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Tattos Sleeves

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Like plastic tits and botox.....tattoos on women just reeks of desperation to me......cant beat a naturally attractive woman who doesnt have to try too hard.

I have one sleeve, just a personal thing. I like it, couldn't care less what anyone else thinks. Plenty of things I don't understand but other folk enjoy it so more power to them. I don't think it mak

Good post that mate, my pop was covered back and front.......they got done by hand in a prison camp when my old man was in the army.The lad who did them must have been very skilful as it was all freeh

I have one sleeve, just a personal thing. I like it, couldn't care less what anyone else thinks. Plenty of things I don't understand but other folk enjoy it so more power to them. I don't think it makes me look 'hard'. Its just a bit of ink on me arms. I simply like the work :yes:

Looking ard , was just a joke mate , its not for me , but I have seen some impressive tattoos , and as you say Its a personal thing and of no consequence what any one else thinks .

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I try my best not to offend people ,






but in your case I,ll make an exception , you shit stirring Scottish fuker .

:laugh: Stan, you've offended more c**ts on here than me by a country mile, your wee backtracks don't fool me :laugh:

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Mmm, nothing wrong with my roadrunner one.


I have 14 and all to do with what I have and what I still enjoy in life. Some love em and some hate them.


As for your sleeve you will need an arm the size of a gorilla to get all that on and make it look good. The characters will be very small so not much room for detail. Good luck and don't dive in at the first tattooist you find, research,research,research.

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I try my best not to offend people ,






but in your case I,ll make an exception , you shit stirring Scottish fuker .


:laugh: Stan, you've offended more c**ts on here than me by a country mile, your wee backtracks don't fool me :laugh:




LOL your kidding surely , I am probably the politest , least offensive person on here . You on the other hand are the biggest piss taker , biggest shit stirrer and its a toss up between you and Stabba who talks the most shite on here .







no offence intended .

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I have got loads of tattoos including a dragon that wraps all around my body ... It starts on my toe and finishes on my shoulder .... f**k my I must be rocky van dam segal lee :laugh: ...........

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Sleeves.... Every young blade has to have a sleeve done now..... All I hear in the gym is sleeve this, sleeve that...!! And its mostly the religious ones that are being done at the mo. The kids never seen a church in his life but has Jesus and every other religious symbol tattooed up his right arm...


Who am I to talk, I had a half sleeve done about 25 years ago. It was quite unusual at the time and I still like it. I've never regretted any of my tattoos, even though i'd never get some of 'em done now, they are little pieces of my history. I still love seeing good work done.


What I have come to realise, after enough years looking at both tattoo art and the scene in general, is that a single piece, pref of a traditional tattoo style, a real good one, really does stand the test of time, more that your faddy stuff like modern tribal and religious sleeves etc.


So the moral of my story is this, if ya really want one, then get one BUT take your time and get the best you can get done, its there forever....!

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Sleeves.... Every young blade has to have a sleeve done now..... All I hear in the gym is sleeve this, sleeve that...!! And its mostly the religious ones that are being done at the mo. The kids never seen a church in his life but has Jesus and every other religious symbol tattooed up his right arm...


Who am I to talk, I had a half sleeve done about 25 years ago. It was quite unusual at the time and I still like it. I've never regretted any of my tattoos, even though i'd never get some of 'em done now, they are little pieces of my history. I still love seeing good work done.


What I have come to realise, after enough years looking at both tattoo art and the scene in general, is that a single piece, pref of a traditional tattoo style, a real good one, really does stand the test of time, more that your faddy stuff like modern tribal and religious sleeves etc.


So the moral of my story is this, if ya really want one, then get one BUT take your time and get the best you can get done, its there forever....!

Good post that mate, my pop was covered back and front.......they got done by hand in a prison camp when my old man was in the army.

The lad who did them must have been very skilful as it was all freehand and the kit was fashioned out of what they could find and the artwork was fantastic.


Funny though, my dad always said to me never to get one done and I never have.


I have seen some good work, my favourite being the Japanese stuff but when you see it on Japs in Japan !!


The lads who go to the gym and work on the disco muscles then cover it in some boring generic tat look like tools to me


By the way, totally unrelated question but why do lads who weight train have to cut about in a vest all the time?.........I used to play football but I didn't go up the paper shop in my shin pads every day ! Lol

Edited by WILF
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Its true Baw , believe me , get it done and I bet Gnasher will want to be your mate , go on get it done ,

ps the tribal markings on the face make you look double ard .

Lol Stan. I'm sure gnasher said in the past he doesn't like them either. And don't start me on woman having them :laugh:



How did i get dragged into this...........i like tattoos.....just not on me :D ......spent 50 quid getting a few done as a kid and 5 grand getting them removed 25 years later !!!.............The thing i hate is trendy tattoos.....grown men having poncey celtic bands and tribal nonsense they dont even understand......middle aged women having Cheryl Cole flowers on their hands or feet :bad: .......its almost childlike.....or the mma boys having the obligatory sleeve......i find it funny in a way.............each to their own im nobody to say what folk should and shouldnt do with their body......i just find most of todays stuff repulsive to be honest.

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