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Everything posted by lampingboy

  1. hi mate looks bloody brilliant how much was it and where did you get it from pal ? Brad.
  2. still on for half 4 aaron ? as you said its pretty small so will take a bit of thinking as said before a high chair would be perfect, see u soon Brad.
  3. Hi darren looks like it but not quite mate haha wish i did though lmao ,as aid im going to do a test day and see how it goes, plenty of targets at my zero range and alot of pellets lmao,will let you all know how i get one Brad.
  4. Hi bill im going to do a propper test day soon when this rain sods off and log it all down ,ill also try the 5 shot groups as you said,might give me a more accurate reading with less room for error if you understand where im coming from. Im printing some of those targets out at the moment aswell cheers pal Brad.
  5. hi craig i was using the crossmn accupells but they were from 3 years ago,then i got these which are the exhact same pellet imo basically same tin and exhact same pellet, i have some air arms diablo fields to try off davy and will give my tin of aa diablo hunters a go if i can find the buggers. Is your s400 in .22? if so would you fancy a swap of say 50 mosquitos for the accupells ? or aa's ? ie heared good results about the mosquitos so fancy giving them a go cheers mate Brad.
  6. haha ,i used to be in the army cadets ,thinkin of rejoining but mostly kit ive collected of a few years,all together with my gun the kit weighs 15kg so it certainly gets you panting on the big hill to that field haha atb Brad.
  7. bloody brilliant write up and a hell of a bag!!!! jeezmost ive had in one night is one lmfao! atb to you lads and good luck to si back in germany Brad.
  8. although some object,wd40 is fine although i usedmy gun oil lol
  9. thanks ste mate! means alot ill keep at it and try and get out for an hour most days after school ,think im going to give the aa fields a try in the morning! see how i get on Brad.
  10. hi lads thanks for the kind comments,im using webley accupells at themoment ,ive preiously had better 25 meter groups than this but today i felt really comfortable and steady as a rock when reting on my bag but i had bad groupings :/ only thing ive done is wash and lube my pellets,ill be honest my previous groups were nothing special but were all in and on the blue centre border . maybe some serious practice is needed ill try and find my rin of aa fields diablos and give them a go! as i remeber they really shot nice. will let you know how i get on,hopefully get out tomorow morning but im o
  11. Hi lads,decided to go for some target practice this afternoon since it was lovely and sunny,i also recieved my pair of jack pyke fold back finger shooting gloves so wanted to give them a try. i set out about 4:40pm,would have liked to have left earlyer but was bust stripping scaffolding with my dad lol . anyways i got to the field where i practice and set out 3 targets,one at my zero range 25meters the second at 40meters and the third at around 55meters . my first grouping wasnt the best tbh and im not sure why but im going to re-zero at x6 mag soon instead of the x9 im using now. As you
  12. normally straight from the tin but now started washing them, also thinking of cleaning out the barrell but cant find my fishing wire Brad.
  13. http://www.gunstar.co.uk/Shotgun/Browning-Medalist-gun-for-sale-gs16607.aspx lovely looking shotty that! will hopefully get to the gun shop this weekend to have a look Brad.
  14. if i was closer ,i couldnt say no for 50 quid lol hopefully applying for my sgc soon and looking for a decent cheep 12bore
  15. just had a browse and seems you can pickup a lovely baikal side by side for 300 quid easy enough will have a word with my loal gun shop and ask them to keep an eye out for one as there pretty sound guys just need to apply for my sgc now !! cheers mate Brad.
  16. shouldered and handled all 3 myself and for me it was the s410 carbine that took it beautiful walnut with rosewood cap stock ,very light,short enough for in a vehicle and deadly accurate. For me the hw100 was just too heavy to be carting around atb Brad.
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