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Everything posted by Rainmaker

  1. Quite true, except it would take more than a few minutes for it to build up. Road kill is far from ideal however; freshly killed (hunted/shot) bunnies, pigeons, crows etc are much better. Must have had an enormous amount of bacteria when live, then. Bacteria only multiply every 20 minutes (by mitosis), so the numbers would "only" double in that time. That's a very small increase in bacterial terms. The live animal would have to have already been crawling in toxic bacterium to spawn a deadly amount inside 30 minutes (time for one set of mitosis) even under high heat and other condu
  2. Rainmaker

    Moll: My Pup

    Nice stamp of jr there ds, she's looking well
  3. Oh for gawd's sake :wacko: I'm saying nothing, my breath has already been wasted lol
  4. :clapping: Nice on DS. Erin, hope the fella comes right for you.
  5. Rainmaker


    Argos do them similar. 5,000,000 cp! They're under a tenner and come with a built-in cig lighter charger (car) and a mains charger is in the box. They don't last hours its true, but as a back-up or "quick trip out" type lamp they're excellent. Mine lasts about an hour, sometimes two depending on usage. Plus you can plug it in and use it in the car off the battery, and it's recharging as you move on to the next field/place. Not to mention there's no heavy shoulder bag It can't replace a 'proper' lamp, but like I said they are useful for what they are. Mine has a little spotter l
  6. Yes silvers do lose the heavy colouring after a while, but they always (or very nearly always) retain some colouration in their fur. From what I'd gathered (as I said I've never owned one) BEWs were pure snow white with black eyes, from day one. Albinos with black eyes basically. Happy to be proved wrong, as I said I've no experience of them personally. Only what I've heard
  7. Have to agree with the comment about chicken wire. I lost two ferrets to it not long after I started out with them. I use weld-mesh now with half inch intervals. It's not expensive and doesn't half last Bullsmilk, that's one hell of a nice setup mate, well done!
  8. Very nice mate. I must admit to a soft spot for silvers, after my first hob. Got a poley and an albino now, but... LOL Only thing I've never had is a sandy and a bew. Maybe one day Best of luck with them.
  9. Very good workers, at five months old? And you're giving them away
  10. The 112 number is a standard Europe-wide number and was introduced so that any visitors (GB to Europe or vice versa) were never stuck for an emergency number. Also on mobiles it has advantages for priority on the networks over 999, apparently. It was discussed a while back on 5ive-o. If I find the post I'll paste the relevant explanation in here.
  11. Hi Ant, I said it in PM and I'll say it here. That was one class bitch, and I'm happy that I homed her with you. I'm the first to admit even *I* welled up when I got your PM and I don't even own her any more! But it has to be said, you're a good genuine lad and you did it all right - by the book. No regrets here mate, was a pleasure following your progress with her - I couldn't have placed her in better hands. It was just one of those things. Also worth mentioning that you PM'd me the news before posting in here. That's good manners mate, I appreciate it. Keep your chin up
  12. Gregg, That's great! I hope your action in sending the link out prompts some people to switch over to RMBs etc, pets lives depend on it. rezesky (Hi J ), mince is mince. RMBs are RMBs. If it is in any way altered from the natural state (i.e. doesn't much look like it belongs on a carcase) it isn't an RMB. Good RMBs include meaty rib racks, necks, backs, tails, and in come cases legs etc. If the food is minced, the teeth aren't getting cleaned at all. Mince and any ground food (such as those ridiculous barf "patties") will slime the gum-line with food particles, creating
  13. Really sorry, I missed the part of your post asking for a reply Ok mate there's a few issues/questions to be brought up here. Let's start at the beginning and work from there, eh! First of all congrats on feeding a raw diet Personally I don't like much of the BARF philosophy, especially the ground food and compulsory 66%+ veggies/fruit/herbs/nuts/seeds. That aside (you didn't ask me to pick apart your feeding method), I digress... Grass feeding in itself isn't anything to worry about. For some dogs it's almost a habit, like biting nails or stroking your beard/tache lol Othe
  14. :thumbs-up: Nice one Gregg :thumbs-up: Great post, I enjoyed reading that. Noticed you feed mince - do try to incorporate RMBs into the diet to help prevent periodontal disease mate. The ingredients of the diet are extremely important (so even the mince is good so long as it's minced whole carcases or similar), but the texture and physical form of the diet is at least as important as it's ingredients/nutritional benefit. Occasional veggies etc won't HARM a dog - they're no problem at all. Not of any particular nutritional benefit (ground/liquidised or not), but some dogs enjoy the
