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Everything posted by blackstaff

  1. I asked Joe about this last time he posted the thread, Still waiting for a reply !!
  2. Have a look in here bud. If there's anything you like then let me know http://s1106.photobu...aff-Photography there's loads of albums in there I've got a few other pics I'll try and dig out
  3. Not aimed at you bud, no offence taken Just pointing out to people reading the thread that if they like a pic then hit the LIKE tab It's all down to people voting. If people look through the thread but don't like then members posting pic's are always pushing uphill
  4. You say the hare picture isnt there well ive clicked on the link you put up and i can see it , you have to click on link under my name , bad enough the pic gettin a knock back but to say it aint there is embarrasing , it had 5 or so likes so maybe some can see it but some cant ! My bad bud, sorry I didn't open my eye's and look for a link, I was just looking for a pic Are the 2 pics actually the same picture but 1 is zoomed in ? That's what a ' crop ' is bud. All the same it's a cracking picture and would look good in a frame
  5. Just checked and all my entries were taken in Feb mate. People need to realise also that photo's need to be liked to be put through to the final few Not for me this month
  6. The other thing is any photo's entered cannot be edited. The Hare pic was cropped massively ? All the same a very good picture Here's the link for the thread. The Hare's picture isn't there ? Was it not Jan it was taken ?? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/238157-hunting-photo-of-the-year-competition-february-entries/
  7. Off to get our first chickens in a bit. Just been given the coop and bits for free so why not !! Plus it means Mrs Blackstaff has no excuse when she bakes her 10+ cakes a week :)

  8. No mate as Ideation isn't down this way too much. We met up last year for a few hours, it's always nice to meet proper lads from different areas ID - If you followed that whippet of yours you do about 400 miles in a day :D
  9. Send me a pm with a pic and what sort of fishing stuff you want mate. Might be able to sort something out
  10. Ideation like's to go hunting where the wind takes him when he's down here mate :whistling:
  11. Cheers Wayne, sounds good bud Let me know how your season is going when you start and we'll try and get sorted out.
  12. What size is the bar on it bud ?
  13. It's the one you've replied to already bud :D
  14. Off out tonight with the dogs, see if anything is around ;)

    1. blackstaff


      LOL We all have a dream, but the realisation is completely different :D :D Hence I'm off out lamping ;)


    2. PUP lurcher

      PUP lurcher

      Fair point, my heads hanging in shame

    3. blackstaff


      lol, don't hang your head, lift it up pick up the lamp and get out for a couple of hours ;~0



    4. Show next comments  33 more
  15. Cheers Stevo Blackwater - Indeed bud, but you gotta give it a go right ? It was an enjoyable day no matter what the bag size
  16. There's a few of us elusive West Sussex hunters,a rare and secretive breed we are
  17. No lamping for me tonight :( On the plus side I can stay in, drink a few beers whilst watching the football and abuse people on Facebook :)

    1. rocky1
    2. GrCh


      i'm a reyt FB addict these days need a job!!! :(

  18. No lamping for me tonight :( On the plus side I can stay in, drink a few beers and abuse people on Facebook :)

  19. Fair play Moll, good day out and the pic's are good. Especially with the conditions you were in
  20. Have people nothing better to do than come on here and gripe about something someone has tried to do to make a few quid ? If you had the inclination and drive to put a book together yourself then imo your in a position to gripe about another man's work. Untill that moment then why bother ? Don't buy his books, put the money in your fuel tank instead to do your research and write your own books. Then come on here and read people's flippant comments on your work. Everyone's a winner
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