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Tam O'Void

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Everything posted by Tam O'Void

  1. Scent on the day was poor ,but a few taken..and a Few Hunts undertook and the kids enjoyed it ! Job Done
  2. Some youngsters getting a little Taste of the Terrain of the Somme..
  3. Is the Legal Fees Coverage,not only if you are "Charged" with something
  4. You have me at a disadvantage as I don't know what you're on about. If however you wish to continue to make this personal, may I suggest you don't highjack other users threads & instead PM me with the information. You Know as does half of Ayrshire....Wishing Nothing personal,but answered like the true brassneck Type of "BUSHING" I Like ,these would make a good wee team
  5. They will be a few on here ,that Remember dogs running around,below an Office full of people in full cry ,bolting a fox out into the open In the City Many a Terrierman cut their Teeth in the Heart of the City wish you still could The DEAR GREEN PLACE isn't called that for nothing ,more parks ,green space per head of population in the U.K.
  6. The Guy was asking advice ,on Taking his Russell "BEATING" on a Shoot ...not BUSHING ,I'm sure His ,would do that No Prob ..anydog with a nose Can usually do this Task...some better than others .. Bushing with a few mates is alot different from ,as you say providing Sport for guns ..Control of your ward is a Must That is the Advice Given . As for you controlling your dog or dogs .Who said anything different When on a Shoot or elsewhere you follow instructions from who brings you on ! they expect you to be able to control your dog or dogs ...simple Ps . are you not the Guy how Tried
  7. My Pick up has a 12 x 12 inch one on the Tail gate ,magnetic... Has and will be on all the month stand right out against the forest green....my choice the least I can Do ..
  8. If it can be ran along a Ruler and leave a line... width of this ... I would be ideal Timbers yours,I'd get it to you ,when I'm in the Kingdom..
  9. One Sharpie ! then Wouldn't mind a fine tip one,same as the Pentel ...or a real fine liquid roller.. Black ink . Trade a Nice block of oak over 18 inch x about 6 inch
  10. Can these be done with Fine tip Architect pens.. not Ballpoints I'll give you a good Trade
  11. Bushing and Beating two different games........Both can be FUN ! ,but one is A controlled Job ,for An End RESULT ! birds on the Table ..So a dog Under control is what's NEEDED.. Bushing you can have no amount of Uncontrolled Dogs run about in cover ,with no Direction,other than to supply FUN ! Two TOTALLY different Scenarios
  12. Should give Book back to F&Mwtc...let a member have it ,cash go to fund a Rescue .
  13. Glow Plugs ...not holding enough Amps....Test the Glow Plugs again .mine were faulty ..replaced ...no prob since ...Ford tho ..
  14. NOT at ALL !!! thought it was an Amusing piece of Social Commentary I have a right to comment on this Topic...L.O.L. until I came on here . I thought it Stood for something else Here's an other one ,Same guy .....Am I trying to Cause trouble ,with the Folllicle challenged http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aldqYi65ues&feature=relmfu As a side step what about that Mum loving,non drinking ,smoking Batchelor can't be Trusted that Type :laugh:
  15. If he's biddable and can be checked in when needed...Go a head ,they can put birds out where the bigger dogs can't...the runs in the Gorse will be a pisstake to him.. If you have no confidance on his control....defeats the purpose a Tad ! nothing worse than climbing over Treefall,navigating woods ect.. with a Terrier straining at the leash ..Wanting to Join In ! Try and get a "DRY run " if possible on the ground your likely to be on..Get to know the Ground ,if you don't allready Know..Lot of folk Beat ,but don't take in the positions of earths ,likely Distractions for a Terriers . Rabbits,sh
  16. Do you not like the Thought of all they wee feet ,turning a big wheel like HAMSTERS ! Kill two birds with one stone..Marching to produce ,something Worthwile
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX7NovjvD64
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAWl5peI8HY&feature=list_other&playnext=1&list=AL94UKMTqg-9BpGE0XrLpvxrs1vwoEQYtw
  19. Sailor Jerry does taste fine Was gonna put this on the Missus Thread... but had 2nd thought.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=cxjmYDzasLM
  20. Sounds like the onset of Gout An Asprin a day keeps the cold at bay
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_qP5TnxNYQ&feature=related
  22. More Helpful Advice...THis one is a MUST http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fqsrgleuww&feature=relmfu
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