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charlie nelly1

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Everything posted by charlie nelly1

  1. charlie nelly1


    looks like a nob head if you ask me!
  2. romoving its head will sort the problem!
  3. where abouts are you lampin, me and a friend have one that'll be ready in a week or two, so maby not this time but in the futre we could arrange something?
  4. frontline spray mate, not sure where to buy it though, someone on here should know!
  5. with feeding I advice to feed them raw food, such as rabbit, imo they should have access to this 24hours a day, when working or not working, and the ferret finder, i prefer mk1, but they do the same job, just the mk3 i belive are easier to get fixed as they have stopped making the mk1, hope this helps mate?
  6. i caught a cat in a larsen last year bated with a week old stinking pheasant leg, was trying to catch maggies
  7. yes but he says 3-4 weeks, weather he leaves it 3 or 4 its too early in my eyes
  8. choke slam or body slam works for me!
  9. here he is, please let me know what you think
  10. if they are nearly two weeks then id leave it atleast 6 weeks, not 3-4?
  11. sounds slightly dodgy that he's trying to get rid of it tonight or tommorow morning, but £50, worth a punt
  12. just been given an mk3 ferret finder collar, how do you change the batterys?

    1. wig887
    2. xHOUNDx


      twist the metal part should come into 2

    3. charlie nelly1
  13. Feck me a post without selling anything feck me, another post being a twat! ha
  14. mate sorry but the seller has been banned and the advert was 27 November 2011!
  15. i dont struggle to find them mate not that i really care about colour just working ability!
  16. PM spike25blue, I think he is the one who makes some very nice decent cattys http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/user/22704-spike25blue/
  17. cant work out if in your hands you have a camera or a pair of binoculars, or it may be neither?
  18. just fresh meat mate, you'll soon start to learn how much she eats in a day, and as metioned above make that you dont put too much fodder in as it will soon go smelly!
  19. which one of the stainless steel ones do you recomend for rabbits midnight?
  20. this is the hen she is out of, sorry about the shit pic
  21. how much for the two camo nets posted mate?
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