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Scrounging Trollop.

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Paulus, you are just repeating what I have been saying for years. We the vast majority of the populace are just cannon fodder, we are there to make them money. The biggest political brainwave of the last centuary was the creation of the middle classes. Margret Thatcher knew that with a divided poulation they would conquer. So they fostered the idea that people could make themselves rich and people bought it.


Look at the minimum wage, was that brought in to help the low wage earners? Was it feck, it was brought in so that companies could get away with paying slave labour wages, while all the time makeing bigger profits for the companies who are owned by the very people who brought out "the minimum wage".



at last someone who gets it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I do agree that we shouldnt buy into this politics of hate & jealousy being broadcast from Westminster, you have to take each case on it merit.   But to be honest, it dont bother me in slightest

The worst thing is that those kids are growing up thinking that it is normal to scrounge and never do any work.

If we all had an old fashion attitude, people would be rallying around to help support a poor lady struggling with loads of kids. Thats what it used to be like round here years back anyway. The famili

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Paulus, you are just repeating what I have been saying for years. We the vast majority of the populace are just cannon fodder, we are there to make them money. The biggest political brainwave of the last centuary was the creation of the middle classes. Margret Thatcher knew that with a divided poulation they would conquer. So they fostered the idea that people could make themselves rich and people bought it.


Look at the minimum wage, was that brought in to help the low wage earners? Was it feck, it was brought in so that companies could get away with paying slave labour wages, while all the time makeing bigger profits for the companies who are owned by the very people who brought out "the minimum wage".



at last someone who gets it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



If we all had an old fashion attitude, people would be rallying around to help support a poor lady struggling with loads of kids. Thats what it used to be like round here years back anyway. The families used to be massive back in the day, there was any number of kids born into poverty. Now a days there seems to be this attitude where just because someone is lucky enough to have a stable job and is strong enough to have a stable grip on their lives, that people like this woman don't deserve to breath the same air as they do! It's like everyone has become stuck up snobs over the past few years and whilst the elite get away with noncing the country for all its worth, we all turn around and point the finger at a simple woman who's life hasn't exactly gone to plan.


Divide and conquer, worked a f***ing treat hasn't it!

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Paulus, you are just repeating what I have been saying for years. We the vast majority of the populace are just cannon fodder, we are there to make them money. The biggest political brainwave of the last centuary was the creation of the middle classes. Margret Thatcher knew that with a divided poulation they would conquer. So they fostered the idea that people could make themselves rich and people bought it.


Look at the minimum wage, was that brought in to help the low wage earners? Was it feck, it was brought in so that companies could get away with paying slave labour wages, while all the time makeing bigger profits for the companies who are owned by the very people who brought out "the minimum wage".



at last someone who gets it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



If we all had an old fashion attitude, people would be rallying around to help support a poor lady struggling with loads of kids. Thats what it used to be like round here years back anyway. The families used to be massive back in the day, there was any number of kids born into poverty. Now a days there seems to be this attitude where just because someone is lucky enough to have a stable job and is strong enough to have a stable grip on their lives, that people like this woman don't deserve to breath the same air as they do! It's like everyone has become stuck up snobs over the past few years and whilst the elite get away with noncing the country for all its worth, we all turn around and point the finger at a simple woman who's life hasn't exactly gone to plan.


Divide and conquer, worked a f***ing treat hasn't it!

makes me laugh though, ive been to a few people houses where the couples are in financial trouble, one i can think of, the bloke was a forklift truck driver and his wife worked part time in a bank, from the outside this couple had everything, a nice car, detached house, landscaped garden,jacuzzi, conservatory,summerhouse, all immaculate. The truth was they earnt less than £30k a year between them before stoppages, They where £350k in debt with no way of bringing this debt down, They might have lived there but despite what they thought they were only ever renting it off the finance companies .penny millionares i call them :laugh: yet these are the same people who would be the first to call people on benifits, untill there fairytail world falls apart and then they would be first in the que at the social office the next morning :thumbs:


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im all for helping my fellow countrymanout and someone who is struggling,and i do help folk,granted they are mates,but i do help out when i can.but id soon stop if they werent helping therselfs if some one.churning out 11 kids imo isnt helping yourself at all.just adding to your problem,i say "your" problem,but in reality its the taxpayers who are bringing up her 11 kids.no she is defo not an ideal case for the welfare argument,in fact she is everything that is wrong with it.

