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do you lads like cats

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I have had dogs that would and have on occasion killed cats but I have to say when it has happened it has been by accident not by design, feral cats are one thing but I"ve never come across that many of them BUT with regard to none ferals I would go out of my way to not kill them as I allways have this vision of some little old lady stood at the doorstep rattling a saucer calling for tiddles though accidents do happen.


The other side to it as well as that is cats have a bit more to their armoury than foxes with a fistfull of steel razors that can take a dogs eye out in a flash.

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When you read a thread like this it makes you sad as a genuine hunter because it makes you realise that the tools in the game now will ensure that the ban never gets lifted...

that tree looked shake able

You obviously know nothing about cats ! I've seen one of the best dogs laid up after tackling, and killing, a cat !! An old bloke said "f**k cats !! A fox has teeth, but a cat has teeth AND claws " !

When you read a thread like this it makes you sad as a genuine hunter because it makes you realise that the tools in the game now will ensure that the ban never gets lifted...

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When you read a thread like this it makes you sad as a genuine hunter because it makes you realise that the tools in the game now will ensure that the ban never gets lifted...

:notworthy::thumbs::thumbs: thank you pal. Where the f**k are all the genunie hunters.... stand up for our sports against low life pretend hunters.

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When you read a thread like this it makes you sad as a genuine hunter because it makes you realise that the tools in the game now will ensure that the ban never gets lifted...

:notworthy::thumbs::thumbs: thank you pal. Where the f**k are all the genunie hunters.... stand up for our sports against low life pretend hunters.

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When you read a thread like this it makes you sad as a genuine hunter because it makes you realise that the tools in the game now will ensure that the ban never gets lifted...



Spot on, used to be you earn't your apprenticeship scratting around for the odd rat and rabbit and leanrt about your quarry, hunting and respect, now these spunk bubbles buy a dog and think they are billy big bollocks, not a fecking clue, these plebs are the biggest aid the antis ever needed..........

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Its pricks like use lot who giv proper working lads a bad name wat a bunch ov tools I can walk my dog up the street if he sees a cat acat he dosent want to pull my arm out ov socket u must hav well traind dogs wud hate to see them in a feild ov sheep wat a bunch ov bellends

easist thing in the world to break a dog to a cat, its just some lads chose not to for there own reasons. I admit if you want to walk a dog off a lead near roads it cant chase cats.

tools! thats a bit richious that.

True mate but kids round my way do it for a laugh and I think its wrong at the end ov the day. If people put enough game infront ov there dogs and caught plenty they. Wudnt hav to slip there dogs on a cat. To make them feel hard get a life I say. Put it in the feild where it counts fair does if your dog get one and kills it carnt be helpd sumtimes



Dont bow down to him! They are f*****g tools, simple..


Mate, you say "if your dog gets one it cant be helped" well you havent trained it proper then pal. Because if it gets one, it will get another! Sheep cattle or cats, mine would have a slug in its head, and wouldnt be around to do it again..


mate your talking some shit..... i read your earlier post where you said your dogs respect your cat....... do you keep your cat on a throne or summit and call him sir.., dogs respect their owners, thats it. the rest is down to training. how the hell do you make out that a dog will take cattle and sheep if he taakes a cat...... we refer to slipping the dogs on feral cats, ie. WILD... ie. PREDATOR, VERMIN. if a dog wont follow a cat he wont follow a fox, simple as, small furry thing with a bushy tail running down the fieldand your dog wont follow it........ bull shit, if ya into bunnies that fine i suppose but if mine didn't follow it then its time to start culling. a wild animal is not a pet. get real and do the right thing and slip on vermin where and when possible. your saving your sport in the long run keeping the numbers of these down.



So your saying that dogs broken to cats wont chase fox? :laugh:


im sayin it aint much of a lurcher if it wont chase one when its running away, i never came accross one that doesn't have a go at a cat running away down a ditch or accross a field and if it wont follow it then yes i would bet money it doesn't have it in them to take a fox, its alot different having a dog around the yard that wont touch the cat, it has been warned and knows not to touch it but out hunting i wouldn't be impressed wit a dog that didn't try and have it. are you going to tell me im wrong mate?




