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The Corruption In Scottish Football

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Whatever happened to being concerned with your own fecking team? :blink: Ive read countless threads started by so called Celtic fans about Rangers over the years since I've been on here, even before the current situation. It almost borders of obsession with some of you lot.. I've read a few threads regarding Celtic started by Rangers fans, but probably about 1 for every 10 that a Celtic fan starts..

If you bothered to read the OP it's about corruption in our governing game. The fact it's rangers that the governing bodies are protecting is hardly my fault. Am I not allowed to comment on the state of the SFA/SPL because rangers are involved? I think you'll find I start plenty of Celtic threads, last being before the juventus game the next will be before the juventus game tonight. Is that ok with you?

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I don't follow Scottish football , though if I did and was a Celtic fan I'd be saying Nothing about a bit of Corruption concerning players (All the top teams both sides off the border have done it ove

usual pish scottish football nothing but biggoted dribble like the coursing threads :laugh:

Pmsl are you? I've got a good friend who supports the buddies. Good wee stadium you have now.

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Baw, what Malt said is bang on the money! You and another on this site are more anti Rangers than celtic fans!! Time tae grow up a bit maybe?? What's the change of name and new shirt deal got to do with any celtic fan?? 54 tiles, and your not getting 1!!!

Don't want any of your old defunct clubs titles, they can bury them with the club for all I care. I'll comment on the state of rangers as I see fit, that's what rival fans do, didn't you know that?

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Flicked the radio on just after 6pm to listen to a radio station that we have here in the west of Scotland...Clyde FM. They have a football phone every week night from 6-8pm Mon-Fri. Some of the callers do come on and make valid points but the Celtic fans??? FFS get a life and worry about your own club and what's goin on with it. Celtic have a big game in Europe tomorrow night i think and what do the Celtic fans want to talk about??? Rangers...Rangers and more fcukin Rangers. What the fcuk is it with this lot??? They're paraniod when Rangers are winning titles...cups etc and they're paranoid even when Rangers are at their lowest ebb ever!!! Playing Juve in ITaly tomorrow night and they want to come on and talk about Rangers and their demise....what a bunch of sad fcukin individuals!!!

What's sad about talking about your rivals getting off practically scot free in one of the worlds biggest cheating scandals? Yes there is a big game tonight but the radio isn't the only place your allowed to talk about it. I'll tell you what's sadder than a fan talking about their rivals, its a fan of a club with no connection to another, backing a club through the hatred of another..... Now that's sad :yes:

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Can't see this thread staying put much longer, as usual Baw has lit the fuse and retired to watch the fireworks.. I've got a feeling this is going exactly the way he wanted this thread to go...

Sorry for having a life outside of here malt, if you think I sit back and watch, you couldn't be further from the truth. I'll be leaving here about 1 today, just so your not fretting at my absence ;)

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I don't follow Scottish football , though if I did and was a Celtic fan I'd be saying Nothing about a bit of Corruption concerning players (All the top teams both sides off the border have done it over the yrs only a few have been caught) if there was a black cloud over my club concerning kids being abused . . Not that if its true is Horrific !

Honestly makes me pmsl when folk know nothing yet decide to comment. You've no idea the rivalry between Celtic and Rangers fans so trying to understand would be useless!! And why a neutral would bring up the kiddie fiddling is beyond me?
Maybe he's just trying to illustrate that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?

I know a little about the old firm rivalry and know its about much more than the game up there, but even with that knowledge I still think I'm inclined to agree with him.. :thumbs:

So by agreeing with lanesra I take it if tomorrow it came out that Alex Ferguson touched a few bairns up in training one day you'd immediately stop supporting Man U? Or would you continue to support and never say a word about a dodgy decision just incase someone brings up the abuse case? Genuine question that mate??
Theres having a word about a situation mate, and there's saying it over and over and over.. Same old shit that stirs up the same old feelings, time and time again..
Exactly!!! If you read the 1st post then its plain to see its posted as a huge dig at anyone connected with the teams and the area. I lowered it to that level because that's what was asked for. If you'd posted in a more appropriate manner then maybe some "intellegent response" as you put it may have been posted...Baw...BAG Haha ;+) Jokin Baw!!! Rangers guilty of certain things there's no doubt. They been punished harshly in some ways and lightly in others but look what they've already lost in revenue this and last year and its gonna continue for several more years so the punishment in the end will be huge!!!


As the man says "people in glass house shoudn't throws stanes ;()


Banters been good but i'm off to watch a decent game!!!

How have you been punished? You got deducted 10 points cos you went into administration, that's the rules of the game not a punishment. Your club is now dead and you formed a new club to support called the rangers. All clubs start from the bottom, again not a punishment. The fact the SFA/SPL tryed to force you into Div 1 is exactly the corruption I'm talking about. The bad feelings your club has towards all SPL clubs shown with your no show against Dundee Utd, is down to the SPL making clubs vote you in like your special. Not only weren't you punished but the SFA broke their own rules to allow you to exist in the 3rd division. 3 years books you need which you haven't got. Why I'm explaining this to a st mirren fan is beyond me. The only real punishment over the whole sordid affair was handed out by lord Nimmo the other day. A poultry £250k fine to an already dead club, well done sir.

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Malt I'll even buy ye a pie lol and you'll be above the blue order so plenty of bouncing about!

Do you still have your brass band to entertain yous? Tickles me that, at Celtic our entertainments on the pitch :)

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Lab no one ever said he knew about it at the time but just lisent or read lol, why did he sack the man??? For abusing kids mate that's why and it was never reported, then after JS left the man ended up back?? Come on man ffs! Last I'll say on it also

Torbet wasn't employed by Celtic in the first place so how could he come back to Celtic? It's amazing the shite folk talk and others believe. It's like calling us paranoid for something that happened over 15 years ago, rangers fans never forget. They do however forget when the paranoia involves there own club even if its just a matter of months ago

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What's sad about talking about your rivals getting off practically scot free in one of the worlds biggest cheating scandals?

Without being disrespectful.......i hardly think its one of the worlds biggest cheating scandals.....nobody outside Scotland gives a shit !..........I understand its a big deal to Scots and particularly Celtic fans but i think thats getting a little bit carried away :laugh:

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What's sad about talking about your rivals getting off practically scot free in one of the worlds biggest cheating scandals?

Without being disrespectful.......i hardly think its one of the worlds biggest cheating scandals.....nobody outside Scotland gives a shit !..........I understand its a big deal to Scots and particularly Celtic fans but i think thats getting a little bit carried away :laugh:

:laugh: if you think owing the tax payer over a £100 million, smaller companies millions, getting players for years through blatantly cheating the system. Threaten anyone whether its media, managers, SPL tribunals, judges, who had the audacity to speak of it. Closing down, debt clear, buy the stadium and club for a couple of mill, pretend nothing happened is just nothing, fair do's :thumbs:

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And if you think some dude on his surfboard in Hawaii is going to know or be bothered about every last detail like you do.....your off your trolley mate :laugh:

To you and other Scots its a huge deal...................." biggest cheating scandal in the world ".........i dont think so.

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And if you think some dude on his surfboard in Hawaii is going to know or be bothered about every last detail like you do.....your off your trolley mate :laugh:

To you and other Scots its a huge deal...................." biggest cheating scandal in the world ".........i dont think so.

If the guy on the surfboard is Sheamus Patrick O' Reilly on holiday he would............ :D

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