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Everything posted by DIDO.1

  1. Anybody on benefits should be given a job, sweeping litter, picking up dog sh*t, weeding the verges. Get those with bad backs and the fatties in work houses so we can compete with china.
  2. Well if thats you in your avatar i say it has done
  3. Was creosote dangerous then? I must of been covered in gallons of the stuff over the years I dont think its done me any harm!
  4. I think an ingredient in creasote was banned meaning for a while it was, but now you can get it again with the banned ingredient replaced, so its not exactly the same but you can still get it. I await being corrected on that tho as I may of just dreamed that up!!! I like ronseal. anything will do for the outside just be more careful if your dogs can get to and chew treated areas.
  5. The conservatives will repeal the ban if they gat the chance. At the moment a vote may not be winnable as there isnt a big enough con majority. As for the mounted pack/common lurcher man comment, the conservatives want to over turn the whole ban including courseing and terrier work, but I guess there will be licencing etc in an effort to get a workable bill through. When some people say common lurcher/terriermen they often mean poachers, that will stay illegal.
  6. DIDO.1


    No........we'll just have to watch in hope that you get a right good pumping this world cup. Iv never been into childrens ball games but I guess thats a new slant on following a sport, watching two other countries play just to see one loose! Maybe get your boys to lay off the tennents next time and try and put a team together
  7. DIDO.1


    I hate football so cant wait till its all over, just out of interest is there loads of scottish flags being flown up there to support your world cup team???
  8. I get the feeling the guy is a bit like plummer was, not only living an eccentric life but want people to notice they are eccentric, its like they want to be different but more importantly want to be noticed for being different.
  9. I think this must now be the last time I reply to such an ignorant pig headed person. Yes dawn if you believe bulls in Portugal are sent out of the ring and left to graze in peace till the end of their days then so be it, or sent to America for rodeo!!!! Your right Dawn, about everything!!! I dont know why I bothered spending so much time in foriegn countries! It seems I learnt nothing, I should of stayed at home and learnt it all on the internet.
  10. Yep, he is a skilled Horseman, love it! Of course far more Bulls are NOT killed in this type of fighting, means more to me when an animal stands a "fighting chance. Thats where the sport comes in. More bulls are not killed? Its exactly the same, plus the bulls have their horns cut. They are always killed, if not in the ring then in the corrals after, by law! And try telling the man on the horse he,s taking part in a sport! You really are a class act!
  11. I never said that. However Im sure a few of the dogs I deal with could give most people a run for their money, they do me. The cowardice comes from within my friend, take me to the Bull, Ill kill him when he is weak and cant hold up his head, while he is bleeding from picks in his shoulders and neck, while he is foaming at his mouth, exhausted and running on empty. However, ill not face him when he comes in from the field, fresh and alert, oh no! This is why I like the Rejoneador, skill between the Horse and rider, patience and trust, see how much more "stamina" those Bulls have c
  12. Are they lying too? Nobody said you were lying sweet cheeks, just wrong. They are wrong too.
  13. What been said is that, when the matador faces the bull, its fecked+lost blood,and thats how they do there bull fighting ok. all as been said if they faced the bull fresh, which they wouldnt, then you could say it was fair. Precisely, but people read what they want to read Bird........ .....and only believe [bANNED TEXT] they want to believe
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N8A5fkxN_Y&feature=fvw OK Im not bothered if you agree with it or not but if you wer in spain or if it was legal in the UK who would have the balls to get this close to bulls.
  15. What been said is that, when the matador faces the bull, its fecked+lost blood,and thats how they do there bull fighting ok. all as been said if they faced the bull fresh, which they wouldnt, then you could say it was fair. err.... they do face it when its fresh when it first comes into the ring it is passed by a lone matador with a cape. At that time though it looks dangerous (and is more dangerous and scary than anything you will ever do in your life) it is no where near as dangerous as the final moments as it is killed. At that moment when tho it is slow and concentrates it ahs lear
  16. What do you expect buying stuff off a couple of dodgy pie eaters
  17. I would never again go within reach of a spanish fighting bull. I have killed two young animals behind closed doors on a ranch and have been many times in the ring with young cows during the time they are tested for bravery and breeding selection in a mini/mock bull fight. I have done enough to know I will never have the bravery or skills to handle anything bigger and painful incidents to know not to mess even with the small ones. I would love to run with bulls again but dont think I would even risk that anymore after the injuries I have seen.
  18. No, its not a daft question at all. He is a Bull Dido, you are anthropomorphising! he is incapable of "thinking" in the manner you describe. He is bred solely for public mutilation and killing, nothing more. Very very rare will a Bull live, in fact Id go as far as to say hardly ever. The stud Bulls would NEED to be able to lift their heads to mate, the ones that enter that ring have their muscles cut, severed, beyond repair, its the ONLY way a Matador can kill him without risking serious injury to himself, how else do you think he will be able to stab him at the base of his neck if
  19. My favourite place on earth. Maybe dont take the mrs unless you can afford a nice hotel. Sorry who said it was a sport, not me. I know its a daft question but which animal would you rather be..... A bull.... You spend two years out on the range with miles of open range with rivers to wallow in and trees to shelter under. At 2 years old you are taken in to a small ring on the range and faced by a man on a horse, you charge and recieve a pic in you thick shoulder muscle. The gate to the range is thrown open and you can choose the combat and to charge again even tho you know you wi
  20. The vids on this thread arnt very good, try a bit of EL JULI, beutiful!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcEmA5sVLzQ hope it works!
  21. My first thought on seeing a bull fight was that it was cruel but it stirred up such strong emotions in me that I went to spain and took the time to study it. Since that time I have run with bulls, seen bulls on the ranches and have been in the ring with young fighting cows and have killed 2 2year old bulls. To be honest I can hardly be arsed to explain it here to such ignorant people but a few things I need to add..... The bull is at its most dangerous point as its killed, yes it has been tired out but it is still at its most able to kill a man or horse. When it first comes into the r
  22. The worst thing that could possibly happen is to get the vote and then loose it. There are bigger things for the country to think about at the mo. We have a man in charge who intends to over turn the ban, softly softly catchy monkey!!!!
  23. I think it was a good result for hunting. There are difficult times ahead and talking about hunting when there are much bigger issues coming to a head over the next 5, 10, 15 years. If a tory majority had got in and repealed the ban the hunting would be even more imprinted in peoples minds as an upperclass issue (how can the 'toffs' repeal hunting when wev no pesions) and we would only have had so many years before a really spitefull house of commons would have finished us for good. There are now many more pro hunting MPs in England at least and a good numer of Liberal MPs support a licencei
  24. Apparently he liked milky bars.
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