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Dont do wat one lad i heard did he sneaked a sample of their lasses piss he passed the drug test but they told him he was pregnant lol.

Seriously tell them to f**k off. They have nothing to do with what you do in your private life. As long as you are not under the influence at work then its none of their business. Pisses me off that people allow their employers to get away with murder just because theres a shortage of jobs. I sometimes think people wouldn't even complain about their bosses bum raping because its in their contract. I understand that with some jobs its not suitable to have someone that smokes weed etc. E.g. storeman for customs and excise but most jobs its just the employers doing it because they feel powerful f*****g with you.


What is your job? If they can't prove its necessary to your position then you can sue if you get sacked.

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Seriously tell them to f**k off. They have nothing to do with what you do in your private life. As long as you are not under the influence at work then its none of their business. Pisses me off that people allow their employers to get away with murder just because theres a shortage of jobs. I sometimes think people wouldn't even complain about their bosses bum raping because its in their contract. I understand that with some jobs its not suitable to have someone that smokes weed etc. E.g. storeman for customs and excise but most jobs its just the employers doing it because they feel powerful f*****g with you.


What is your job? If they can't prove its necessary to your position then you can sue if you get sacked.


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lmao i can see it now in the wanted section..


**** WANTED URINE **** must be drug free and of the good sort, must be available at short notice and within a few miles of home lol

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to pass the test you can eat a tea spoon of soap, 3/4hr before test, normal hard soap, not hp balanced :thumbs:


and to be sure rub some colmans english mustard on your starfish(arse) :ninja:


seriously though, alkaline soap will sort it

That gives soap bar a different slant :laugh:

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Just do heroin. It goes out your system quicker.


Is this the new Nike slogan for Junkies mate?.......... :laugh:

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Those "detox" drinks look like a load of cod science. "The detox drink stops your body from metabolising fat, and so releasing the chemicals stored in the fat cells"


So basically it's a bottle of sugary water, for £35! Sounds like a good wheeze to me!


Frankly, all of these products are rip-offs. You need to stop taking the drug for the time needed before the test, it's the only way to be sure of passing. I'd agree that unless the drug affects your work, the drug test is a totally unfair imposition. What business is it of theirs what you do outside work? Alcohol is a far more potent, and dangerous, drug than even most of the class A's (except for amphetamines, they're nasty shit!) and yet it's totally legal. Go figure!

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