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Everything posted by DIDO.1

  1. ogi73 will you and the trade unionists/UAF be having a counter march in wotton basset against islam4uk???? Do you protest against ram jam choudry and his extremism???? Why do you only protest against british/english groups. Your a traitor and one day will be held to account. 'when the facists rise again they will be known as the anti-facists' Winston Churchill. See you in Stoke.
  2. Our country is being given away in one lifetime and to stop it we should 'go to afgan and fight there'. Yes that will sort Britain out wont it you mug! As for Britain needing nurses and doctors from abroad how is it moral to take them from Africa and other 3rd world countries?? Shall we have a blue peter apeal and send em some bottle tops inreturn??? For those who slag off the BNP and EDL who do you surgest we support? Labour/tories? George Galloway?? islam4uk???? The time for talking is comeing to an end. Very soon we will have to account for our actions especially those who did n
  3. Sorry to add another 'race topic' but if this video dosnt send a shiver down your spine your braver than me!!!!
  4. Poachers = game/fish thieves Polish Immagrants = job thieves Polish poachers = I bet you can guess my answer!!!
  5. oggy, go on the EDL website (see link above) book your seat with one of the welsh divisions. (unless ur only a keyboard warrior! )
  6. Yes of course the media portrays them in that way, they also portray hunting people as cruel toffs but that wont stop me fighting for either cause.
  7. When islamic extremists turned up to spit at homecoming soldiers if the only people with the guts to act were white football hooligans then so be it, at least they are doing something and should be respected for that. And if you think the EDL are all white you have never seen the front line of an EDL protest or seen Abdul wrapped in a george cross leading the chants.
  8. When islamic extremists turned up to spit at homecoming soldiers if the only people with the guts to act were white football hooligans then so be it, at least they are doing something and should be respected for that. And if you think the EDL are all white you have never seen the front line of an EDL protest or seen Abdul wrapped in a george cross leading the chants.
  9. I'm sorry but to compare vikings etc. to modern mass 3rd world immigration is nonsense, the amount of vikings that settled in a century isn't equal to a years worth of immigrants today into to our modern over crowded island.
  10. http://www.englishdefenceleague.org/index.html Either act or stop complaining. One day you will have to explain to your children why you sat back and did nothing. Yes some of the counter jihad/extremist/immigration groups have some rather dubious members but if racists are the only ones with enough guts to stand up and act then they get my vote. The main parties have had long enough and have only sold us farther down the river. But I also think the march wont happen its a sting/smoke screen/diversion by either the police or islam4uk.
  11. U dont hav to live in one but it helps.
  12. No its not free, put £50 in the post to me and i'll send you a pemit.
  13. Hi mate, give it charcoal in a small box in run at chest height, if it dosn work i'll give you your money back!
  14. DIDO.1


    Thanks for the replies, i think!!! I'll give you a call soon mark and I promise to take my stetson off when I shoot
  15. If you can supply it mate i'll buy it!!
  16. Cheers AH, im struggleing to find suppliers at the right price, most sell 'starter kits' at an expensive price, thinking im going to be better off renting some woodland to coppice myself.
  17. Im looking to buy hazel or willow for hurdle making. Either bundles or unharvested. If anyone know anywhere from the midlands to scotland that can supply let me know. Cheers, Ian.
  18. Iv caught plenty on the L to L canal, never very big so use a really light rod to get the maximum sport. Round the mariners or any other features like weeds and bridges, any plugs or spinners will work. Try something with a rattle in as the water can be cloudy. I never catch much after heavy rain, I guess as the water is dirty with road and path water run off. Try slowly wobbling a dead bait in winter.
  19. Just try and put into words how you feel about your particular aspect of fieldsports and how you think he could represent you, it will mean more than some generic letter. Davids a good lad who has done abit of hunting.
  20. DIDO.1


    Does anyone else shoot this area. Iv been trying to get under the geese there but wasnt sure how far up towards the reserve I can go as there arnt any reserve marker posts or signs.
  21. DIDO.1

    Hunting ban

    The conservatives will be trying to lift the ban on all organised fieldsports including terrier work and courseing. Poaching was banned before and will continue to be banned after the conservatives get in again. But just as lagitamate badger diggers were unfortunatly and unreturnably linked to badger baiting nob heads so courseing is becomeing linked to poaching and yobs. This is the biggest threat to organised courseing returning to the UK.
  22. DIDO.1


    The crime is that it takes years of trying to removed failed asylum seekers, in that time their children get settled. Asylum seekers must stay in the first safe country they reach, not travel across the world looking for the best deal. Remove them the day they are turned down.
  23. Mate, I never said I support a ban on courseing in any way, as I said I loved courseing. My point was that courseing has to contend with the nob heads it attracts just as hunting with hounds has to contend with its uppr class image (I grew up/live on a council estate and have hunted with the best). I support all organised fieldsports on private lands but you hear a lot of lurcher/courseing lads say 'whose campaining on our behalf' when [bANNED TEXT] they were doing was illegal before the ban is illegal now and will be llegal after the repeal and there actions will make it harder for courseing
  24. A few have packed it in also. I can only think of 1, in scotland, but that was for reasons other than the ban and a new pack has formed and taken and increased the hunt country. Also 1 a militry pack has switched to drag hunting.
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