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Everything posted by GRAM71

  1. quite partial to a fray bentos steakand ale pie at the mo, haven't had one for donkeys 'til the wife bought one back the other week. hmm, yum!
  2. GRAM71

    BIG CAT!!

    ha ha! still bloody big for a charlie!
  3. best not to mention it on an open forum
  4. GRAM71

    BIG CAT!!

    that's a maine coon, we have a grey/white one called chester the terrible, he's an evil f****r!
  5. sorry mate, if i'm ever up your neck of the woods i'll buy you a consolatory pint, or two.
  6. i think he mentioned wild boar aswell tho, might want something a bit bigger than a 243 for that, although if it was just deer and fox on the other hand.....
  7. i think you've answered your own question there dunc, probably the most popular centrefire calibres around are those two, readily available ammo, and accurate with the right set up. go on, fill ya boots
  8. who fitted your kitchen? you're missing the edging strip where the worktop butts up to your cooker! Grrrrr!
  9. and that's before he asks you what's ailing you! it's probing time!
  10. i wouldn't mind my doc shoving her finger up my arse, she's hot! aslong as i could return the favour to her though...
  11. might be lead build up, AFAIK most 22lr are about 1-20 twist
  12. as has been said, take an experienced shot with you, ask if you can try before you buy too. As for "fit" it won't matter too much unless you're a right hooker shooting a left hooker's gun and vice versa, most guns are fairly uniform unless they've been modified, consistent gun mount is the key.
  13. i just got suspended from PW for that kind of comment Wasn't to the mods friends was it no mate, just some banter with a bit of a tosser and it got reported, never mind eh?
  14. i just got suspended from PW for that kind of comment
  15. also depends if you like dialling in the shot, my swede is zeroed at 120mtrs, most of the foxes i shoot are baited in a particular spot and it's pretty much bang on from 50mtrs, i haven't pushed it further yet as the need hasn't arisen.
  16. sounds like a cock up Deffo a misprint, but you coud still use it for humane dispatch.
  17. GRAM71


    had a bit of bother linking that, works fine now, enjoy!
  18. GRAM71


    hold on... <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/a0zKnGlCWs0" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=a0zKnGlCWs0frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> http://<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/a0zKnGlCWs0" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=a0zKnGlCWs0frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. i reckon i'd give it a run, don't know about the full sugar coke though, i'd prefer diet as i'm watching my weight
  20. these are now on ebay for charity
  21. I'm seriously envious that so many of you guys have fox listed as 17hmr quarry, norfolk fld disregard this caliber for fox, bloody shame as it does the job nicely.
  22. pest species of bird is what the police like to hear when applying for sec1 shotgun, i got mine on 1st app, and another on my 2nd, there's some dispute over the "open" status of sec1 shotguns, i spoke to my feo and he said that as it's a shotgun i could pretty much use it anywhere i had permission, inc clay grounds. However, just to be on the safe side he opened up the whole ticket, c/fs the lot.
  23. any of the 22 centrefires are good enough for the job, depends what else you may want to shoot later on, 243 would get my vote simply for the fact it's also deer legal.
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