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malc1 last won the day on December 3 2015

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544 Excellent

About malc1

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 17/12/1965

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    airguns minis dogs horses lambrettas triumphs

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  1. Thanks all means a lot as he was one hell of a dog and those who knew him and saw him work will vouch for him being one of the best around
  2. We are all good the nipper ain't a nipper no more lol
  3. He had a good innings 11 years old not bad for a gsd x
  4. Hi been a long time but only popped on to let anyone who remembered my old boy Murphy I had him put to sleep this week 11 years old and really after his accident a lot of years should not of survived but he did just had him cremated and got him back today thanks all for reading atb malc
  5. thanks I've just let him potter round the house for the last couple of years as was worried he might do him self some harm but he tried to jump the gate the other week daft dog and couldn't it was great to see him out and about he's learnt to use his back legs to suit him lol forgets him self sometimes I'd never get rid of him he's my boy and I owe him for what he's done for me atb malc
  6. Took my old boy Murphy for his first propper walk out after his accident about 2 years ago you wouldn't think they gave him 48 to get back up on his feet as he was crippled love this boy too bit done me so proud over the years thanks all malc
  7. I don't think he's had all the rabbits from round there
  8. There's 2 for you carñt find the pics of the others
  9. Rip cracking bitch and glad I had the pleasure to see her work she will be greatly missed
  10. I'm always about its in the blood just glad me dogs OK and the pups I bred are doing realy well so I'm proud of them nice to hear off you flako atb malc
  11. I've sold them only got murph now and he will never run again the pups are doing realy well I've got a beddie x to play about with atb malc
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