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Scrounging Trollop.

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If we are going all "old days" (and I do get what people are saying about that) the main difference was that most of these big familys would have had one Dad/Mum, they may well have been church goers and likely raised with Christian principals at home and in school.


A woman carrying on willy nilly with various blokes and having multiple kids to multiple Fathers would have been outcast in most communitys


All of these values we once held dear in this country have been thrown aside wholesale in favour of the "anything gos" socialist way of living.........that is the major difference between cases like this woman and big familys from yesteryear IMHO

I don't think it is in all honesty, it's a woman left on her own with loads of kids. It's a shame that things have turned out like that for her IMO.

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I do agree that we shouldnt buy into this politics of hate & jealousy being broadcast from Westminster, you have to take each case on it merit.   But to be honest, it dont bother me in slightest

The worst thing is that those kids are growing up thinking that it is normal to scrounge and never do any work.

If we all had an old fashion attitude, people would be rallying around to help support a poor lady struggling with loads of kids. Thats what it used to be like round here years back anyway. The famili

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See, i pay tax, then they give it all back as tax credits. How longs that been going on for? no wonder the countries in debt.


Yeh that is fecking insane. The should raise the taxable allowance to way more than what it is now probably 25,000 and take away or reduce the tax credits.


But then they would have to get rid of those poor public sector workers on their lovely final salary pensions.

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..and another thing.. All I've read on this thread is abuse aimed at this woman because she's in receipt of so much state help, not one person has asked what the f**k the fathers of these kids are contributing or calling them names.. They are as much to blame for her situation as she is yet all the ire is being directed at her just because she is the one requiring state help.. Like I said in my previous post, I reckon most people commenting are jealous of her and the money she's receiving instead of being concerned about anything else..

I'm defo not jealous but since I seem to spend most of the time handing over huge chunks of money to the tax man it boils my blood that it is being used to fund a lifestyle choice rather than helping people who are just down on their luck.


I have no problem helping people providing they help themselves first. She could get a job in a shop and still get most of the benefits and council house...then no one would be complaining.

She's got 11 kids how much would that be in child care? The dads to the kids should be pulling their weight so maybe she can become a more productive member to society?

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If we are going all "old days" (and I do get what people are saying about that) the main difference was that most of these big familys would have had one Dad/Mum, they may well have been church goers and likely raised with Christian principals at home and in school.


A woman carrying on willy nilly with various blokes and having multiple kids to multiple Fathers would have been outcast in most communitys


All of these values we once held dear in this country have been thrown aside wholesale in favour of the "anything gos" socialist way of living.........that is the major difference between cases like this woman and big familys from yesteryear IMHO

I don't think it is in all honesty, it's a woman left on her own with loads of kids. It's a shame that things have turned out like that for her IMO.

Has to be said though mate surely after 3 or 4 kids are left fatherless a little alarm bell must go off in a womans head that says i need to be careful history doesnt repeat itself here...................a few f**k ups anyone can excuse....but 11 :icon_eek:

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Yeh I couldn't agree more about the dads.


But I wouldn't mind childcare costing the tax payer more if she was working because that would truly be helping her and she would at least show she was trying. Handing out cash doesn't help anyone.


My missus has to work, our poor daughter gets put in breakfast club and after school club we hardly see her. Grand parents have to chip in to as well.

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If we are going all "old days" (and I do get what people are saying about that) the main difference was that most of these big familys would have had one Dad/Mum, they may well have been church goers and likely raised with Christian principals at home and in school.


A woman carrying on willy nilly with various blokes and having multiple kids to multiple Fathers would have been outcast in most communitys


All of these values we once held dear in this country have been thrown aside wholesale in favour of the "anything gos" socialist way of living.........that is the major difference between cases like this woman and big familys from yesteryear IMHO


I don't think it is in all honesty, it's a woman left on her own with loads of kids. It's a shame that things have turned out like that for her IMO.

Has to be said though mate surely after 3 or 4 kids are left fatherless a little alarm bell must go off in a womans head that says i need to be careful history doesnt repeat itself here...................a few f**k ups anyone can excuse....but 11 :icon_eek:

Common sense would tell you that, I know mate. But I suspect that she is one of them needy women who probably follows her heart. It's a shame but things are what they are and we shouldn't just turn our backs on someone like that.

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I do agree that we shouldnt buy into this politics of hate & jealousy being broadcast from Westminster, you have to take each case on it merit.


But to be honest, it dont bother me in slightest that this woman gets benefits......in fact the whole "dole cheat/scrounger" thing dont worry me at all.


If they were born here and they can get it, then more power to their elbow I say, our political masters are hardly paragons of virtue when it comes to getting a freeby from the tax payer and people like this woman are complete amatures compared to politicians when it comes to ironing out Joe Publics money


When folk realise that without people like this woman, who rely on the state, the whole current political system would collapse the sooner they will see who the real villians of the piece are.


State handouts, state control and the welfare system is slavery and it allows governments to control things.....if we were all free to keep our own money, restore some old fashioned values of self reliance and self worth, look after ourselves and only pay tax for what we need (actually need) a government to do for us then they would all become very minor figures indeed.......they would again be working for the people instead of the other way round.........they dont want that!