The dog will give chase to anything mate, yeah your right, as soon as it realises what it is however, it will come off it! I have seen a brute of a bullx which would kill anything(preban) Run down the beam at full toss, only to jib at the last second and pull away! It realised it was a cat! One slept in its kennels at home, and it had "respect" for them, hence it didnt kill it.. And might i add, the owner, who was a nasty f****r, was also glad it didnt muller the cat. :thumbs:



i wouldn't class him as a very good bull hound then, that being said im not a lover of that breed anyway, i have one but doesn't get used half as much as the others.i have chickens, pheasants, A CAT, ferrits and various other animals about the place that the dogs wont touch when at home, they might want to but they wont because they have gotten a scalding if they tried before, but when out in the field if my dogs wouldn't put up a pheasent cause he doesn't do the ones at home he wouldn't be much of a gun dog, if we are hunting in a bog or along a river and we meet a mink or a stoat if my dogs wont take them because they look like the ferrits at home they wouldn't be comming home with me either. when out hunting if somthing is living wild and causes harm, other than sumones livestock then it shouldn't be there. my dogs wont bother the cat at home, they hate him and so do i but they know he is part of the place and out of bounds so they put up and shut up as do i, but when hunting if a feral is come accross they will dispatch him and i expect no less. and if you read my first reply to this topic i did refer to feral cats, obviously pets are pets.

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Love cats and dogs and have a respect for all creatures. It's all about tolerance surely and all you "cat-haters"............ask yourself why you are so fixated on cats and errrrrr..............try to grow some REAL man-balls! LOL


/equips flamesuit

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Its pricks like use lot who giv proper working lads a bad name wat a bunch ov tools I can walk my dog up the street if he sees a cat acat he dosent want to pull my arm out ov socket u must hav well traind dogs wud hate to see them in a feild ov sheep wat a bunch ov bellends

easist thing in the world to break a dog to a cat, its just some lads chose not to for there own reasons. I admit if you want to walk a dog off a lead near roads it cant chase cats.

tools! thats a bit richious that.

True mate but kids round my way do it for a laugh and I think its wrong at the end ov the day. If people put enough game infront ov there dogs and caught plenty they. Wudnt hav to slip there dogs on a cat. To make them feel hard get a life I say. Put it in the feild where it counts fair does if your dog get one and kills it carnt be helpd sumtimes



Dont bow down to him! They are f*****g tools, simple..


Mate, you say "if your dog gets one it cant be helped" well you havent trained it proper then pal. Because if it gets one, it will get another! Sheep cattle or cats, mine would have a slug in its head, and wouldnt be around to do it again..


mate your talking some shit..... i read your earlier post where you said your dogs respect your cat....... do you keep your cat on a throne or summit and call him sir.., dogs respect their owners, thats it. the rest is down to training. how the hell do you make out that a dog will take cattle and sheep if he taakes a cat...... we refer to slipping the dogs on feral cats, ie. WILD... ie. PREDATOR, VERMIN. if a dog wont follow a cat he wont follow a fox, simple as, small furry thing with a bushy tail running down the fieldand your dog wont follow it........ bull shit, if ya into bunnies that fine i suppose but if mine didn't follow it then its time to start culling. a wild animal is not a pet. get real and do the right thing and slip on vermin where and when possible. your saving your sport in the long run keeping the numbers of these down.



So your saying that dogs broken to cats wont chase fox? :laugh:


im sayin it aint much of a lurcher if it wont chase one when its running away, i never came accross one that doesn't have a go at a cat running away down a ditch or accross a field and if it wont follow it then yes i would bet money it doesn't have it in them to take a fox, its alot different having a dog around the yard that wont touch the cat, it has been warned and knows not to touch it but out hunting i wouldn't be impressed wit a dog that didn't try and have it. are you going to tell me im wrong mate?




