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We Should Stop Looking For Cures For Cancer

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After just coming back from visiting my 28 year old sister in hospital where she is recovering from having a cancerous tumour removed from her breast, I can safely say Packham has just over taken Piers Morgan at the top of my list of Celebs I'd definitely punch in the mouth if I ever came face to face with.. :yes:


Completely agree. I'm going through treatment at the moment so this was a little hard for me to see, what that prick said, not anyone on here. Obviously no one close to him has every had cancer. Hope his next sh1te is a hedgehog backwards, see how that suits him for putting wildlife first. Fcuking waste of oxygen, kind of prick I'd never grow tired of smacking with a concrete crusted shovel! Sorry in a bit of ranting mood lol.


Malt hope your sister is doing OK and all the best for future :)



Edited by jennym
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Completely agree. I'm going through treatment at the moment so this was a little hard for me to see, what that prick said, not anyone on here. Obviously no one close to him has every had cancer. Hope

I hope the next badger he rapes gives him t.b he should do us all a favour and try n stamp out a volcano

Prick, plain and simple.. It's the Most evil of diseases,   Malt I hope your sisters on the mend mate   Jenny, I wish you all the best, and hope you make a full recovery

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This man is a f***ing w....er nazi eugenics sheep shqgging tree hugging racist twat who thinks animals are equal to humans.what pathetic dribble insulting cancer paitents.theres no money in curing ppl plenty in treating tho.alot if ppl shout there mouth of without actually looking at evidence overpopulation is scare tactics.the earths resourses are there for us to use.before ppl start getting two cents in go an look at evidence for over pop cancer cures etc the truth is there if u dig it out.to many ppl minds made up for them by tv.wake up.god forgive me but if he gets cancer f**k him

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After just coming back from visiting my 28 year old sister in hospital where she is recovering from having a cancerous tumour removed from her breast, I can safely say Packham has just over taken Piers Morgan at the top of my list of Celebs I'd definitely punch in the mouth if I ever came face to face with.. :yes:


Completely agree. I'm going through treatment at the moment so this was a little hard for me to see, what that prick said, not anyone on here. Obviously no one close to him has every had cancer. Hope his next sh1te is a hedgehog backwards, see how that suits him for putting wildlife first. Fcuking waste of oxygen, kind of prick I'd never grow tired of smacking with a concrete crusted shovel! Sorry in a bit of ranting mood lol.


Malt hope your sister is doing OK and all the best for future :)



How are you doing Jenny? All good I hope :(


It always happens to the nice ones, so they say. I bet he and his family are all pricks that they don't suffer like we do.



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i still cant beleive what this ejit said reduce population an let ppl die of dicease but take care of animals.he must of been dropped when he was a child.my mum got the cancer an survived its outrageous his mind set he a dangerous man an he has followers.does no one else realise this

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After just coming back from visiting my 28 year old sister in hospital where she is recovering from having a cancerous tumour removed from her breast, I can safely say Packham has just over taken Piers Morgan at the top of my list of Celebs I'd definitely punch in the mouth if I ever came face to face with.. :yes:

Completely agree. I'm going through treatment at the moment so this was a little hard for me to see, what that prick said, not anyone on here. Obviously no one close to him has every had cancer. Hope his next sh1te is a hedgehog backwards, see how that suits him for putting wildlife first. Fcuking waste of oxygen, kind of prick I'd never grow tired of smacking with a concrete crusted shovel! Sorry in a bit of ranting mood lol. Malt hope your sister is doing OK and all the best for future :) Jenny

You're not ranting pet, that packam is a right prick and we'll out of order. Cancer affects the family as well and friends. It destroys families and for that prick to come out and say that is disgusting. He is a total and utter waste of space.

If there was no such thing as cancer research we all know somebody affected. He is putting a tb ridden badger above my family members who have it or have had it.


I can't imagine how pissed off hearing that Jen from a so called celebrity. I'm not usually like this but if he were to be terminally ill with something painful I would have a little chuckle, not nice I know but that's how I feel about him.

I hope all goes well for you Jen and Malt's sister.