Women like this are an easy target for us because to think outside the box is too massive a task IMHO

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I do agree that we shouldnt buy into this politics of hate & jealousy being broadcast from Westminster, you have to take each case on it merit.


But to be honest, it dont bother me in slightest that this woman gets benefits......in fact the whole "dole cheat/scrounger" thing dont worry me at all.


If they were born here and they can get it, then more power to their elbow I say, our political masters are hardly paragons of virtue when it comes to getting a freeby from the tax payer and people like this woman are complete amatures compared to politicians when it comes to ironing out Joe Publics money


When folk realise that without people like this woman, who rely on the state, the whole current political system would collapse the sooner they will see who the real villians of the piece are.


State handouts, state control and the welfare system is slavery and it allows governments to control things.....if we were all free to keep our own money, restore some old fashioned values of self reliance and self worth, look after ourselves and only pay tax for what we need (actually need) a government to do for us then they would all become very minor figures indeed.......they would again be working for the people instead of the other way round.........they dont want that!


Women like this are an easy target for us because to think outside the box is too massive a task IMHO

:notworthy: excellent post!

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after a quick fag packet calculation i can say, its been cheaper to the taxpayer for this lady to raise her kids as a stop at home mother on income support and than it would have been had she worked for the same period and claimed the child care element of child tax credits for her 11 children, :whistling:



after a quick fag packet calculation i can say, its been cheaper to the taxpayer for this lady to raise her kids as a stop at home mother on income support and than it would have been had she worked for the same period and claimed the child care element of child tax credits for her 11 children, :whistling:


We all know working families receive benefit as well. You can compare the finances/costs all day, it's not just about money it's decency/respect/ethics call it what you will.

The point you're missing is the eleven kids bit, or are we to be grateful she costs the taxpayer less by not working ?.

No sane person in this day and age would bring eleven kids into this world and I for one would rather see benefits going to working couples with two or three kids than it going to some idle scutter who having never worked a day in her life spews out eleven and thinks it's her god given right to all sorts of handouts.

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after a quick fag packet calculation i can say, its been cheaper to the taxpayer for this lady to raise her kids as a stop at home mother on income support and than it would have been had she worked for the same period and claimed the child care element of child tax credits for her 11 children, :whistling:


after a quick fag packet calculation i can say, its been cheaper to the taxpayer for this lady to raise her kids as a stop at home mother on income support and than it would have been had she worked for the same period and claimed the child care element of child tax credits for her 11 children, :whistling:

We all know working families receive benefit as well. You can compare the finances/costs all day, it's not just about money it's decency/respect/ethics call it what you will.

The point you're missing is the eleven kids bit, or are we to be grateful she costs the taxpayer less by not working ?.

No sane person in this day and age would bring eleven kids into this world and I for one would rather see benefits going to working couples with two or three kids than it going to some idle scutter who having never worked a day in her life spews out eleven and thinks it's her god given right to all sorts of handouts.

So we'll stick all of her kids in care and kick her out on the street ey mate. Serves the slag right don't it!

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after a quick fag packet calculation i can say, its been cheaper to the taxpayer for this lady to raise her kids as a stop at home mother on income support and than it would have been had she worked for the same period and claimed the child care element of child tax credits for her 11 children, :whistling:



>>after a quick fag packet calculation i can say, its been cheaper to the taxpayer for this lady to raise her kids as a stop at home mother on income support and than it would have been had she worked for the same period and claimed the child care element of child tax credits for her 11 children, :whistling:


We all know working families receive benefit as well. You can compare the finances/costs all day, it's not just about money it's decency/respect/ethics call it what you will.

The point you're missing is the eleven kids bit, or are we to be grateful she costs the taxpayer less by not working ?.

No sane person in this day and age would bring eleven kids into this world and I for one would rather see benefits going to working couples with two or three kids than it going to some idle scutter who having never worked a day in her life spews out eleven and thinks it's her god given right to all sorts of handouts.


its already been said by me pages and pages ago and wilf on this page mate, your the one missing the point, benifits are not just a helping hand when needed there a gold painted steel shackle and if its about decency/respect or ethics which of these gives you the right to judge this women on how she chooses to live her life :thumbs:

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Because we have to pay for it Paulus :thumbs:

talk about going round in circles :laugh: right, i wave a magic wand and everybody on benifit gets a job overnight :whistling: do you think "A" the benifit bill will magically be gone and you will pay any less or "B" the benifit bill will rise dramatically and you will be paying more :hmm:

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When my taxes have to go up because of someone who is irresponsible it annoys me. Same way I get annoyed when my insurance goes up because of other people.


This woman is in the group of people who don't give a crap and expects the country to fund their lifestyle.


It is about morals and ethics, I don't mind forking out tax for a safety net or to help people worse off than me.


She continued to pump out kids without trying to pay for their upbringing, she didn't magically wake up one day with 11 kids she carried on having them. She could ahve had a job with 1 kid or 2 or even three but she carried on having them to the point where it is economically cheaper to keep her on benefits.

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