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ukip come second in 2 out of the 3 bye elections yesterday

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its seems as if the conservatives and lib dems got there arses kicked, in yesterdays bye elections with labour winning all 3 and ukip coming second in 2 of them. ive never been into politics but ukip have got my ear as there policies are just plain common sense :laugh:

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They can all talk big on the subject but the fact is they don't have a choice, the masters in Brussells have the final say about who gets to live in OUR country!

The people of Rotherham, Croydon and 'Boro had the chance to let the out of touch Lib/Lab/Con elite know what we realy think, but they blew it !! They could have put three Ukip MP's into parliament an

ukip gets my vote. enough is enough. i just hope that the rest of the population see this government for what it is.   great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally people are seeing these failed lawyers,bankers and businessmen for what they are lieing two faced scumbags just need a good showing at the next general and get at least a couple of seats in parliament if not overtake lib dens. I don't know if I was half asleep still or did I even see bnp above cons in one election? BUT people are still voting labour ¥

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Finally people are seeing these failed lawyers,bankers and businessmen for what they are lieing two faced scumbags just need a good showing at the next general and get at least a couple of seats in parliament if not overtake lib dens. I don't know if I was half asleep still or did I even see bnp above cons in one election? BUT people are still voting labour ¥

BNP came third, cons forth and the lib dems didnt even get on the results sheet :thumbs:
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Thanks paulus that's made my day lol this flu don't seem half as bad now lol. Hopefully they are getting the message enough is enough, I was speaking to a Russian guy last night (don't know why he even here they ain't in EU) n I asked him where he was working he said not working for 9 months so I asked where he was living he said he got a house but council are moving him in next 2 weeks he already seen the flat and agreed take it. How can we look after our own when we're paying for every other countries waste

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ukip came second in rotherham where child services/ the council have just removed some kids from their foster parents because they were ukip supporters. I wonder if they are going to hunt out every fosterer who voted ukip and remove kids who are in their care. :hmm:

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it wont be long now be for the cons/laboour start throwing shxt at ukip because they are worried


its already started,cameron called us loonies and closet racists.ive voted ukip for years,and i knew it would gain support over the years.glad to see farages leadership is paying of now.

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it wont be long now be for the cons/laboour start throwing shxt at ukip because they are worried


its already started,cameron called us loonies and closet racists.ive voted ukip for years,and i knew it would gain support over the years.glad to see farages leadership is paying of now.

untill a fortnight ago i had never herd of him :icon_redface::laugh:
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i posted a video of him in brussels,giving that shower a hard time.2year ago i think.few hadnt heard of him either lol see a couple are now voting ukip now.that was him that his plane crashed into a field,during last election day.

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Unfortunately the towns like Rotherham will never change from being a blinkered Labour constituency. They could put a corpse in s suit but if it stood for labour it would get elected. "were working class so we HAVE to vote labour"


No your working class and you SHOULD vote for the party that is going to change your life for the better


The Labour representative who won said the UKIP vote was a shot across the bow for the Tories and if labour came to power they would address immigration. I kid you not you could not make this sh*t up, the party who held the doors wide open for immigration are going to sort it out.




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it wont be long now be for the cons/laboour start throwing shxt at ukip because they are worried


its already started,cameron called us loonies and closet racists.ive voted ukip for years,and i knew it would gain support over the years.glad to see farages leadership is paying of now.

untill a fortnight ago i had never herd of him :icon_redface::laugh:

go onto youtube, stick his name in the search bar and listen to some of his speeches in the EU parliament. He's a MEP.. :yes: Scot put a few links up a while back.. :thumbs:
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i posted a video of him in brussels,giving that shower a hard time.2year ago i think.few hadnt heard of him either lol see a couple are now voting ukip now.that was him that his plane crashed into a field,during last election day.

conspiracy theorists will love him as well then :laugh: :laugh:
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Unfortunately the towns like Rotherham will never change from being a blinkered Labour constituency. They could put a corpse in s suit but if it stood for labour it would get elected. "were working class so we HAVE to vote labour"


No your working class and you SHOULD vote for the party that is going to change your life for the better


The Labour representative who won said the UKIP vote was a shot across the bow for the Tories and if labour came to power they would address immigration. I kid you not you could not make this sh*t up, the party who held the doors wide open for immigration are going to sort it out.

Didn't the Tories also say they were going to look at stopping uncontrolled immigration when they were in opposition? :hmm:
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