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What is it with some misrable basterds out there, see a young lad with trackie on there autamaticly a chav, and now if your a certain age and wear camo gear your still a chav. Pathetic!


"Certain Type" who are you...the fecking queen? take the plums out your gobb and f**k off :wankerzo4:

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:D Damned good fun they were to.

Whilst we're on the subject of grammar and spelling.



Shouldn't that be "too"?




Sorry teacher :icon_redface:

(edited as I even spelt sorry wrong!)

Edited by Blooded
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I'd prefer people in Chav Camo than jack's digging gear. :yes:




That is a brilliant photo.


Thing about camo clothing, is, most folk just wear it cos its har wearing, washable etc etc etc, don't show up stains, muck etc.


Cos you tell me where cammo plays any kind of concealment role in ferreting? Lamping? Coursing? Digging?

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I think the point that Magdon is trying to make is that there are some folk who seem to think that by wearing this stuff they can be classified as "The hunting fraternity". It is not about snobbery or class, (which, by the way is always usedd as an argument by those who have none......remember an inverted snob is far worse!)but about the stereotypes who wear it. In general Magdon is right. Its a fact. A mere observation however won't change anything though and others will always think the same of those stereotypes. It is not just restricted to game fairs. Go to any rock festival. (Glastonbury is a good example....middle class families trying to fit in with hard core hippies and NATs. You can spot them a mile off. They might as well wear a T-Shirt saying "another thing I've done before I'm 50")

People will always be critical of others fashion and rightly so as it would be a boring world to live in otherwise.

Its just that the sterotype observed in this instance is recognised almost immediately as correct.

If the chav hunters (and they exist!)don't like it then they should do something to change their image.

Personally I couldn't care less.......It just makes me smile


Rgds the barclys




Vogue Ning


PS If I'm wearing "Camo" it is ALWAYS Kalvin Klein DPM (Dirty Pant Material)




You're soooooooo correct. Especially in regards to the lack of class and reverse snobbery.


I realised before I made the OP that the Neanderthal types would never manage to grasp the basic concept. Those over shot brows and dragging appendages come with a heavy burden on the intellectual front.Perhaps that might help explain their propensity to wear

chavy-cammo everywhere they go. I'm astounded that we've achieved the level of gutter language responses that we have. I was expecting little more than simple grunting and chest beating. :D


Sorry, enough of the derisory mocking remarks. :icon_redface:


On the hunting fraternity front. Country sports are under enough pressure to have them all banned without the cammo wearing crowd parading around with their bullx's and minging terriers at any and every opportunity. Positive PR is hard enough to come by without having the general and largely uninformed public tarring us all with that particular brush.


On a slightly different subject but one that has been raised.

I like many of my fellow average joe, tweed wearing, country sportsman was at all 3 Countryside Alliance London Marches as well as the Parliament Square rally. Personally I didn't see a lot of chavy cammo, realtree, or dpm at any of them. Other than on the snivelling anti's that were brave enough to come and chant against us. I did see some terrifically accurate lobbing of half eaten yoghurts and fruit from our side of the barriers. :angel: What I also saw were genuine country sports men and women protesting their right to carry on hunting with hounds in the same manner their forefathers had.






Oh alas, poor Magdon, your making an 'ass' of yourself... :yes:

Your 'sooooooo' (did I get the correct ammount of 'ooo's?) starter, simply said it all to me, along with your shitty punctuation along with wording like 'terrifically', 'average joe', 'forefathers' etc, and me, from a lowley comprehensive.... :cry: You Sir, are a fake..!!! :yes:

Pm 'The B' all you want you helmet, but please don't come on here using 'our' Marches (oh, and by the way, you really didn't attend 'em all!!), 'our' Pride, to raise your status and generalise as to who we all are, of this you know nothing... Enjoy your lonesome little wind-up.



Isn't the English language wonderful! It allows so many to make incorrect assumptions, draw the wrong conclusions and make utter pillocks of themselves as Bosun11 has amply demonstrated in his attempt at ridicule.


FYI yes I did attend them all. I think I still have the badges. :D Damned good fun they were to. Even managed to get ourselves into some of the press photos on the second march. Taken as we pasted the Ritz IIRC.


Whilst we're on the subject of grammar and spelling. I think you'll find that its amount and lowly comprehensive. :tongue2::bye:

grammar , spelling please forgive mine as my P'A useully takes care of such tasks , ah the ritz iam sure the dear twins would have not enjoyed the site of you and your followers trying to gain entry for tea and scones but then iam sure , you would be aware of the dress code, you seem to associate clothing with a persons back ground you can not have attended a lot of hunts or hunt balls were a great many of the poor souls must have got dressed in the dark , but thats another story lets go back to the real tree issue , and bullx and snotty :thumbs: kids wheeling prams , i take it you dont like the latter. bit snobby would you not say i am sure at the cla if you wish to make your self know we could meet up and confront any affending types for you to put you views across and hope you would not mind me recording it , feel free to pm me to arange it, end of the month dont forget :thumbs:

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I just think it's a little bit sad when some folks dismiss and look down on other folks without really knowing the first thing about that person because of how they choose to dress :no:


I guess it must make them feel better about themselves by giving a nice mental pat on their own backs as to how they are somehow better than the other folks....

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I just think it's a little bit sad when some folks dismiss and look down on other folks without really knowing the first thing about that person because of how they choose to dress :no:


I guess it must make them feel better about themselves by giving a nice mental pat on their own backs as to how they are somehow better than the other folks....

Think that about somes it up :thumbs:

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I just think it's a little bit sad when some folks dismiss and look down on other folks without really knowing the first thing about that person because of how they choose to dress :no:


I guess it must make them feel better about themselves by giving a nice mental pat on their own backs as to how they are somehow better than the other folks....

Think that about somes it up :thumbs:


I agree 100% andyfr1968.....no one has the right to look down on anyone because of how they dress, or make fun of them, some people should take a long hard look at themselves before condemning others for their dress sense, clothing means nothing.....personality means everything!!

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Am I glad that I only have DPM 95 camo!


I was thinking the same moley lol!


I don't class a person with a bull cross wearing real tree a chav but I do use the phrase to describe a certain type of person, Jerry Kyle show is full of examples.

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What gives with all the chav's that insist on wearing Realtree to the shows and game fairs? It seems that its now become some kind of must wear uniform along with the shaved heads and tattoos. Isn't it enough that they have fat birds with badly dyed hair, who smoke roll ups and have snotty nosed kids.


The really serious one also think they have to drag their bullX lurchers and minging terriers around with them as well.


Is it some kind of award badge thing . Like the gold stars you see on the McDonalds burger flippers. :hmm:

Take it you just wander around in the familys tweed do you.............. :whistling:


When its appropriate yes. When its not, I wear something that is appropriate.


Personally the attraction, in both the wearer and the garb, of what has become universally described as "chavness" ,that seems to hold so much appeal to a certain type, has always failed me.


A certain type? Maybe it's you who's the certain type? (Stuck up, toffee nosed sort who likes to put themselves on some sort of pedestal above others less well off to make your self feel better?).


I don't wear track suits or real tree, but I have got a Bull X and terriers though.

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