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Everything posted by stealthy1

  1. Admire anyone with talent.
  2. Will it work when jehovah's witness come knocking on your door?
  3. Think you may need a bigger truck, or at least a trailer, did you drive around or wheelbarrow them to your truck!
  4. Jogger's beware, always take your Patterdale with you when you jog, you have been warned!
  5. Joe to win, purely on the number of times he'll punch Jones!
  6. Always nice to put ferrets into a bury for first time, ever better when they bolt first bunny eh!
  7. I like to dig less to find ferrets nowadays, and hate having to go back the next day to collect ferrets hold up in a bury, so locator's get my vote every time, in my experience, if you feed ferrets a small meal a couple of hours before you go out, they chase more and kill less underground. But thats just my point of veiw.
  8. Give them a chance, there here now, just don't breed them into anything else.
  9. Oh god thats terrible Also forgot to add broken heart!
  10. picturescue place to ferret, nice!
  11. I make mine during Emerdale, Eastender's and Coronation Street, handy if you need one for a special purpose, Euroguns near Rosso have all you need mate, good instuction vid on this site.
  12. Once jumped out of 3 storey window to save girlfriends dignity from her staunch catholic father when he came back unexpectedly, thought the hedge in front garden would break my fall, didn't know about the spiked wrought iron victorian fence hidden in it, took 3 firemen to lift me off, 1 spike through my leg, another through my side, and the other through my neck, dressed in only my jockie's, never saw her again.
  13. Yeah! If I can get them out working for Christmas I will be wrapped, pardon the pun, think they will be good worker's, the jill is about bang on in size, the hob is a monster of thing, good for those big bucks that beat up your jills, wont beat this bad boy.
  14. You get back what you put in, nice one.
  15. Spend a bit of time lifting it from the cage and putting it back, its the quickest way to get him used to the routine, otherwise try bribery.
  16. All I use for Ticks is neat acohol from chemist, 99p for half pint, use it on any animal from ferrets to dogs, if first application does'nt work, dab it on again, I just dab it on with cotton wool.
  17. Don't leave it 2 days mate! Afternoon and late evening at the very least.
  18. Lose the pannels and swap for mesh, and you'll get rave reviews mate! Lurcher's are gaze hounds, they need to be able look around.
  19. Seems there's more than one form of poaching, ring them and ask if they need a photographer and that the photo's are copyright!
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