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"Multiculturalism has failed.."

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Multiculturalism is in my opinon a good thing, and should incorporate equality for all, regardless of colour/race/creed, BUT without detriment to the British culture. Our culture is constantly eroded by others. I have hindu friends who integrate perfectly into Britain whilst maintaining their faith and customs, and there presence here strengthens our society, and makes our life richer and more interesting. I'm sure that the same can be said for a majority of muslims.


I agree with that, apart from the bit highlighted in red. The whole Multicultural thing is set out on the basis of no integration between cultures. The example you give with Hindi friends is not multiculturalism at work, it's quite the opposite and is what we should be aiming for. :thumbs:


Your spot on really, i still say multiculturalism is a good thing however the previous multicultural policy was to have separate communities, which i didn't realise, and it seems crazy! thanks for putting me straight!



and there presence here strengthens our society, and makes our life richer and more interesting.



Please explain ?......because from where im sitting it does far more harm than good......it makes THEIR life richer and more interesting yes......but what do we get out of it ?

Doctors and nurses for a start! take a walk round your local hospital and have a look!


Multiculturalism is in my opinon a good thing, and should incorporate equality for all, regardless of colour/race/creed, BUT without detriment to the British culture. Our culture is constantly eroded by others. I have hindu friends who integrate perfectly into Britain whilst maintaining their faith and customs, and there presence here strengthens our society, and makes our life richer and more interesting. I'm sure that the same can be said for a majority of muslims. If Britain is so bad, and they want to live in an islamic state, why don't they emmigrate? If the government doesn't get a grip on extremeism and immigration, we're either heading to living under shariah law, or the far right will gain support, and it'll all kick off, neither of which i would want to happen!


How can i argue with a well thought out response from such an intellectual great!

MANY THANKS, can not beat good debate ;)

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Please explain ?......because from where im sitting it does far more harm than good......it makes THEIR life richer and more interesting yes......but what do we get out of it ?


TIMMAY whilst walking round my local hospital I will also take note of all the foreigners such as immigrants families getting thousands of pounds of treatment but having put nothing in the pot.

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Please explain ?......because from where im sitting it does far more harm than good......it makes THEIR life richer and more interesting yes......but what do we get out of it ?




Doctors and nurses for a start! take a walk round your local hospital and have a look!




We had doctors and nurses long before multiculturalism :blink: ......i ask again,what do we the Englishman in England get out of multiculturalism ?

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Please explain ?......because from where im sitting it does far more harm than good......it makes THEIR life richer and more interesting yes......but what do we get out of it ?




Doctors and nurses for a start! take a walk round your local hospital and have a look!




We had doctors and nurses long before multiculturalism :blink: ......i ask again,what do we the Englishman in England get out of multiculturalism ?


Curry! :D

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Please explain ?......because from where im sitting it does far more harm than good......it makes THEIR life richer and more interesting yes......but what do we get out of it ?




Doctors and nurses for a start! take a walk round your local hospital and have a look!




We had doctors and nurses long before multiculturalism :blink: ......i ask again,what do we the Englishman in England get out of multiculturalism ?


Gnasher, we get NOTHING! And no one asked me, as a tax payer that has worked all my life, if i wanted the uk to become a multicultural society. Just who's idea was it anyway???

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Gnasher, we get NOTHING! And no one asked me, as a tax payer that has worked all my life, if i wanted the uk to become a multicultural society. Just who's idea was it anyway???



Didnt you know,its a worldwide popularity contest.......and we top the league table year in year out.......


A flood occurs in some faraway island we,ve never heard of.....we send a million while other nations send a fiver.....

A war starts between 2 third world nations we didnt know existed.....we send troops by the plane load while other nations leave them to it.

Starving africans.......we raise billions while other nations send out of date crisps.....


As a nation we strive to tell the world we are here to help.........as we all know kindness is very often mistaken for weakness............and theres your multiculturalism !.....it has absolutely no value or meaning whatsoever to anyone apart from those who exploit it !!

