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darren watson

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Everything posted by darren watson

  1. Quality about 5 magpies set about my cat once after it climbed out of my roof window, I hated 'em even before i knew they robbed nests. Now I despise them with a passion
  2. very well done mate, you'd never guess owt'd ever been done to it
  3. i'd say 20-25 metres if its .22, or 30-35 meters in .177.Or, start off close and work your way outwards, stop when the pellet holes no longer connect together to make one big hole in your target then, bring it back 5 metres. and make sure you use good quality pellets.
  4. Looks like your selling up and jacking it in mate?
  5. hmm. i was warned against getting a TX 200 as my first "proper" rifle due to its weight, I didn't listen and im sure i said something along the lines of "at least i'll build strength in my weaker arm". It never happened. I had that rifle for about a year and never got used to it. mostly due to the fact i do a lot of walking when im out and mostly shoot pigeons and squirrels. trying to track a fast moving squirrel through the trees until it stopped with that gun after lugging it about for hours was impossible. I now have a rifle that suits my style of shooting. so i dont think theres any harm i
  6. Ha! like the peeps who just posted, a million times quicker than i can type!
  7. my first guess would be the gun and pellets. My mates got a Norica Dragon but Iv'e never used it, I'm led to believe that they're cheap/budget rifles but ,I've known people pull off some very good shooting with rifles that are nothing more than laughable! Have a go with some good quality pellets: Air Arms Field/Diabolo, RWS superdomes, Crosman Premier/Accupell, H&N FTT, Falcon Accuracy Plus, Bisley Magnum seem to be big boys of pellets. i think the scope would be more than up to the job, a lot of people on here seem to get on with them. A guy on here called "pianoman" has a thread with a
  8. "This can lead to at best to a total miss, at worst to a mis-hit injuring the animal without killing it outright. The body tends to stay where it is, so this can mean that a body shot is a better option." Iv'e also had this happen before on a nice easy shot, only a little bit out of zero range but nice and low and straight. it was still a head shot but tons of blood and kicking. i couldn't really see where i hit it but i can only assume it had heard the shot fire and twitched a bit. Iv'e since bought a better silencer!
  9. nice one. quality info as per usual "(surprisingly tasty, if a little bit of a pain to peel)" iIknow, I tried cutting one's belly open once to try and draw down some crows and ended up giving in before I started hacking at it like a crazed psycho!
  10. Cheers for that. Time to get the Falcon in bits then
  11. Sorry. Welcome to the forum mate. i wish i had the advice of some of the guys (and gals) on this forum when i bought my first rifle. Good luck with whatever you end up with.
  12. as with most rifles, i've read both good and bad reviews of this gun. have a browse through this link. http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews92148.html
  13. how strange that something as simple as removing that one piece of metal can improve accuracy. anyone care to explain how?
  14. cheers guys. the squizzer i got kinda dangled off its branch for about two seconds and by the time it hit the ground it was a goner. funny thing is, i bet i'd not pull that shot off again if i tried
  15. yeah, it was an accident i wont be repeating. it'd just be a nice if these critters had more than one kill zone i wasn't sure if the clean kill was a fluke or not and i've not been able to find a kill zone diagram or owt on google.
  16. I was just remembering a time when i didn't give enough holdover and hit a squirrel in the heart. I realised from the hollow sound that it wasn't a headshot but it still went down very quickly and im now wondering that as i get more confident in longer range shots, are these kind of shots acceptable to take on. its amazing the amount of squirrels i've seen up trees with their head safely out of view behind a branch, as if they know what im trying to do
  17. i noticed you've marked out the true parallax on your AO, can these be used for accurate range finding? Darren.
  18. very brave, it would take some kahunas to do that to any old stock, but one as beautiful as an R10! but, like you say, its a hunting tool at the end of the day. nice job mate, and 10/10 for balls!
  19. my mate's just got one of these in .177 and I were hitting things with it in no time, and i hate heavy guns. a very good rifle in my eyes
  20. eyup chaps, I finally got a bit of time off from the other half on a glorious day so went for a bit of a mooch about to see what i could see, which turned out to be not a lot! I had one shot at a long range (for me) pigeon that was pecking around at some fallen crab apples but missed as I was at the top of a hill and the wind was getting up a bit. with bugger all for cover to hide behind i knew they wouldn't be back so i went back down this hill to a patch of trees out of the wind that i have seen swarming with magpies, with the intention practising shooting at longer ranges than my zero and m
  21. tried to P.M you but i think your box's full soz mate, not been on ere for a bit. no, im reliant on public transport im afraid. where abouts are you? if its train-able i might be able to get there.
  22. hi all, just wondering if anyone would mind me tagging along on a shoot sometime? I'm 30 years old and been into air rifle shooting for about 4 years. i haven't currently got shooters insurance but will sort it out if need be. i usually shoot pigeons and squirrels and fancy a go at shooting rabbits and corvids. cheers for reading. Darren. 31. i'm 31, not 30 jeez.
  23. yeah, im having a trawl about now. it doesn't look good if the scopes are any good i might buy them off him and see if he'll chuck the gun in for nowt!
  24. ive no idea what the scopes are but thats exactly what i was thinking. i've heard they were some peoples first gun in the 70's 's so i was expecting it to be a bit cheap. i suppose i was wondering if they have any "collectability" at all. and if its any good it'll save me from saving up for months for a HW95K.
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