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buster 8789

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Everything posted by buster 8789

  1. ive done it with my pup but only let him watch a few runs not far from home so the pup isant out for long .as said above you dont want the pup geting frustrated.
  2. did you run this dog on the lamp at 14 weeks old. or did you take him out to watch other dogs
  3. id never trust any dog 100% with kids thats how accidents happen. imo
  4. done it that way for years, works spot on im doing it the same way my self. as long as the two ends dont touch u will be fine
  5. some kid dived of a bridge an split his face in half
  6. thats fuking horrible how the f**k did he survive that
  7. i will be intrested to see peoples opinions on this cross. i have a 5/8 bull 3/8 grey that i am running now. and i have not long got a pup he is bull collie grey x whippet grey.
  8. rottweiler for me, heres a mates hes only 1 and scears the shit out of me
  9. fish what do you do when the badger gets older do you leave it around the dogs because surley it cant be fully tame
  10. never seen it myself,can only hazard that it may have been eating the stomach contents,very unusual though to say the least that was my first thought, other herbivorous animals do the same thing
  11. mine did the same thing when i brought my pup
  12. i was looking for genuine informatin and help theres no need to get wide, all people like you do is discourage young people looking to get involved off, thanks for the other comments guys ps. when did a friesian become a power house with muscle? think id take a charolais, limiosine or belgian blue, comon get to no your cow breed before you try taking the piss
  13. was thinking that my self
  14. he looks a lot better now how old is he edited to say just read it propley 16 weeks
  15. any pics of it. yes.. this is jerry-lee.. 16 weeks old.. but this picture was taken weeks ago no charge in camera.. he looks a bit thin
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