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Supermarket 'special' Parking Spaces .....

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some people need wider parking spaces as they need to pull a wheel chair along side the door to slide across to get in the car..   getting rid of parking spaces is not a good idea but automatic fine

i need a bigger space to lift my lad out of the car and in to his wheel chair. he is 11.5 stone i cant carry him far and i need to open the door fully to get him out. if all the disabled badge spaces

Ive seen disabled parking bays further from the door than normal spaces..... I thought they wanted to be treated just the same so they should not getting any special treatment. Canny really compl

i use her mums blue parking thing most days and get out the car with a limp it doesnt bother me :laugh:



lol now your trying to look good :tongue2:


if you really was not bothered you would get out of the car without a limp and jog in to sainsburys :laugh::laugh:

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i use her mums blue parking thing most days and get out the car with a limp it doesnt bother me :laugh:



lol now your trying to look good :tongue2:


if you really was not bothered you would get out of the car without a limp and jog in to sainsburys :laugh::laugh:


i wouldnt argue with the blue badge brigade no way,the cant half scrap :laugh:

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If blue badges were given to the genuinely disabled and not every malingering fecker who thinks they're disabled, then perhaps the public might be a bit more understanding and respectful. I know, as I'm sure most do, people with blue badges and mobility cars who are blatantly working the system.

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I've got no problem with disabled parking spaces.


What boils my piss is the extra large spaces ten yards from the door reserved for useless tarts that can't reverse into a parking space and who want to inflict their badly behaved spawn on the rest of us....


Fecking annoying little chavvy b*****ds running around in supermarkets making a nuisance of themselves...


I love kids.

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I got a parking ticket for parking on a stretch of road with parking restrictions, the ticket warden said it was dangerous for me to park where I was, as she wrote out the ticket a blue badge holder parked behind me and walked away leaving his car, I said, is he getting a ticket, she said no, because he had a blue badge, so how the f**k does that work then?

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I got a parking ticket for parking on a stretch of road with parking restrictions, the ticket warden said it was dangerous for me to park where I was, as she wrote out the ticket a blue badge holder parked behind me and walked away leaving his car, I said, is he getting a ticket, she said no, because he had a blue badge, so how the f**k does that work then?



believe it or not you can park on double yellows if you display blue badges as long as your not causing an obstruction...

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See our local multistory a third of every floor is disabled parking and another third on the first floor is given over to car valeting paying customers are being forced to park mostly in level 3/5 , how is there so many disable folk , whats happening in society

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the best one is when they wheel themselves to the back of their car, stand up, fold up the wheelchair, open the boot, lift the wheelchair into the boot. close the boot, walk to the drivers door, get in and remove their disabled parking permit from the window and drive off :icon_eek:

got to agree iv seen it done :yes: iv also seen people using crutches to get about for months on end as they say they need them / cant get about without them then see them running down the road wtf ? its all a benifit scam and minority for a sympathy vote!

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not everybody with a blue badge has a wheelchair though, it seems to me the blue badge/disabled parking bay thingy is just becoming OAP parking perk as when i am sat in asda car park waiting for the Mrs, 99% of the people i see using these disabled bays seem to have no obvious disabilities what so ever :hmm:

agree again.. lol

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I was talking to a police sergeant and she had parked in a disabled bay at a supermarket , and a job's worth says thats improper use and a £75 fine see the sign , She just said try it im in the police and those signs are worthless .


Theres so much corruption with the blue badges everybody just ignores them

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