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Queston time BBC1 Gutles wankers

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just watching it, when they came to case of the Asian gang rapeing those young white girls. Well they gave it the Big lack of parent control ,and society broke down. But the question was, was it a

While Rome burns is the saying , , the decline of the British way of life I am sad to say has run hand in hand with the decline of are industries , the social integration of the work place and the who

its reached the point now where every native britain and i include all colours races and religions need to make a stand on the muslification of britian and on multiculturalism , were full, were briti

By saying it wasn't race related people watching must surely think that it is. Its just like when fat racist Dianne abbott said the riots last summer we're nothing to do with race.



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Ive Said on a previous post , 9 Asian Men raping White CHILDREN isnt racist ..... BUT ,,,,, 5 white lads attacking and killing Stephen Lawrence is racist ... surely if 1 is so is the other , These politicians/police blocking a documentary on this issue in 2004 proves beyond doudt THEY KNOW AND HAVE FOR YRS THIS IS HAPPENING AND ARENT BOTHERED .... when Sharon Berkovski (yorkshire police woman) was shot dead by a gang of these scum they moved heaven and earth to bring them to justice even going to the shit hole of there country to get 1 back , who had got out off U.K. dressed as a woman with 1 off them post box headwear on , so the establishment DO/CAN ACT though only when its one off there own ..... the rest off us have to GRIN AND BEAR THIS DISEASE THE GOVERNMENT HAVE PUT INTO OUR COMMUNITIES !

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Just for a second imagine the boot on the other foot....A shit load of white peado,s noncing only pakistani kids?? Im willing to bet there,d have been riots in the slums of bradford and suchlike. Racial discrimination at its very worst :yes:


BINGO spot on :thumbs:

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Just started watching it on iplayer. 1st couple of people including the vicar from the area kind of got my blood up a bit.


Could almost understand an individual like Brievik taking it out on the people who have let this happen and then blame the victims "the apologists".


For decades people talk about "rivers of blood" but if this case & similar isnt the catalyst, then I cant see it ever happening.


The first terrified victim initially confided in police in August 2008 – telling officers she was being plied with drink and repeatedly raped by a string of men. She even provided them with her underwear, which carried traces of one of her attacker's DNA.

In July 2009, an ‘experienced’ CPS lawyer ruled the victim was ‘not credible’ and decided that the two men who raped her should be released without charge.

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HI all

Perhaps we should all start dealing with the scum we personally know about, the scum illegally claiming benefits,the scum selling all the knocked off gear,the poachin scum,the illegal drug using scum ,the scum who knock on your door asking for scrap and then come back under the cover of darkness and steal anything that isn't nailed down.Whether they are foreigners or home born, grass the twats up or you are condoning everything illegal that is going on, they are criminals exactly the same as a dirty nonce.


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Guest thebigdog

HI all

Perhaps we should all start dealing with the scum we personally know about, the scum illegally claiming benefits,the scum selling all the knocked off gear,the poachin scum,the illegal drug using scum ,the scum who knock on your door asking for scrap and then come back under the cover of darkness and steal anything that isn't nailed down.Whether they are foreigners or home born, grass the twats up or you are condoning everything illegal that is going on, they are criminals exactly the same as a dirty nonce.



no there f*****g not, committing a crime to earn money is in no way the same as raping a child you f*****g clown.

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at least some one in a position of authority has the balls to say its race related. a darkie no less too.




Mr Phillips (Equalities and Human Rights Comission) = Afro Caribbean says it is racist.

Nazir Afzal (Crown Prosecution Service)= Pakistani says it is not racist!


Trust me, he is, http://menmedia.co.u...ng-justice-done...

Conflict of interet?

Edited by secretagentmole
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I actually can't believe some of the chinless wonders who can stand with a straight face, look you in the eye and say it's not racist, actually goes to show how adept they are at lieing, but then we know that. It's probably been mentioned, but take a moment to ponder the scenario if it had been white men and asian children, not only would the muslim population be going ape shit and rioting on the streets ( although the silence is deafening from these humble peaceful downtrodden trying to adapt to our society victims) but think of all the spineless, traitorous bstards in public office who would be screaming from the roof tops, and you can bet your house on it they would be calling it racist then.

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at least some one in a position of authority has the balls to say its race related. a darkie no less too.




Its a joke (in the unfunny sense!) The man whos job it is to spot racismn, says it is to do with race. You could not make it up. The police are scared to act, the lefties are protecting the paedo pakis. What has happened to England?

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