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I dont know what shows lack but I can tell you what makes a good show ...totally unbiast judges ,good raffle prizes and show prizes ,no alcohol,decent grub ,an announcer with a bit of craic (like old

shows lack ,allround things for lurcher s to try like they used to have high jump simulated racing, obeidence trails , fetching walk at heel , sit stay , hunting oriented things , usd to be good crack

The organisers could just not bother and then all the people that Whinge about the shows can come on and whinge about not having any shows to go to, or God forbid offer to volunteer to help and keep t

Shows lack a sense of fun, far too many folk take chasing a piece of ribbon far too seriously, although god knwos how you would recoty this, and im sure it wasn't what you were after, how about a well organised high jumo or long jump?

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Did think about a high jump but saw the thread on the one in Ireland that folk ripped to bits which put me off a little, especially as iv never seen one done. What makes a good / safe high jump comp? Any ideas on a postcard...

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A good day out for all the family,, and shouldnt be taken seriously after all the shows are in the summer months when theres not so much work for the dogs or ferrets , but as soon as it stops beng fun and entertaining it's time to give up, and stay away :thumbs:


But must admit these red and blue ribbons do cheer up a dark corner in your house :boogy::toast::whistling::angel:





coffee and tea stand , maybe sausage and bacon rolls and bouncy castle for the kids help

Edited by ferretess
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I dont know what shows lack but I can tell you what makes a good show ...totally unbiast judges ,good raffle prizes and show prizes ,no alcohol,decent grub ,an announcer with a bit of craic (like old Jock Reid ...RIP).a decent sized ring for lurchers,something for the bairns and I always think its a touch when at a hunt show you get a mounted parade of the hounds but most of all is the weather but thats beyond your control Ali ....hope yoy have a good craic at Fyvie today lad

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shows lack ,allround things for lurcher s to try like they used to have high jump simulated racing, obeidence trails , fetching walk at heel , sit stay , hunting oriented things , usd to be good crack the litle simulated tests ,

Edited by BLACKWATER...
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Imo CG ferrets at a working terrier show is asking for trouble and if a terrier gets loose it could become a liabilty ....I like to think my dogs are as well trained as the next mans but I could never trust any of my terriers around ferrets and if a kid was holding a ferret ...its not worth thinking about and its deffinately not fair puting a terrier the chance to get in that situation

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Good to see an effort vein put in for the wains Ali,


Ferrets at a dog show could Be trouble if it wasn't controlled properly, but If they we're gave the space out the way and a decent net fence or whatever put up don't think it would be a problem see it down England a lot of the shows have ferret shows and racing. Did see a wee incident last year at Selkirk tho where a ferret got out inbetween 2 dog rings and a terrier got it but a lad I was with got on top of it quickly and sorted it out and as far as I know the ferret was ok but could have been worse there was lurchers and everything trying to get in about it to my surprise! So moo has a point but like I said controlled properly it would be fine although would take a lot of effort and a couple of people to be there all day, not sure it would be worth anyone's while unless a good turnout came

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the problem with shows,,,is there can be very few workers,,,willing to give a hand


its ok standing from side lines,,,if you pay £10 to £15 pound to get in ect


if terrier,lurcher racing required,,,if someone willing to put it on ,,,they will need free entry for 2/3 pll,s


high jump , long jump again 2,3 plls giving up there time ,,,for other,s enjoyment (again free entry )


ferret racing and showing again couple off folk giving up there time ,for other folks enjoyment ( again free entry)


they are the extra,s above i would like to see,,,,but those pll,s put themself out ,,,then come home to relise they get slagged off


othou ive never been slagged off for my lure driving ,,,not yet anyway lol,,,,its a thankless job,,,even when i lure drive for whippet scottish derby 10day event ,,,there,s never thanks for the lure man,,,,boo hoo i know lol but manners cost nothing,,,its about pulling togther not causing a rift between fellow dog men,,,and who wins or who loses ,,,as without the losers on the day ,there would be no winners ,,,sort off speak

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    • By AlbertJ
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