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Everything posted by sambam

  1. had a simlair thing happen when i was younger shooting rabbits in a horse field the bloke took pics and said i was shooting the horses.
  2. you cant have a working dog as a pet dog iv heard this hundreds of times and personaly i dont agree. i think the good thing about lurchers is there good companions and make good pets aswell as having good sport with them and can fill the pot and freezer. i would like to hear your opinions please atb sam
  3. i sickend my pup with retrive and belive me its hard to get it back. he just takes the dummy to the edge of the field. in the house he will blind stay while i hide the dummy then go and find it and bring it straight to hand perfect everytime just not in the field, but hopefully he will get the idea agian
  4. my dad always took me out still love it now as much as i did then
  5. theres one in the video clip section, the dog misses but its a good run and good quality picture
  6. sambam


    three buissnes men check into a hotel late one night "there is only the bridal suite left "says the young blonde recepionist. "ok lads were all grown men we will have to share the king size bed" says one of the men waking up one of the men says "god i had the most vivid dream that the receptionist was sucking my cock" another says "strange i had the most realistic dream i was f*****g the receptionist from behing" the man in the middle replies "you pair of perverted b*****ds i had a dream i was skiing"
  7. ill be getting out in the next few days iv got a pup thats about ready for a few easy runs and a new lamp iv been wanting to test out since xmas day
  8. good advise mate the land you intend to run on WILL play a big part in the dogs working life. you dont want a dog that is going to be laid up for weeks after every outing, collie crosses seem to handle most land well. as your in wales i think you will be able to find a good litter from working perents in your area.
  9. you should get a lurcher for that price or less a pure whippet may be more as there a pure breed but make exellent dogs. have a look in the for sale section mate you should find somthing, before you jump in at the deep end take some time to do abit of reading about trainning, exercise, diet ect can you afford to keep a dog and do you have the time to put into it as the saying goes, you get out of a dog what you put into a dog good luck mate hope you find what your looking for
  10. your a luck lad mally and fair play for goin in it was on the news in my area a bloke went into the river to save his 2 dogs and died, people were tring to help him out with branches but he wouldnt let go of his dogs glad you and the pup are ok sam
  11. my pup has had a few pheasnt but he misses most of them, he had a blackbird once it was amazing to watch we where walking down a lane with hedges on both sides one foggy morning and there was blackbirds everywere and he was running back and forth chasing them when one flew out the hedge right in front of him and was flying straight down the path, he put his head down and stepped up a gear and nailed it in flight, i was gobsmacked but the little bugger didnt retrive it. iv been taking him on the local playing field on the morning and theres always flocks of gulls and crows and he will chase th
  12. my mate put his norfolk collie saluki dog over a pure working whippet but dont know if theres any pups left the sire is a really good dog single handed day and night out of seagull lines all i know about the dam is shes a good little ferriting bitch. i was tempted to get one myself but im bringing a young dog on at the moment probably too far seems as your over the pond
  13. iv said it before bird thats a nice dog just my cuppa tea my old 1/4 collie grey was more of a rabbiting/ferreting dog but had a few roe and fox in his younger days
  14. even a working whippet would be up to the job if size is an issue
  15. what about saluki/whippet x collie/grey
  16. or if your into terriers a bedlington terier x whippet make good little dogs
  17. markings dont make a difference to how many rabbits a dog will catch if i was you id be more worried about finding good breeding from working perents than coat colour if you want somthing small id go for whippet crosses although pure whippets make exellent rabbiting dogs if its your first lurcher mabey a 1/4 collie x would be a good start as they are easy to train and if you find the right breeding will be an good allrounder if you decide to move onto bigger stuff in the future only my opinion mate but good luck sam
  18. would also depend on the size of the fields your gunna run
  19. saluki/whippet/grey collie/grey whippet/grey or a well bred bitsa
  20. fair play to you mate if your breeding for your own use and not to make money. dobermans are fairly intelligent and alert, they are fairly athletic and have a deep chest and long legs so will be decent runners, you are already working your bitch so thats good. i dont see why your getting so much stick off people, i have seen some stupid crosses for sale with stupid prices like a rotti x saluki, in the ad it said these pups will make exellent workers. how??? im sure alot off us including me have looked at a breed of dog and wonderd what that would be like crossed with a greyhound. in my opi
  21. sambam

    the ban

    if the dog did nail the hare i would of been well chuffed i would not leave it mabey hide it and go back without the dog, i dont belive in wasting quarry, its goin to happen one day as the pup is now about 10 month old. i wonder if a pet dog that wasnt a lurcher got a deer if the owner would get prosecuted. i took a german shepherd i was minding for a walk in the same woods one and that came very close to nailing a roe. sam
  22. i love mine and always use it at least twice a week best thing ever as im not a great cook but they make everything tasty, i talked my dad into getting one and he loves it. i add everything i find in the cupbords, prepare everthing on the night and put it in on the morning and when you get in from work you have a nice hot meal ready and waiting, i made mince and dumps yesterday and mixed a little stuffing mix in the dumps and they where exellent best dumplings i have ever tasted
  23. sambam

    the ban

    i was walking the pup one morning and he was off lead just sniffing and mooching about when he flushed a hare from some cover and give chase over the field, i watched him give it a few turns and was doing well but the hare made its escape in some woods, then it got me thinking what if i was somhow caught at this moment in time by walkers or police ect. would i still get in trouble as i did not intentionaly run the hare, i had no slip lead or anything hunting related but the lurcher. iv had the same thing happen with roe when walking in the local woods when hes been off lead its just there inst
  24. This is a common scenario,and when i was on sites it was very common for the builders to have young Brickys and use them as cheap labour,its being going on for years and makes my blood boil to be honest. One time a few years ago me and my mate were building a few bungalows for a "builder"[arsehole] the training agency let him have 3 lads from colledge supposedly he was giving them site experiance,the only experiance they got was mixing gobbo and carrying bricks,blatent slave labour and nothing in return,i tried a bit with them on friday afternoons when the wages were earned,good lads as well,
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