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Quarter bull

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Everything posted by Quarter bull

  1. Lads wee could debate this till the cows come home, you have yours an I have mines, let's just agree to disagree, let's just live in peace an bring no harm to anybody now or in future, peace out brothers
  2. Good on ya iww, its hard work mate
  3. If you want to believe that's the same neems your welcome mate,,, its miles apart....nothing the same at all by a long shot.....the old testament predates any of this counterfeit of Satan,, which it is,,, an Halloween is one of paganism main nights, fact, take it from me its not in the bible an Christians don't claim it lol
  4. Lol truther were the pictures lol I'm not doubting there their, what I'm saying is they didn't see it form...read it again...they say they have better resolution pics, an by looking...just looking now at the swirls of dust, they say its young planet or star lol how did they tell all that from just a picture, they've seen better pics an put their interpretation on it nothing more... There looking from a telescope an telling us all this lol truther you know an I know that is complete porkies...they can't tell from millions of miles away...not one test done...just a one sided view.... Aga
  5. Unfortunately, because Gentry has published his original work on haloes in reputable scientific journals, a number of basic geology and mineralogy text books still state that microscopic discoloration haloes in mica are the result of polonium decay. That piece didn't disprove his work,,, evolutionists spilting hairs again...his work is accredited an substantiated, as your evolution man states in last paragraph....above
  6. The gov don't give a fudge about paedophiles, an that's just one of a thousand ways to prove that they don't give a fudge about me an you, how people don't see this I don't know..
  7. that made my day seeing that digusting vile things face like that thank you Plus one
  8. it is danger but not from hunters. its in danger from those do gooder fecking scientist and there man made disease's they put down Your dead right trigger, keep them as far away as possible, that's a back door to a ban...
  9. These fudging scientists poking there nose in were there not wanted, who gives them the right to do this, nobody, next they'll be saying, the rabbit in danger stop hunting, report nothing lads
  10. Tell them to stick their conservation were the sun don't shine mate
  11. Polonium halos proves that granite rock formed very quickly, n.s.a denies this, but they have been asked to explain why over the last fifteen years,with no response... The Hubble can see new galaxy yes but they didn't see it form, come on truther your not being truthfully....no one has seen a star form fact,, they night have found new ones but they didn't seen them form fact...an the theory of stars exploding to form new ones has never been seen... Show me the evidence for these claims you make....please
  12. Yeah as I said before, the devil is a deceptful entity, trying to counterfeit everything God the father has done, the old prophecies the new, they fit hand an glove neems, pagan worship is straight from the pit....
  13. Thanks for sharing uru, interesting an God bless you
  14. Excellent pics lads, keep them coming, an thanks for sharing.
  15. Buy some evian water, put fresh lemon in it drink two litres a day, an eat plenty of veg,
  16. Lol she recognise herself in the puddle mate.
  17. That's the old testament referencing all the important stuff in the new testament, before it even happened,, that's called prophecy mate, accurate enough for you
  18. Theme Old Testament Reference New Testament fulfilled in Jesus Ascension of Jesus to the right hand of God Ps. 110:1 Matt 26:64; Acts 7:55-60; Eph. 1:20 Atonement by blood Lev. 17:11 Heb. 9:22 Baptism Exodus 40:12-15; Lev. 16:4; Gen. 17:10; Ezek. 36:25 Matt. 3:16; 28:19; Col. 2:11-12; Heb. 10:22 Begotten Son, Jesus is Psalm 2:7 Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:5 Creative work Gen. 1:26 John 1:1-3; Col. 1:16-17 Crucifixion Psalm 22:11-18; Zech. 12:10 Luke 23:33-38 Damnation and Salvation Dan. 12:2 Matt. 25:46 Eternal Son Micah 5:1-2; Psalm 2:7 Heb. 1:5; 5:5 First and Last Isaiah 41:4; 44:6; 48:12
  19. Here before you make a fool of yourself again,,, Christianity comes from the old testament, the new fulfills the old, you want me to prove it to you....the old testa.ent outdates all your pagan crap mate....
  20. Say what you like about Christ mate, but have a think about were paganism come from, actually put up your link, .... So I can rip it apart lol So do you celebrate Christmas neems,, its not even the birth date of Christmas,, but tell me what's Yule all about....I'm all ears
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