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THE BIG TON... And moster bags

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Must say that is some going them dogs must be super fit but as people have said depends on the land .the weather,and if the rabbits have been lamped before but at the end day who every lamps rabbits on this site would love there dog to do a ton easy or not.Would love to here what breeding are in the dogs would even be better to see a dvd of it getting done.The dog that did over the Ton have mind would you say it lifted in the bed??????Would not like to be the one carrying them that night :thumbs:

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listen mate im by far an expert on dog health or anything to do with dog's to be honest but i like to put a bit of effortinto what the dog eats epecially as she was graffting hard. i like the hill's

Can it be done? Is it possible? Everybody has there own ideas....... But now we have the answer.   3 lads I know have been away for a few days up north,,, the first night Monday they had 110 ,with

just been having an interesting read and its funny how folk make so many assumptions WITHOUT knowing ANY of the facts, for the lads who say it's boring then feel free to go read the post's about let'

just been having an interesting read and its funny how folk make so many assumptions WITHOUT knowing ANY of the facts,

for the lads who say it's boring then feel free to go read the post's about let's see your dog's fecking collar and to the knockers

it makes you wander if it's worht the time and effort to do a long post with pic's for some to enjoy.


the 3 lads where myself Prich and Dave lloyd, me and Dave had a dog each Pritch took 2, we all lamped alone and never was there

more than 1 dog 1 rabbit at anyone time.

this is my dogs catch from 3 nights...........4 hours and a very hard 39 on golf course

5 hours and 62 perfect night and better land

2 hours 26 this was the easiest land of the lot but didnt have time left for any more

the dog had more left but the 14amp went on the 1 st 2 nights and believe it or not out of the 127 only 5 where taken in the seat.

all the bags where 1 man 1 dog including carring and gutting


now make of that what you will we know it's true and im to fecked to argue

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hear goes tomo mate. i worked out that at this time of year theres roughly 8 hours of darkness thats 480mins. you stated on the second night they caught 231 rabbits (rounded up to 240) 480 /240=2 thats one rabbit every two minutes. didn't mean to affend you mate but surley you'll understand that some people would find it hard to belive

f**k me you must have some time on your hands lad lol
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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

I think theres few key factor is the quality of the dogs :thumbs: the quality of the owners :thumbs:


The number of rabbits to make it possible which in some parts of our country you be lucky to catch 20 its does not mean that there dogs are any less than the ton up guys .


But still a hell of well done Cookie :thumbs:

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