this crap, all these online gaming dicks acting out what they see in the games, they spend far too long in an artificial world they think it's reality

Aye because people like Peter Sutcliffe and Micheal Ryan didn't exist before people started playing video games all the time did they?? If anything the modern 24/7 news culture and the exposure it gives dicks like this lad are more to blame. All these socially retarded fucks want is to be the centre of attention.
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Why didn't he just look into things like the writings of Style (Neil Strauss...awesome author, I met him and he's a f**king legend), Mystery (The Mystery Method), and other PUA's?


What an idiot. If he became a PUA, he'd be able to pull so much more and would still be alive....loving every date and pleasurable moment, instead of being a dead kid.


Congrats for proving nothing.


Shame he's dead though. Would have been poetic justice for him to be in prison to watch programs like The Pick Up Artist, and the alike, to show him he could be getting laid by stunners.


Totally agree with Jack68, just get a hooker. His dad was co-director of Hunger Games, or something like that. The kid's a total idiot.

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