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Everything posted by EDDIE B

  1. It is true, that these questions aren't been properly answered.
  2. Do you ever question these photo's mate. That foal for instance. From that picture, no sign of damage around the neck where you would expect there to be. Could have simply died, and scavanged on by several things. The scratches on the horse. Reminds me of that boy who had the gullable believing his little lies.
  3. https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/french-couple-receives-tiger-cub-after-ordering-a-savannah-kitten-online-2947703.html
  4. Ok that sounds more on the lines of how im thinking. I do feel though that they may adapt quicker than what is being suggested on here.
  5. Let me get this right Greyman. Are you saying that there are big catsout there, but that they arent as efficient at hunting, as truely wild ones, because they originated from pets? I dont get it
  6. Why would they, when they are such proficient predators. We have had plenty of threads on here discussing the destruction caused by cats. Why even the best fed cat brings home kills. Some on a daily basis
  7. I think so yes. If they didn't we wouldn't have ferals
  8. Yes, and so if there are big cats here, they either get very efficient at killing, kill livestock, or die of hunger.
  9. So a house moggy can hunt and kill with no training, but a bloody Lynx has to be trained to kill successfully. Where's the logic in that Greyman? And how exactly do they train them to kill?
  10. Only for a short period. Bit of hunger, followed by a bit of practice, and they'd be as efficient as "truly" wild ones.
  11. Animals dont need to be thought how to kill. Just look at all the moggy's out there killing all round them.
  12. EDDIE B


    Where can i get this paint?
  13. Ok, so i skipped reading most the shit that has been spouted here the last few days, BUT i do think you have a point here. These cover up theories just hold no weight. It never sat right with me. The papers are full of shitty sightings, but if theres clear footage, or a dead animal on the road, its all covered up. I call bollox!!! Now personally, im on the fence. I feel there is a chance they might be out there. Im yet to see proof of it though.
  14. Micky you used to be plagued by foxes abd buzzards. Has that changed somewhat since you moved to where you are now?
  15. This is off the new Mark Bolan tribute album. I think its a fantastic version of Cosmic Dancer
  16. What about this one wolfdog? Same principle
  17. Yes, as said not a new concept, but i also like making use of what i have. Ok, so im a tight *ucker lol
  18. Be careful lad, Remember what happened to Terry Nutkins ?
  19. Totally agree. Maybe that predatory instinct to keep killing when prey is plentiful, gives the mink the upper hand compared to a ferret. Same as when in a hen house.
  20. His video's make great viewing. I think he's takin on board some of the traditional methods used over this side of the waters, and combined them with his mink hunting. Ferrets have been used in a similar fashion, but not every ferret will tackle rats.
  21. Get in a competent Pest Controller Or get a can a petrol, and some matches! ?
  22. That time of year again micky. Time to get the pan out?
  23. He aint no tiger king! He's that bitch, Carole f****n Baskin!!!
  24. What make of trap are they? I do find different trap designs very interesting. Of course, some designs are better than others lol
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