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Thing is people want to live forever don't they? And if they don't the family will want to keep them alive forever for their own reasons. People have to die its just nature. It's more sad when kids are taken too soon. Prehaps when things get real extreme with the population issue they won't treat you if your past a certain age? Although can bet your money it'll end up being if your old and can afford it then youll be treated. They already aren't keen I'm sure on treating smokers? They will have stricter rules on who gets treatment. In some ways it's like that now anyway aint it? I mean some the stuff celebs have had I'm sure if it was just us regular people we wouldn't of got the same treatment and survived. Not only treatment but I bet the really rich are checked up alot more often and live better lifestyles and diets anyway. When its your time it's your time so make the most of it.

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wonder what his view would be, if human numbers declined massively and disease became rampant in the animal world, due to over-population? prize bellend that c**t.



hope your sister makes a full recovery mal. :thumbs:


b*****d of a disease, cancer.

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I'm not usually sadistic or horrible, being a keen believer in karma BUT..... Wouldn't you just love to see him squirm in everything someone with cancer goes through?

I know there's many types of cancer and levels of it but I think for anyone with the smallest or treatable sorts deserve this disease.

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After just coming back from visiting my 28 year old sister in hospital where she is recovering from having a cancerous tumour removed from her breast, I can safely say Packham has just over taken Piers Morgan at the top of my list of Celebs I'd definitely punch in the mouth if I ever came face to face with.. :yes:

Completely agree. I'm going through treatment at the moment so this was a little hard for me to see, what that prick said, not anyone on here. Obviously no one close to him has every had cancer. Hope his next sh1te is a hedgehog backwards, see how that suits him for putting wildlife first. Fcuking waste of oxygen, kind of prick I'd never grow tired of smacking with a concrete crusted shovel! Sorry in a bit of ranting mood lol.


Malt hope your sister is doing OK and all the best for future :)



How are you doing Jenny? All good I hope :(


It always happens to the nice ones, so they say. I bet he and his family are all pricks that they don't suffer like we do.






Yeah sorry I had a bit of a rant there lol.


Yeah I have good chance of full recovery so i am one of the lucky ones :) Just finished chemo which was fairly gruelling. 6 months out my life, hoping to make it out for end of grouse on the flank but will need to play by ear.


Not genetic so just one of these things, I was diagnosed in Jan this year at 32, 5months off work so far, too high risk for me to work incase I pick up an infection with compromised immune system.


And I agree that these kind of things seem to always hit nice people (dunno where I fit in lol), never the ones that deserve it.




P.S. Edited to fix typo ;)

Edited by jennym
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Yeah sorry I had a bit of a rant there lol.


Yeah I have good chance of full recovery so i am one of the lucky ones :) Just finished chemo which was fairly gruelling. 6 months out my life, hoping to make it out for end of grouse on the flank but will need to play by ear.


Not genetic so just one of these things, I was diagnosed in Jan this year at 32, 5months off work so far, too high risk for me to work incase I pick up an infection with compromised immune system.


And I agree that these kind of things seem to always hit nice people (dunno where I fit in lol), never the ones that deserve it.




P.S. Edited to fix typo ;)

You've been through one hell of a ride so far and deserve the rant when knobheads go around disrespecting the amount of work that goes into cancer research and the people who have had cancer or dealt with it through friends and family.

It's scum like him who'll deserve all that comes to him.


Aye, you're one of the nicest I've met on here, unfortunately the rest pretend to be tough men and try not to let their walls down ;):D but I'm glad you're well and through the chemo and that's all you need so far? Fingers crossed for the grouse and I expect to see a write up on your day out :thumbs:

Shame I don't live closer or would make a good day out and my first shoot haha


Take care and speak soon.




Ps: edit, removed quotes

Edited by WhiteRabbit
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Prick, plain and simple..

It's the Most evil of diseases,


Malt I hope your sisters on the mend mate


Jenny, I wish you all the best, and hope you make a full recovery

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Its a terrible disease.

My misses uncle died last week with leuccemia.

Battled it on and off for 4 years.

hard dore chemo and bone marrow transplant.

Went into remission 3 times and came back.

Long painfull few years for the whole family only 49.

went for a routine check up and got told he had a week or two to go.

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