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Dear woman on the tv this morning with 11 kids,


If you are wondering where the pack of condoms in your handbag came from..... you're welcome :thumbs:



Yours sincerely,


Hard working, tax paying nurse fed up to the back teeth of scroungers.

well said we are all sick of these sponging lazy waste of space type scum :thumbs:

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im all for helping my fellow countrymanout and someone who is struggling,and i do help folk,granted they are mates,but i do help out when i can.but id soon stop if they werent helping therselfs if some one.churning out 11 kids imo isnt helping yourself at all.just adding to your problem,i say "your" problem,but in reality its the taxpayers who are bringing up her 11 kids.no she is defo not an ideal case for the welfare argument,in fact she is everything that is wrong with it.

Theres far, far worst things wrong with it mate, its a shackle the same as working benifits, just as the jailers wanted, some people can see it and some carnt :thumbs:

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Paulus, you are just repeating what I have been saying for years. We the vast majority of the populace are just cannon fodder, we are there to make them money. The biggest political brainwave of the last centuary was the creation of the middle classes. Margret Thatcher knew that with a divided poulation they would conquer. So they fostered the idea that people could make themselves rich and people bought it.


Look at the minimum wage, was that brought in to help the low wage earners? Was it feck, it was brought in so that companies could get away with paying slave labour wages, while all the time makeing bigger profits for the companies who are owned by the very people who brought out "the minimum wage".



at last someone who gets it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



If we all had an old fashion attitude, people would be rallying around to help support a poor lady struggling with loads of kids. Thats what it used to be like round here years back anyway. The families used to be massive back in the day, there was any number of kids born into poverty. Now a days there seems to be this attitude where just because someone is lucky enough to have a stable job and is strong enough to have a stable grip on their lives, that people like this woman don't deserve to breath the same air as they do! It's like everyone has become stuck up snobs over the past few years and whilst the elite get away with noncing the country for all its worth, we all turn around and point the finger at a simple woman who's life hasn't exactly gone to plan.


Divide and conquer, worked a f***ing treat hasn't it!

Its quite easy reading that yourself and Gnasher especially are quite patriotic....i also like to think i am. If we were talking about a woman who has worked hard and had fallen into a bit of hardship with the loss of a husband then i'm sure we could all understand if she needed a help. These families you talk off years ago...i'd bet my bottom dollar most of the women worked a days graft and the children had the same Dad? Far different story from this one. Now i havent read her story but i could hazard a guess that she has done very little (if any) work in her life so i see no point why she should be gifted hand outs. At what point did she realise she couldn't afford all these children without financial help.?

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im all for helping my fellow countrymanout and someone who is struggling,and i do help folk,granted they are mates,but i do help out when i can.but id soon stop if they werent helping therselfs if some one.churning out 11 kids imo isnt helping yourself at all.just adding to your problem,i say "your" problem,but in reality its the taxpayers who are bringing up her 11 kids.no she is defo not an ideal case for the welfare argument,in fact she is everything that is wrong with it.

What should we do with people like her then mate? Not give them a thing and send our society back into the Victorian times where kids were separated from parents thrown in workhouses or left destitute on the street begging for change?


The families were just as big if not bigger back then yet the levels of poverty were higher. What should we do? Leave them to suffer so more taxpayers money gets wasted on something else, or should we help these poor people? Or are any of you really that naive that if it wasn't for people like her you'd really be paying less taxes?

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well mate i certainly wouldnt keep giving her money for kids.id defo need to cap it.11 kids never had a job,and keeps churning them out.irresponsibe and bad parenting springs to mind.you mentioned years ago mate,my mum was just saying other week,when she first got married.the first kid you had you got no family allowance.imho id scrap that tomorrow. if you feel you cant finacially bring that kid up,then dont have any.maybe its easier for me as i dont have kids,but in a lot of ways im thankfull for that. think keeping a dog is a commitment and a tie,jesus having kids would just stress me out.i mean as adults we can skip things and get by,but you cant do that with a child,and the peer pressure these kids under these days just makes it more difficult.certain brand of trainers,phones pcs computer games.it must be a total nightmare for you parents.ill bet her f***ing 11 kids have all the latest gadgets and gizmos.f**k one of them has a horse lol

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im all for helping my fellow countrymanout and someone who is struggling,and i do help folk,granted they are mates,but i do help out when i can.but id soon stop if they werent helping therselfs if some one.churning out 11 kids imo isnt helping yourself at all.just adding to your problem,i say "your" problem,but in reality its the taxpayers who are bringing up her 11 kids.no she is defo not an ideal case for the welfare argument,in fact she is everything that is wrong with it.

