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The religious position intrigues me. As an atheist, I want to see that ***** suffer for as long as possible on this Earth, because when he dies he will be out of it all. But it seems to me that a good Christian should want to see him topped, so that he goes straight to Hell. I'm not trying to be funny here, there's nothing funny about it, but how come it's always the bible-bashers who want to keep these people alive? Remember that daft old git Lord Longford, trying to get Myra Hindley released?


Religion fu**s your head up.



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I've thought about it before, when talking about the death penalty to people, whether bringing it back in is really the right thing to do? And I still think it is, but I think it should be used solely

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The religious position intrigues me. As an atheist, I want to see that ***** suffer for as long as possible on this Earth, because when he dies he will be out of it all. But it seems to me that a good Christian should want to see him topped, so that he goes straight to Hell. I'm not trying to be funny here, there's nothing funny about it, but how come it's always the bible-bashers who want to keep these people alive? Remember that daft old git Lord Longford, trying to get Myra Hindley released?


Religion fu**s your head up.




I'm a Roman Catholic who has not attended church for 20 years! Yes i do remember and how silly was that!


Clint what do ya reckon?


Religion kills.

Edited by artic
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I think ,& i sure many other also. Such low live should not be allow to have protection,food or comfort of cosy cell , paid & keep by general public , with taxpay money! Death penelty for such crime should be reinstated :thumbs: It also set example to other child molest.

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I think ,& i sure many other also. Such low live should not be allow to have protection,food or comfort of cosy cell , paid & keep by general public , with taxpay money! Death penelty for such crime should be reinstated :thumbs: It also set example to other child molest.


Personally i think the likes of huntley should simply be jailed nothing more nothing less....what he shouldnt get is protection,if he wants to top himself then crack on,if other people want to attack or kill him then tough shit if your big and man enough to kill small children then best you make sure your man enough to defend yourself when it comes on top......if not........well nature has a funny way of taking care of itself when left alone.

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This peice of shit killed one girl and the other must have been waiting for her turn,he then took their bodies to an isolated location and burnt them beyond recognition.

Personally i would start on this c**ts toes with the pliers and work my way up,EVERY WEEK,AND NOT LET HIM DIE,it wouldnt bring back the children he killed or most likely wouldnt make anyone feel any better,but it could stop some other SCUM doing it.


As that will never be allowed by our "civilised" society the next best thing would be a bullet in the ear,f****n scumbag.

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This peice of shit killed one girl and the other must have been waiting for her turn,he then took their bodies to an isolated location and burnt them beyond recognition.

Personally i would start on this c**ts toes with the pliers and work my way up,EVERY WEEK,AND NOT LET HIM DIE,it wouldnt bring back the children he killed or most likely wouldnt make anyone feel any better,but it could stop some other SCUM doing it.


As that will never be allowed by our "civilised" society the next best thing would be a bullet in the ear,f****n scumbag.


Yeah I'm pretty sure that he went back to the spot where he burned the girls bodies and put them in containers because the fire hadn't done the job as well as he had hoped.


He is one of our most depraved.

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It costs so much money to keep scum the nick.. Bring back the death penalty and the burch.. mad prisnors watching telly and playing xboxs.. f*****g scum drianing tax payers money that could be better spent on health service or schools..

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they didnt slit his throat deep enough :censored:

I think they cut him just right.....Not enough to kill him but enough to scare him. Remember he has got another 25 plus years of this kind of treatment. Fantastic! Living in constant fear for the next 1/4 century. Why kill him when he will be punished like this?




quietly ninging

agreed well said mate :thumbs:

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='Swampy' date='22 March 2010 - 11:05 AM' timestamp='1269255945' post='1492806']

='Flamin'Nora!' date='22 March 2010 - 10:34 AM' timestamp='1269254084' post='1492776']

they didnt slit his throat deep enough :censored:


I think they cut him just right.....Not enough to kill him but enough to scare him. Remember he has got another 25 plus years of this kind of treatment. Fantastic! Living in constant fear for the next 1/4 century. Why kill him when he will be punished like this?




quietly ninging


agreed well said mate :thumbs:


There saying there's a queue to get him as the guy that gets him gets treated like royalty from the other prisoners

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Just heard on another forum that its likely huntley will recieve compansation for this attack.FFS wats this country turning into if he had been hung he would have been no cost to the taxpayer or even better if he had not commited these horrendus crimes in the first fekin placecensored.gifcensored.gifcensored.gifcensored.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gif

Here it is.


