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A WARNING for tennants

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Yesterday, I had a council contractor round doing a survey, within an hour of him leaving I had the police round to inspect my guns :(


The police left, happy with the fact that they are all legal and above board.


Today I got a call from one of the Senior Housing Officers and it now

Seems I may be made homeless soon, apparently I store offensive weapons.

Under section 6.8 of the Council Tenancy Agreement


"You must not keep any Firearm, Shotgun, Air Rifle or any other offensive weapon that could not be legally carried in public at the property, without our written permission to do so. Before granting this permission we will need to inspect yout gun licence".


All my guns are sub 12 so I dont need a license for them and I am perfectly within the law if I carry my guns in public, if I have a lawfull reason to do so. For example if I am going to a range, taking them to the gun shop to sell or having purchased one and taking it home or carrying it to and from my permissions.

Why are people so f*****g scared of people of guns?

Looks like every one in council houses are going to be kicked out of their property, because a kitchen knife is an offensive weapon that you are not allowed legally to carry in public.


I am so f*****g sick of the f*****g media induced paranoia of this f*****g f****d up country



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Yesterday, I had a council contractor round doing a survey, within an hour of him leaving I had the police round to inspect my guns   The police left, happy with the fact that they are all legal an

This is another turn of how this country has become a nation of snoopers and bloody do-gooders screwing life up for ordinary folks who just want to quietly get on without being a nuisance to anyone.

This is something being raised by a clip board driver who simply doesn't know the law. Sleep easy. They might make a song and dance, but what the housing officer has said has no basis in law. The coun

f*****g hell Tony, that's a bit of a carry on.. :blink: Never heard so much shit on my life, and I've spent most of my life growing up or living in council housing with an air rifle about the place in one shape or another.. :yes: What the hell is the world coming too.. :doh:

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You can legally carry your guns in public, in their gunslip as per the law.


Some people are just arseholes! Hope this works out well for you tony mate





As crazy as it seems there is no law that states it has to be in a gun slip.

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Thanks Gent's


I already have argued that all my guns are legal and that under the law I am allowed to carry them in public and I dont need a safe or anything.

I'm now about to start quoting the laws in an official written reply to them.


It's just so much f*****g stress that I really do not need in my life at the moment.


Bearinator, I'd be glad of his number :yes:


I'll let you all know how it turns out. The Housing Officer said she will get back to me later next week.



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You can legally carry your guns in public, in their gunslip as per the law.


Some people are just arseholes! Hope this works out well for you tony mate





As crazy as it seems there is no law that states it has to be in a gun slip.


Even better





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None of my business like but it won't stop me asking anyway ..............


How did the original Council worker see your guns?


You could knock here and you'd never know what I had or did in my house.

have to agree with ss there , when i lived back in england all my air rifles were kept out of site in a wardrobe, i believe its a bit of common sence not to have them where visiters could see them tbh

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Yesterday, I had a council contractor round doing a survey, within an hour of him leaving I had the police round to inspect my guns :(


The police left, happy with the fact that they are all legal and above board.


Today I got a call from one of the Senior Housing Officers and it now

Seems I may be made homeless soon, apparently I store offensive weapons.

Under section 6.8 of the Council Tenancy Agreement


"You must not keep any Firearm, Shotgun, Air Rifle or any other offensive weapon that could not be legally carried in public at the property, without our written permission to do so. Before granting this permission we will need to inspect yout gun licence".


All my guns are sub 12 so I dont need a license for them and I am perfectly within the law if I carry my guns in public, if I have a lawfull reason to do so. For example if I am going to a range, taking them to the gun shop to sell or having purchased one and taking it home or carrying it to and from my permissions.

Why are people so f*****g scared of people of guns?

Looks like every one in council houses are going to be kicked out of their property, because a kitchen knife is an offensive weapon that you are not allowed legally to carry in public.


I am so f*****g sick of the f*****g media induced paranoia of this f*****g f****d up country



hi mate,ive read somewhere that they cannot do it,its an infringment of your human rights and a phone call to basc or any other organization will back you up(in court if needed)...bill harriman has had this one thrown at him and he says the above!!!!!!
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Stay strong Tony mate, this country is on the way to being run far worse than Russia was during the Cold war, the Members of Parliment and the police FORCE I cant say police service because they only look after their own interests at the end of the day, they and the goverment want rid of all kinds of guns, END OFF.Unless you are a rich family, a mp, or any other professional then they can and do ignore any rights you are suposed to have and treat you as if you are nothing, All the very best, Ron, and family.

Edited by Tron
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