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busterbuster1969 last won the day on April 12 2011

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313 Excellent


About busterbuster1969

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. Wanted Rat Smoker View Advert Has anyone got a Rat smoker for sale, I need one for this weekend and won't have time to make one myself cheers chaps Advertiser busterbuster1969 Date 20/01/18 Price Category Other Fieldsports Equipment  
  2. Wanted Rat smoker, has anyone got one for sale ?

  3. Old pipes box for me, small, fits in your pocket and reliable, I don't like the red brick, to big and bulky .
  4. Haha thanks, will you be my friend lol, seriously though I can't find them on here, I had a least 3 friends lol

    1. ferretess


      lol your welcome  think they all disappeared when they changed the site lol I have no friends :icon_eek:

  5. Hi Ian, how do you access your friends list with this new set up mate ?

  6. Where's my friends list Gone ? Help please 

    1. ferretess


      you've lost all your pals lol 


  7. Okay had the collars on my dogs now for about 8 months and had no trouble at all.. never had a situation where I can track the dogs and now I've had the tracker I really wouldn't want to be without it Recommend .... most defiantly... Sportdog Tek 01
  8. Out today for a spot of bushing with the Terriers
  9. That's a really good price, gutted as so far away, I'd have that if it wasn't so far Deakin, you don't ever get down this way do you ?
  10. Carbine or classic ? How old ? Can you email some pics please mate.. stevepjh@aol.com cheers
  11. Buster. A beautiful animal. Haven't seen one like that in the flesh for a long while. Really like that type. Cheers mate
  12. My Black and Tan bred with Kirsty's Dads old dog and my old Bitch
  13. I've never heard of it ? Any links chap ?
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