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The religious position intrigues me. As an atheist, I want to see that ***** suffer for as long as possible on this Earth, because when he dies he will be out of it all. But it seems to me that a good Christian should want to see him topped, so that he goes straight to Hell. I'm not trying to be funny here, there's nothing funny about it, but how come it's always the bible-bashers who want to keep these people alive? Remember that daft old git Lord Longford, trying to get Myra Hindley released?


Religion fu**s your head up.



Ric, I'm not going to fall out with you on this one, I promise!

However; you of all people, who understand the concept of freedom of expresssion, belief and culture should be a bit more understanding of their viewpoint.

Whilst I conceed that I do feel a lot of disgust for this man (and I use the term loosely)our society as a democracy determined that the death penalty should be abolished. This was based on our belief that we are a civilised culture.

Our legal system has been based on centuries of development and despite what most believe, is based on many christian values. Many, myself included, do not believe that I have the right to take anyones life.

It really aggrevates me when folk bang on about how the muslims are taking over and this is a Christian country and how can they get away with it, yet ask them whether they have any religeous beliefs the answer is "Nah its all BS". Religeon causes all the conflicts in the world? Do your history and you will find that religeon is very rarely the "root cause".............the excuse, yes, undoubtably but not the root cause.

If you were to argue that Mr *untley should be put to death because he stood for all that is un Christian and was a threat to our Christian beliefs then you would possibly have gained a bit more support from I.

I still however fervrently believe that he should stay in prison for the rest of his days and suffer all that goes with it. So that he has time to reflect on his heinous crimes. If it is at the cost of the tax payer ( and I wonder how many who use this argument do actually pay tax!)then so be it. He is after all a product of our society and as such we bear responsibility for him.

And to those who have joined the throng of the "lynch mob" I wonder how many would actually pull the lever, push the button, open the valve or administer the injection when it came to killing him. I suspect that it is easy to shout ones indignation at someone who is so readily abhorred and by so many.

Let him live and suffer.......................IN GAOL............NEVER TO VIOLATE OUR SOCIETY, CULTURE AND SENSIBILITIES AGAIN.

To me that means for the rest of his natural life. Less press coverage would help too!


Again just my view point and no offence to anyone intended.






the executers ning

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I'm not religious at all, I'm certain in my own belief that there isn't a god! I hear what you're saying Swamps but I truly believe he's gave up any right to be classed as a human being the minute he cast his evil sights on those innocent girls, so shouldn't be treated humanly.


I know everyone wont agree and they're entitled to feel as they want but I personally would like to see the guy pay with his life.


But thats just me.

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Swampy -


What's there to fall out about? I agree with 90% of what you say and accept the other 10% as valid argument even if I differ in my views.


There are four linked strands making up the philosophy behind the British system of punishment.


First is just that - punishment. It is sometimes referred to as retribution, but that slides too easily into revenge. Then comes rehabilitation. Please folks, don't go off on one about that word. What it means in context is that the prisoner should be brought to a state of mind such that s/he will not want to reoffend after release. That makes sense. It costs a lot of money to keep someone in the nick, so if society can avoid the need to punish someone for a further offence that must be to the benefit of all. Next is deterrence. The idea there is to deter other possible offenders from committing the same crime.


The fourth strand is the one that bears directly on this issue of really serious offencers. It is "incapacitation". There are some crimes so terrible that society must make it impossible for the perpetrator to reoffend. The chosen way of achieving this aim is never to release the offender into society. Hindley and Bradley died in prison.

Huntley has another 25 years to serve before he can be considered for parole. If he is deemed by the parole board still to be a risk to others he may never be released.


There are at present some 25 prisoners on indefinite sentences with minimum terms of 30 years or more. Any of them may, after serving the term decided by the judge, be deemed still a risk. The only way Huntley should leave prison is feet first in a cheap pine box.



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The guy is a sociopath, meaning he probably cannot feel remorse or guilt. He probably does feel fear though. The thing is we all want him to suffer but I doubt he will suffer the way we want i.e.e be wracked with guilt and live his mistakes every day of his life.


Best bet would be to turn these feckers into dog food,save the money feeding him and then everyone can move on to worry about other things.

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