  15. Do you keep dogs, ferrets or even cats? Thought so Regardless of whether or not you feed kibble, canned, home cooked or raw, take a look at this. Taking part is free, except the cost of a stamp, and would really help. Basically the idea is you get a free checkup at the vets for Pet Smile Month, and then fill in the survey. UKRMB are trying to establish further evidence of the collaboration between the junk pet food industry and vets. Kibble AND raw (and all other) fed dogs need to take part for this to work. It's a quantitative analysis more than anything, but hopefully a list of raw-fri
  16. Stabs, I feed fish at least twice a week mate. Guts and all, the whole animal. Sardines, mackerel, trout, herring... It's a great source of Omega EFAs, and the dogs love it. The terrier pup spends the first hour licking the things :sick: then later devours them.
  17. Bloomin' hell, seems our MP's actually fairly intelligent. He supported more money for dairy farmers, increased availability of biofuel, an inquiry into fraud and corruption by the RCVS and pet food industry - in support of Dr Tom Lonsdale and the UK Raw Meaty Bones Support & Action Group, etc etc Cool.
  18. The vet's done a fluoro stain on the eye yesterday, and although the injury is still obviously present, she is (quote) "Healing quicker than could ever have been expected". Yeah, cos she's a WORKING terrier from good blood! The cornea is still punctured, but the pupil is reacting again and the blood has gone. There is still some pressure inside the eye but again it's draining away so hopefully she's coming right. Wait til I see that cat again... and I don't care who sees this post. Allowing animals to roam is an offence, and if I catch one on my property once more, I'll be exercisi
  19. Sorry mate, didn't mean that how it sounded. I'm on smoochers as well and know Socks (sound guy), he's a veggie feeder iirc. When you said HIS dog looked good and you wanted to see mine, I thought you were after a veggie versus no veggies comparison. No biggie either way, sorry for any misunderstanding mate
  20. There are some old pics (raw fed still) on my site (see below) if you like. Beware though that it's not just external appearences. The most important indicator of diet related health is in the mouth itself. Gingival health and appearence, periodontal pockets present or not?, tartar and biofilm creeping intra-dentally?, breath smell?, periodontal disease present sub-gingivally? These could all be present in a dog that looks A1 on the outside, and you won't know you've poisoned the dogs heart valves, kidneys and liver until it's too late = early death. Prevention is better than cure for
  21. One of my dogs once had a "spontaneous reaction" and gobbled down a baby's nappy (unused!)... Gee, what more proof do you need that they should have a least two nappies a day in their diet? It's not hard at all to believe that a wild wolf will scavenge on any available food (or non food) item when very hungry. Wolves eat very sporadically, and do not turn to eating crud (berries, rubbish) until literally starving. I've yet to see a wolf turn up his nose at bringing down an ungulate because he was too full after eating some bananas and blueberries Like I said before, are you for r
  22. You have PM... Alright Stabs mate? How's it going? Little sods them cats aren't they? Glad to hear your dog pulled through ok, even if the vision isn't 100%, it's better than 0% eh? Time will tell for this one, but it's looking good so far, thank god. The vet's got her on chloramphenicol, which is supposed to be for people. Basically, I could have gone to the chemist, bought a tube of eye antibiotics for three quid, and saved the other £47 I paid the vet (£50 in total). Still, better safe than sorry when it's something like this. Cuts and rips, sorted - but I don't
  23. It's very early days yet (about four hours since it happened) but after a jab of anti inflammatory, and three (hourly) drops of antibiotic so far, the bleeding/bruising is already disappearing I covered the good eye up and moved my free hand towards her bad eye, and each time she closed it tight before I touched it. I was careful not to make a draft as I moved towards her so all signs are good - it seems the vision is back When she saw the vet earlier, her pupil had constricted down to "pinprick" to help protect the eye - looks like its responding again EDIT: Oh, and you're
  24. Bloody cats :realmad: My eight month old patterdale x sealyham pup went out for a crap before and flushed a cat under one of the tarps out back. She's cornered it and started baying, and the bloody thing's "popped" her eye. Had her at the vets as it was bleeding inside and "deflated", and he reckons the claw didn't "scratch" the eye, it's punctured right through to the back. She's on antibiotic drops and he wants another look tomorrow (free of charge) but reckons she'll be blinded. Gutted, she was showing a lot of promise as well - only immature but coming on nicely. She'll be
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