The dog will give chase to anything mate, yeah your right, as soon as it realises what it is however, it will come off it! I have seen a brute of a bullx which would kill anything(preban) Run down the beam at full toss, only to jib at the last second and pull away! It realised it was a cat! One slept in its kennels at home, and it had "respect" for them, hence it didnt kill it.. And might i add, the owner, who was a nasty f****r, was also glad it didnt muller the cat. :thumbs:



i wouldn't class him as a very good bull hound then, that being said im not a lover of that breed anyway, i have one but doesn't get used half as much as the others.i have chickens, pheasants, A CAT, ferrits and various other animals about the place that the dogs wont touch when at home, they might want to but they wont because they have gotten a scalding if they tried before, but when out in the field if my dogs wouldn't put up a pheasent cause he doesn't do the ones at home he wouldn't be much of a gun dog, if we are hunting in a bog or along a river and we meet a mink or a stoat if my dogs wont take them because they look like the ferrits at home they wouldn't be comming home with me either. when out hunting if somthing is living wild and causes harm, other than sumones livestock then it shouldn't be there. my dogs wont bother the cat at home, they hate him and so do i but they know he is part of the place and out of bounds so they put up and shut up as do i, but when hunting if a feral is come accross they will dispatch him and i expect no less. and if you read my first reply to this topic i did refer to feral cats, obviously pets are pets.



lol, he's one of the best...The guy would never have shit in his kennels.. Dont call people dogs mate, hunters dont do that! :thumbdown:

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i think at least one month a year should be giving by the goverment to destroy cats by fair means and foul means only way same with a;ll vermin that are killing chicks licenced pest control and in the uk we should have furriers to boot catskin gloves ,what the foxhat ,badger hams and rugs pity we couldnt get american fur dealers here to grade pelts be a good source of income between dec to jan when in prime pelt time ,there needs to be larger kills upon all vermin who danger a mans livly hood , like the gatore man said this aint no baby ,catskin gloves fox hats lol badger hams ahah on amore serous note if you want to keep your cat put abel on him so he doesnt catch all the young birds then in winter take it off, got 4 f*****g feral kitts have i kiled them no see how we get on

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When you read a thread like this it makes you sad as a genuine hunter because it makes you realise that the tools in the game now will ensure that the ban never gets lifted...



Spot on, used to be you earn't your apprenticeship scratting around for the odd rat and rabbit and leanrt about your quarry, hunting and respect, now these spunk bubbles buy a dog and think they are billy big bollocks, not a fecking clue, these plebs are the biggest aid the antis ever needed..........


Hence my reply on your pinned question :thumbs:


I've got two cats. One big old hardass rat killer, and one bouncy little git of a kitten. The dogs do NOT touch them. They're mine, and as much as my bitch would love to chase them she doesn't. The whippet likes them :roll:. But, cats strolling past on the road get plenty of interest. As such, mine are on lead round the estates and in areas where I know there are cats. No least because of the damage a cat can do to a dog - but more because I have some respect for the people I live near and wouldn't be happy about killing their pet cat. It happened to me once and I learned a sad lesson when my greyhound killed some kids' kitten on a field near my house. It'll never ever happen again. And I took responsibility for it as well, I didn't just shrug and chuck the poor bugger in a bin. I had to go knocking till I found the house and then take the torrent of abuse from the woman who's cat I'd killed. Take it I did: because it shouldn't have happened and I was at fault.


My neighbour recently lost her cat to a lurcher and terrier. They chased it right into her garden and when her teenage daughter ran out to help her cat, she was bitten by the dogs for the trouble of it. And the knob jockey who was walking his dogs off lead in our estate simply whistled his dogs and carried on despite this poor girl screaming for help. And sadly that paints a picture of many of the so called hunters of today.


Like them or dislike them, there's no need to be cruel to a cat - or to the people who own them.

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