What should we do with people like her then mate? Not give them a thing and send our society back into the Victorian times where kids were separated from parents thrown in workhouses or left destitute on the street begging for change?


The families were just as big if not bigger back then yet the levels of poverty were higher. What should we do? Leave them to suffer so more taxpayers money gets wasted on something else, or should we help these poor people? Or are any of you really that naive that if it wasn't for people like her you'd really be paying less taxes?

I certainly agree that the kids shouldn't suffer, but this is 2013, not Victorian times, and family planning is available. Yes, families back then were bigger, but for different reasons. Surely it is a parents responsibility to think about the pro's and con's of bringing yet another child into an already overcrowded household, when they are already on benefits and unable to provide for the ones they have ?


I would happily pay far more tax if I thought it was going to help actual people in actual need - but from what I can see, the majority of my money doesn't do that.


I think she is an unfortunate example of how wrong society has gone

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she among the hundreds of thousands who do it .....................

I don't believe that for a second, papers like the Sun and the Mail would be running daily articles if that was the case. As it stands you only hear about a handful of cases like here every year.. While I don't agree with what she's been allowed to do, there are far worse things happening in the world to get pissed off about..

her issue is that she is having it built .....alot of families move into council facilities with big families .........

woman down the road has 7 or 8 kids .........there waiting for a bigger property........i think the issue is more that she is having it built especially..........

did you not read what i put earlier, its being built at no cost to the tax payer, a housing association paid for the land off the local council and are funding the build 100% along with the other properties on the site :yes:

But she's still milking the benefits system for all her child allowances, no council tax to pay: her kids don't look badly dressed, and there's others who are working who can't even afford decent food for the kids because they are not on the scrounge.

So all benefit claimants are scroungers?????????


So are all hunters blood thirsty killers then???????

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well mate i certainly wouldnt keep giving her money for kids.id defo need to cap it.11 kids never had a job,and keeps churning them out.irresponsibe and bad parenting springs to mind.you mentioned years ago mate,my mum was just saying other week,when she first got married.the first kid you had you got no family allowance.imho id scrap that tomorrow. if you feel you cant finacially bring that kid up,then dont have any.maybe its easier for me as i dont have kids,but in a lot of ways im thankfull for that. think keeping a dog is a commitment and a tie,jesus having kids would just stress me out.i mean as adults we can skip things and get by,but you cant do that with a child,and the peer pressure these kids under these days just makes it more difficult.certain brand of trainers,phones pcs computer games.it must be a total nightmare for you parents.ill bet her f***ing 11 kids have all the latest gadgets and gizmos.f**k one of them has a horse lol

Stop all the British breeding and let the tribes breed us out is it?


Think I'll go tell my missus to have an abortion has this one will be our fourth !!!!!! lol

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she among the hundreds of thousands who do it .....................

I don't believe that for a second, papers like the Sun and the Mail would be running daily articles if that was the case. As it stands you only hear about a handful of cases like here every year.. While I don't agree with what she's been allowed to do, there are far worse things happening in the world to get pissed off about..

her issue is that she is having it built .....alot of families move into council facilities with big families .........

woman down the road has 7 or 8 kids .........there waiting for a bigger property........i think the issue is more that she is having it built especially..........

did you not read what i put earlier, its being built at no cost to the tax payer, a housing association paid for the land off the local council and are funding the build 100% along with the other properties on the site :yes:

But she's still milking the benefits system for all her child allowances, no council tax to pay: her kids don't look badly dressed, and there's others who are working who can't even afford decent food for the kids because they are not on the scrounge.

So all benefit claimants are scroungers?????????


So are all hunters blood thirsty killers then???????

think a % are i know 2 familys ones in there 50s and the other in ther 40s and never worked since they left school i would call them spongers :thumbs:

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Its the scroungers who know how to work the system, my little sister has had MS since she was 16, she is 38 now, always worked, apart from periods of ill health, but always went back, now her ill health has proper caught up with her, and she has just had her benefits cut again, the fat slag over the road with 4 kids of differing colours, has never worked and drives an 62 reg car, has a tv the size of a patio door, one of her brats is being sent to private school at our expense, as she is a young carer ! a carer for some one who has nothing wrong with her that is. She has had a man living there for 5 years, but is a single mother in the eyes of the council. This woman actually teaches others how to scam the system.


Fecking joke.

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