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we could gain something from a small amount of immigration,for example in trades we are lacking in or through people who have served in the army/marines/RAF regiment.


i'd happily accept any foreigner who has served his time as British,but they seem to be the most likely ones to be deported.

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Well now, let's do our sums. Cameron says 30 years of multiculturalism have failed. Then some dipshit starts yapping on about how Labour are all to blame. 2011-30 = 1981. Who was Prime Minister in 1981? Which party was in power until 1997?


I totally agree that multiculturalism has failed. I'd go further and say that it has made life worse both for immigrants, the great majority of whom are decent people, and for native English people. I call it "ghettoisation". But FFS grow up some of yez. Don't try to put the blame on any one party. It's more down to politicians going for the floating vote.

Edited by RicW
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countries f****d too many freeloaders here that are ripping everything they can get for themselves and its gone too far to be stopped what can there be done except deport everyone that wasnt born here or doesnt have loyalty to this country first second and third it make me laugh when i see these pakis born here waving f****n paki flags what the fook has pakistan ever done for them if they were born in pakistan and had no money from anyone of there family living here what kind of life would they be living it makes me laugh they hate us with a passion but we let them take the piss where a guy can work his whole life and cant even afford a car yet you got these 19/19 yr old pakis driving round in mercs and subarus where are we going wrong

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i see these pakis born here waving f****n paki flags what the fook has pakistan ever done for them if they were born in pakistan and had no money from anyone of there family living here what kind of life would they be living it makes me laugh they hate us with a passion



What gets my goat is when you ask them why they have their little flags on cars etc...they describe themselves as " a proud race ".......or " a proud nation "......f**k off proud,if they were proud of their country they wouldnt have deserted it !.....its BECAUSE they have no pride in their country that they are here......if they stuck together and sorted their shit out they wouldnt need us.....i kind of admire the ones that do stop their and battle through adversity like many other countries ( including England ) have had to do at one time or another.


Did you find Germans plotting up in Africa or Asia after they were bashed to f**k twice in the same century.....no,they had the pride to stick in and sort themself out and fair play to them.

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When my fatherinlaw was dying in hospital a few years ago he had to die on a public ward with curtains drawn round his bed,my wifes family had no real privacy when he died,lo and behold ALL the private rooms were occupied by muslims,i saw some of them walking around their rooms,seemingly with little wrong with them?


And the pratt who said "take a look round hospitals at the docs/nurses" i say to you mate,have a look at the aims of the "muslim doctors association" its online,twats like you helped to get us in this mess. :blink:

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countries f****d too many freeloaders here that are ripping everything they can get for themselves and its gone too far to be stopped what can there be done except deport everyone that wasnt born here or doesnt have loyalty to this country first second and third it make me laugh when i see these pakis born here waving f****n paki flags what the fook has pakistan ever done for them if they were born in pakistan and had no money from anyone of there family living here what kind of life would they be living it makes me laugh they hate us with a passion but we let them take the piss where a guy can work his whole life and cant even afford a car yet you got these 19/19 yr old pakis driving round in mercs and subarus where are we going wrong




Not dealing?

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When a c**t like Cameron starts using words like "progressive" its time to be afraid very afraid, remember a few months ago, Angele Merkel said exactly the same thing in Germany (so obvious that they are working to an agenda), reading between the lines i would say that they will start to enforce integration.

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Just listen to that scum bag in the video clip .... id like him to try and get into australia with that attitude .... if him and his fellow muslims have a problem with our armed forces then get out there and fight them face to face ... they have been allowed to get away with all sorts anti british ..... i hear people slag the Americans at times but would they put up with the shit this country does NOT A CHANCE ...they would be locked up and the key thrown away ... as unlike in there countries when our people are kidnapped THEY CUT THERE HEADS OFF AND PUT IT ON THE INTERNET ... And where classed as racist because the likes off that pisses us off AND WE VOICE OUR OPINIONS :wallbash: !

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