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Everything posted by lampingboy

  1. nice one mate,got a hw35 myself just ineed of a bit of tlc lol atb Brad.
  2. lovely pic that! and good shooting bud nice one Brad.
  3. damn ,bet that took some force!! anychance of a link for the hand tho ? lmao would quite like to know the damage it caused cheers Brad.
  4. thanks for the suggestions lads looking into them ,another thing though, are there any relatively cheap side by sides ? as these are my preferance cheers Brad.
  5. hi lads,soon to be applying for my sgc and ill be after a 12 bore . Will have about 250-300 quid to spend,any guns you would reccomend and to keep my eye out for ? cheers Brad.
  6. hi si,yes mate thats fine and yes ill pay by paypal Brad.
  7. how much would you be looking for ace ? Brad.
  8. hi si yes mate id love all 4 ,how long roughly untill there being dispatched ? ill pm you for details and £40 coming your way cheers mate Brad.
  9. hi si sorry i havent yet ordered off you,ive been a bit short on money since ive been splashing out on new shooting equiptment mate lol, im just wondering how much for the 3 and your new one ? 3 for £25 and your new one which i believe is £14.99 ? ,would £40 be okay ? cheers pal Brad.
  10. hi si how much for this and all the previous dvd's mate ? you can add me to the list looks a great dvd and cant resist haha cheers pal Brad.
  11. i have a deben tracer max pro 400m beam myself mate,you should have an on off and dimmer switch as one peice with it ? atb, Brad.
  12. hi mate,had a word with derwin and im going to just apply for my sgc now untill i get some more experience with his rifles but thanks! ill be looking into it all alot more
  13. the second was a bit haha thinking i should have aimed lower since it was pretty close! lol anyways thanks for taking me mate and look forward to the next outing (im saving my milk cartons haah) just give me a ring or drop me a text email etc cheers mate! Brad.
  14. honestly not sure mate but i would imagine so
  15. Hi all , got an email off derwin tonight when i got in from some target practice with my s410.He let me know he ws going out so i booted up at was soon out with him and some of his mates . We went around a few parts of our permission ,wasnt really much about but i learnd alot and i wont mention my 2 misses haah im thinking of ust applying for my sgc for the tme being untill i get some moe experience! im sure w will be out alot more in the near future big thanks der mate!! Brad.
  16. hi mate,you are allowed to apply for an fac at 15 (im also 15 hoping to apply soon) but you will not be able to purchase guns nor ammo ,but you can be given them.I suggest you read through the,fac application topic at the top of this sub forum,and it will answer a hell of alot of questions for you ,as i did me atb mate Brad.
  17. hi ric thank you bud im thinking off applying for the .22LR .17HMR .243 and .223 . im hoping that if i get some experience with derwin,and he comes to the interview with me to give a real sound referance not just on paper but actually let the FEO know what practice and experience i have it will go a long way towards me getting a centre fire at a young age! but like been said,the worst they can say it no.Going by that i think your idea of applying for a .243 and a .223 to fall back on is great! cheers pal Brad.
  18. do you have a pic mate ? cheers, Brad.
  19. ive read both fac and sgc topics ,all i need to complete my sgc form is 2 referees ,also need a gun cabinet and a more secure door on my house (being finished) . at the moment on the fac form i only have a .22lr down,do you think it would be too much asking for a .243?? and a .17hmr ? as i think these will be my most likely calibers of choice .ie. start off with a .22lr then move onto a.243. on the form the reason for a .22lr is vermin control i may add what quarry also. then go onto .243 for fox etc. thank you , Brad.
  20. haha i think a 410 and 12 bore would do me mate not got much interest in anything more powerfull One question about referees,do they have to be local good guys such as mp's doctors police and stuff? if not i should have 2 straight away otherwise it will be a bit difficult as i havent known any police officer or doctor personally for atleast 2 years lol :/ cheers Brad.
  21. okay lads,filled out as much as i can for the time being on my fac application forms,and im going with a coterminous certificate so im also filling out my sgc forms,what would you reccomend i put down on that ? a 410 and 12 guage or is that pushing it ? cheers lads Brad.
  22. wow that is some rifle!! how much did that set you back mate? i think a .22lr is my first option ,then once theres some money saved a .243 or .223 cheers for the pic aswell mate, Brad.
  23. good job mate,are you planning on selling these ?
  24. thanks mate,still keeping my options open at the moment Brad.
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