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Lineker Blames Pushy Parents For Ruining English Footie

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Gary Lineker has launched a devastating attack on pushy parents in England, claiming that the culture that makes kids' games ultra-competitive encounters marked by fierce criticism shouted from the touchlines is what is holding back the national game.

The former England international condemned the "utterly depressing behaviour" of ambitious parents who rant and rave on the touchline trying to turn their children into football stars.



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My lad does kung fu and footy and my daughter does ballet and gymnastics, I think the problem is the exact opposite, parents just don't give a flying flook these days, I sit in every lesson or watch t

Don't wanna upset anybody either bit I don't think cling your kid lazy is bad, I think watching your child be lazy when you know they are capable of much more is bad. Granted I wouldn't scream and sho

Does anybody else blame linekar for making g kids fat, seeing as he made walkers ads? Lol

Can't say I've ever noticed much criticism shouted from the sidelines when I watch my boy play for the under 11's every Saturday morning. Plenty of support, encouragement and congratulations shouted but no abuse or criticism..

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Can't say I've ever noticed much criticism shouted from the sidelines when I watch my boy play for the under 11's every Saturday morning. Plenty of support, encouragement and congratulations shouted but no abuse or criticism..

Same with the rugby here mate.

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I've had the displeasure of hearing a few parents being less than supportive. One in particular who spent the entire match shouting, called his daughter a lazy cow :icon_eek: and never gave her an ounce of praise. I wanted to punch him in the mouth but I reckon that wouldn't have set a great example :laugh:

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My lad does kung fu and footy and my daughter does ballet and gymnastics, I think the problem is the exact opposite, parents just don't give a flying flook these days, I sit in every lesson or watch there training at every opportunity, but the parents that drop there kids off an leave them are not interested in the slightest, there are kids in both there classes who get dropped off as tho it's a baby sitting service, some of them been there years an are nowt but shit and don't even try or put effort in, I reckon them parents wanna have a good chat with themselves and there kids, why take time out your day to drop your kid off, pay the fee then take no interest whatsoever in your kids and what they are learning? Both my kids have flown past older kids and kids doing same classes longer, why? Cos I put effort in, an I make sure they do as well, otherwise they may as well sit at home and play Wii. Then there's a country full of parents who won't even take there kids to classes, too much hassle for them, kids need encouraged, granted they are kids and don't need pushed into things, but after 2 years if kung fu my lad is up there with kids who been doing it twice as long, and all because I support him, point him in right direction an above all else I care... I put in effort, they put in effort, no great mystery, maybe some parents are too pushy, but far more just don't give a shit imo, and that's the problem with our youngsters these days.... imho

Edited by Hot Meat
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Don't wanna upset anybody either bit I don't think cling your kid lazy is bad, I think watching your child be lazy when you know they are capable of much more is bad. Granted I wouldn't scream and shout at my kids, but I wouldn't watch them putting on half efforts and say nowt, if they don't wanna be there then fair play, just don't go and do things half heartedly, if we as parents can't say it to them, what chance have they got as adults?

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Kids Now Have More Options In Life I.E. Computers , Other Sports Ect , When My Generation Was Growing Up It Was Football None Of The Above , Most Of The Best Players We've Seen Have Come From Council Estates Where There Only Sport Could Be Football Where As Now Them Council Estate Kids Have Other Options/Distractions , Look At Andy Murray His Mother Obviously Drove Him On As A Child And He Has Achieved What Most Off Us Didnt Think Possible A Brit Winning Wimbledon So That Puts Linekers Theory Out The Window , There Is A Fine Line To Supporting Your Child In Sport And Pushing Them To The Extent It Becomes The Parents Goal More Than The Childs . My Son Declared At 15 He Was Going To Live In America And Play Football (After Being In California At A Football Tournament) I Thought It Was A Faze But His Desire To Achieve That Was All His , I Told Him He Needed A Trade Before He Went And He Served His Time As A Printer Which He Did (And His Desire Never Waivered) So With A Bit Off Financing From Me At 19 He Went To Live His Dream , All His Own Doing So If A Kid Has A Dream And There Focused No Pushing Can/Will Alter That 1Way Or The Other !!

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Gotta be a balance surely? You gotta encourage your kid and be supportive but you gotta play to win and understand there is always a winner and looser. If you don't like loosing train harder and do better. Whole pat on the back for taking part aint my way of thinking.

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How many parents really treat their kids like that? Less than 5% would you say?


Now how many of those 5% would have made top level athletes? Less than 1%?


So that's 0.05% of the population of young sportsmen that are being denied their potential.......... that's piss in the ocean Gary!


As far as football goes i think it's widely accepted that the success of the English leagues is to the detriment of the English player. But I'm not qualified to comment too much on that. But that has too much of a Nationalist flavour for modern Britain eh?


Competition should be encouraged, there's no glory in coming second. I kinda like the american attitude/culture to sports and I personally believe that that is our downfall in sports in general.

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my lad is 12 and plays for west brom at elite development level and is currently on trial at there full academy.on match days you are not allowed to shout or scream during the match but just let the lads get on with there own game.you never even hear the managers raise there voice.i think it is a fantastic way to let the lads just get on with there game and im sure they play better without everyone on the sideline shouting at them.the lads train four nights a week and the last thing they need is some old git on the sideline telling them how to play.

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Gary Lineker has launched a devastating attack on pushy parents in England, claiming that the culture that makes kids' games ultra-competitive encounters marked by fierce criticism shouted from the touchlines is what is holding back the national game.

The former England international condemned the "utterly depressing behaviour" of ambitious parents who rant and rave on the touchline trying to turn their children into football stars.




my lad is 12 and plays for west brom at elite development level and is currently on trial at there full academy.on match days you are not allowed to shout or scream during the match but just let the lads get on with there own game.you never even hear the managers raise there voice.i think it is a fantastic way to let the lads just get on with there game and im sure they play better without everyone on the sideline shouting at them.the lads train four nights a week and the last thing they need is some old git on the sideline telling them how to play.



I watched a thing once about the youth system at Ajax (who I think we would all agree have produced some outstanding players), they were playing PSV and losing at half time........the manager f***ing rinsed them out in the dressing room, no holds barred.

Its the buffoons who have obviously never kicked a ball in anger and don't know what they are talking about that make the most noise.

They used to have youngsters games on Sundays when I played and to see some of the wallys hollering at the sidelines was a joke

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pro clubs taking kids on the books as young as 6 then dumping them at 16 don't help ...i spent 10 years coaching and managing at grass roots level so much work is done by the fa and charter clubs to educate the parents as well as the players .. scouts were a fecking pain in the arse ..

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