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the durham digger

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Everything posted by the durham digger

  1. Those methods of starting a terrier are now bound to history, technically it is baiting and will land the lad in hot water and probarbly the national press.... what next? A ferret in a pipe? We need to stay legal lads!
  2. I would hold it back at 7 months earthwork in all probarbility overwhelm a dog so young, mentally and physically, give it 3 month or so mate!
  3. Under animale welfare laws you will bring about charges like that. And the hunting act states the dog must be removed and quarry shot, im not saying those methods dont work but i would advise caution or you may end up in court. Personally i give pups a dry run, either try an experienced dog in a drainage pipe and if empty let the young dog follow on the second run, but a lot of dogs will self enter on smelling scent at an earth.
  4. Theres no doubt plummer talked a good fight.... he just didnt let the truth get in the way of a good yarn
  5. Before those that hold the man in high esteem try and badger me into an argument im not biteing. I feel opinions may be split on this subject but how do you rate plummer and his work? I suspect that plummer was little more than a victorian ratcatcher and fictional author, that surounded himself with young impressional would be hunting lads, because they couldnt challenge his views..... people give him a godlike status do you think this is well founded? Was the plummer terrier developed as a working terrier or an ego boost for a fame-hungry rat hunter? No arguments please!
  6. Cheers mate.... thats boxing day sorted, i have now got a valid excuse to avoid the family!
  7. Iv heard a few things about collarums but have never used one, if anyone has used them, how do you rate them? Do you find them effective in fox control? Do cats pose a problem in the use of a collarum? I would aprieciate any hints or tips. Thanks lads.
  8. Hahaha due to lack of foxes im getting to ground i might take you up on the offer- i need the practice!!
  9. Yeah but with the bellman you can have either meters or feet so for us that have always dug in feet theres no need to alter our way of thinking, it takes you within 4 inches of the dog as well, i find it really accurate!
  10. I got mine 3 days after ordering mate.... they probarbly flat out coz of xmas, even after they send it out i bet there is a backlog on post!! Hope you get it soon mate.
  11. I payed 380 notes, i dont miss the sound.... i dont take notice of the arrows, they lead you on a merry dance i just follow the decreasing numbers, i like the fact i can still use feet and inches coz that meters and centimeters is hard to get your head round after a lifetime of digging by the foot.
  12. Foxes often go to ground in rabbity spots mate!
  13. f****n hell, if i was gettin 400 notes a unit i would pull my finger out...... you should tell them- if you dont get a move on, il cancel my order and stick with the knocker box!! Lol
  14. Its a lottery mate, geneticly the pups carry the same ammount of chromasomes from both parents and in litters iv bred iv had pups from the same litter that differ, some being like the dam and others being like the sire.
  15. You should only ever consider breeding from a top notch dam and sire.... breeding is always a lottery, iv known litters bred from first rate working parents that should make great digging dogs but havent made the grade, but breed from the best available.
  16. Iv recently moved to area and am thinking of following the badsworth on boxing day, has anyone followed them? Iv previously followed the south durham and braes of derwent fairly regularly along with occassionally following a handfull of other packs.
  17. Your spot on fireman.... iv always let vixens run unless they not fit to, and fine looking dog foxes were also given grace......... in hunt country foxes were also managed rather than slaughtered, now the rifle brigade and snare lads dont mess about, any fox in sight is a dead or wounded fox. The men that hunted fox with hounds/ terriers managed the population killing the lame, sick and lazy- and its no coincidence that they were the problem foxes, an animal unable to hunt wild prey turns to an easy alternative..... livestock! I would like to see the actual figures of foxes killed the sea
  18. I know of an area that i pick up ginger coloured rabbits i first got 1 on the lamp about 10 years ago and pick maybe a dozen or so each season. I think it must be genitic, so the area you caught your mole if he has passed on the gene probarbly has a population of them.
  19. These smokers are a rip off..... all they are is a propane weed wand with a trigger oil can with a coiled pipe. They cost about 25 quid to make and they only take about 40 minutes to put together. Cant believe arthur carter is knocking them out at 100 quid.
  20. So just because a fox bolts the terrier must be a jacker? Do me a favour? Do you even work terriers? A few years ago i owned a little red bitch that was about as hard a terrier as iv ever seen, and she would stay until dug to if what was infront of her wasnt for moving, and if i wasnt fast in breaking through her fox was usually dead, but she bolted a huge number of foxes. Once a terrier is put to ground the matter is out our hands and circumstances dictate what the end result wiill be. If charlie is in such a place that a bolt is possible and there is little noise above ground he is going
  21. Iv heard it all now....... can you put me in touch with your drug dealer??
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