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Everything posted by aaron01

  1. As the title says lads we have all made quick spur of the moment decisions when it comes to our little dogs on my part personally inexperience was a big factor in my younger days getting rid of dogs or pts mostly young dogs thinking they where no good but a good friend yesterday coined the phrase it costs nothing to try them again and it started me thinking about dogs gone by and maybe one or two might have made the grade givin more time or a good rest or more time to mature you will never really know any lads had experiences where dogs have came good when they looked like certain failures
  2. lol nothin better is right mate need to get out and turn a sod til Castro maybe back fill will read this and give me the day off lol send me the pics and il wack them up
  3. They would overmatch any dog one on one I would think
  4. Fame in the hunting world is a double edged sword fair play to lads getting themselves a few quid out of it but at the end of the day the books and pics do more harm than good to the men's reputation and working dogs in general someone will always have an axe to grind
  5. Fooking disgrace a man can't post about a days hunting without worrying about boys lifting dogs
  6. I'd say its been a hard choice he is a wee smasher Lawrence
  7. work should be the only reason for breeding gasman
  8. Il try and get a pic of my dog pup up but its hard to get him to stay still long enough lol
  9. Bonnie and Clyde back fills two pups Castro x tess 12 weeks
  10. The pups from the other bitch are 12 weeks I think il get back fill to put up a few pics of his and il put some of mine up
  11. Have to agree with big g broken coat hides alot
  12. Maybe you can enlighten me but parson Russells are broken coated in my experiences
  13. Na mate no new pics which pup are you looking to see
  14. I've had a few big feral cats and the lurcher never gets much damage a few torn ears that's about the height of it it's usally despatched by the time I get there
  15. I've had feral cat with a lurcher wicked enough animal and as much a pest as a fox if not more so
  16. The answer is everyone has a different opinions so it is up to personal choice what works for one man may not work for another in my opinion the bitch has to be well tryed and tested 4 or 5 seasons but what do I know just what I read on here lol :-)
  17. Great result some days craic few blisters that ground was tight lol
  18. Albert paddy sends his thanks for the prize in the digging hope to have the digging straight after the racing
  19. Lads and ladies if you drive to seaforde county down there will be signposts directing you to the field no registration needed for whippets just honesty lol no 27 inch whippets allowed
  20. tell your mate ,....hes a liar......... Lol cracker Id agree liar liar pants on fire
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