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Everything posted by valerio

  1. who cares,if a dog do his work it's the right size.I think it has a lot to do with the place you hunt my terrier is not spannable even with big hands but i've never had a problem with him in the two seasons i've hunted him.most of the jagdterriers my friends hunt are of the same size and they have no problems,I thik a small dog is a problem here cos it cant jump on the rocks
  2. nice pup.Is there lakie in his breeding?
  3. I've worked and catched quarry from one earth 2 times in 40 days this winter but I've found that it's better to have a 6 or more months break before working it again
  4. I think that if you know your dogs well and you spend time with them you'll be able to judge when the moment is to start working them.I think it's important that they are fully grown and well trained in bushing or other lighter sports.
  5. The italian KC recognised that small tipe of jack russell a few years ago and they are popular as pets. I think that registered breeds can still be worked if there are serious breeders breeding for work.If you look to gundogs they are registered but still working and working well,90% of the terriers we work here are registered jagd terriers and even my russell is a kc Parson but he does a good work for me.It' a problem of breeders not dogs
  6. if i'm not wrong Mr Roger Bigland was the terrierman at north cotswolds,are you talking about his dogs?
  7. I've been asked to kill cubs every year and I don't see it as a bad thing,it has to be done is service to farmers and to other hunters(I like to shot pheasant and hares in september ).certanly its not good sport but my my dad and uncles did it in their days and others before them so I'll keep doing it.
  8. The real problem is that here is rock or nothing some of our sets are real impressive we have 10 ole porcupine sets going down to for meters under stones as big as a truck and badger sets that have to be seen to be belived.for now I prefere to use a good bolting dog as my russell as I know he will not get locked to the quarry in those hell sets and he will not stay too much,I think a real hard dog taking punishment will not last to long here unless you use him only in the smallest sets were bolting is easy.I've seen hard jagd terriers come out half death after 3 or 4 days and not being of any
  9. beautyfull young dogs,hope their work is good as their look
  10. HI all I'm back on the forum after a long time. Now I'd like to know your opinion on working undiggable earts,in the area I hunt every eart is in rock or under stones so big you will need a Caterpillar to move them.If we want to hunt we have to try and bolt the quarry but every time i'm so worried abot the dog that my hunting is very limited.My russel will not stay too long but 2 days ago he had the quarry bottled not more than 1 m deep and he stayed there more than 3 ours,belive me its really frustrating ,what will you do in this situation:try to call the dog back or put another dog in to t
  11. you are wrong motulkoh,contact test are present in france and even in Italy even if they are traing to ban them,ther are also trials with contact in hungary,croatia and serbia.As for boar hunting hard dog are a total disgrace and are avoided like the plague by serious hunters what you need is a brave but intelligent dog.Even selecting not too game dogs you have a large amount of injuries:two week ago my hunting team suffered one dead dog and 14 injured
  12. here in Italy we also do test like the ones motulkoh descrived and I take part to them when hunting season is closed cos I think that is good fun for me and the dogs but I don't think they are as testing as real hunting.It's also a good time to meet with terriermans and talk about the sport. as for hard dogs a good breed jagd terrier is really hard(too much for my liking)a and is a good thing to remember than they are selected from black fell dogs. as for dachsound killing badgers
  13. Even here in Italy no one use locators simply because most hunter dont even know there are locators.Underground hunting is not very common here and most of italian terrierman come from small village and hunt like their ancestors did,quarry must bolt or be taken out by the terrier and if one dog is not enough they will put 2 or 3. most of them will not take a spade or a pickaxe when out hunting.I dont need to say that lot of dogs are lost to ground Here where I live most earths are undiggable so a locator would be of little use.
  14. I think its more to do with bloodlines than teaching,some bloodlines from eastern europe really produce "hell on wheels",other lines expecially from France are selected for pack hunting on boars and are less aggressive.I don't own jagds but a good friend of mine is the best jagds breeder in Italy.
  15. from what I've understand plummers are selected only for ratting they are no good for real work and not hard by anyone means and miles away from the terriers you have in estern europe so don't waste your time.
  16. for motulkoh,why you don't use local hounds like the Kopov,I've heard they are good dogs
  17. jagd terriers are really good for earthwork but too aggressive for wild boars,as for other breed of terriers I've yet to see one make the grade,my russell is real good at bailing pigs but too short range for finding :realmad: and too much interested in underground quarry .I've tried terriers for boars hunting but allways come back to local boarshounds of proven strain. Only my opinion.
  18. beatifull pics looks good fun are coons a testing quarry for the dogs,put up much a fight?
  19. I prefer to have my terrier on lead and my friends do the same thing.if free my terrier will hunt roe deers,boars and every other quarry and come back tired and useless for digging.another reason is to prevent him entering in some really big rock dens that are dangerous and undiggable and to stay clear of porcupines.
  20. Yesterday i had a long talk with an experienced terrier man and we end up talking about the first terriers that arrived in our land. Around 1870 an English man bought a big farm in the Pisa province and take with him a number of so called fox terriers, that looked like todays russells.He gave this dogs to his game keepers and farm workers to control the population of fox,badger and porcupine who were damaging agricolture and quarry.The ability of the dogs was such that other land owners bought some from the Englishman. The noble family of Ginori-Conti that owned immense lands near where I li
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