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Everything posted by Tiercel

  1. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    You taking the piss or you serious Shot near Haverfordwest in 2011.guttted and straight in a large chest freezer.its there now. Why gut it? Can understand sticking it in the freezer and if it was not on their ticket not reporting it, but the gutting? TC
  2. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    Unless theres some obviously distinguishing landmark or sign of some sort in the footage are people seriously going to be able to recognise a piece of land by some trees/bushes etc The simple answer is yes in a lot of cases. Any person worth their salt knows their ground like the back of their hand. Trees and shrubs have features that change very little over the year, stone walls, tree stumps all have individual facets that make them unique. As I said it is unlikely, but possible that the ground could be recognised. TC
  3. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    I just do not get that people cannot see why he does not want to post pictures. Where the camera's are sited he is not supposed to be there. If he was to post pictures and the place was recognised by anyone who knew that he had no right to be there it would spell the end of his little operation. True the chances of that happening are pretty remote, but it is a possibility. TC
  4. There is a leech farm about 4 miles from here, they breed leeches for all types of applications even fishing. http://www.biopharm-leeches.com/ TC
  5. I tried those once and had a great crop off of them. The only problem was they all came at the same time, and once that flush was over they did not produce any more. If that was my fault I could not tell you or if thats how they work. TC
  6. I would like to see one of those There is a thread on here by Darcy where he make nesting sites for Tree Creepers out of tin sheets. It was quite a few years ago but if I remember correctly he had a very good uptake on the nesting sites. Will try and find the thread. TC
  7. Funnily enough I seen a starter nest on the ceiling of the shed this week it was not there the day before, so I checked if there was a queen inside and could not see anything so I pulled it down, thats when it started vibrating in my hand and got thrown out the door pretty quick. She flew off and I inspected the small nest and she had started a comb at the top of the orb. There is still one on the roof from about 5 years ago, do they build many of these before they are successful? TC
  8. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    If it was a Leopard and it got spooked it would be up a tree in no time. So why is it that the mountain lion is only tree'd when pushed hard by dogs after them following it for many miles? TC Mountain Lion and Leopard are not the same cat. Thanks for the lesson, but even I knew that. Who said they are leopards? All we know is they are large cats of origin unknown. TC
  9. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    If it was a Leopard and it got spooked it would be up a tree in no time. So why is it that the mountain lion is only tree'd when pushed hard by dogs after them following it for many miles? TC
  10. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    I am sceptical, but also astute enough to know I do not know everything. These few questions are what I ask my self when it comes to the subject of big cats roaming the British countryside. Is it possible? My answer is probably but highly unlikely. Why are they not seen more by hunts etc? There is an easy answer to that, their survival mode is flight, a fox's survival mode is to hide, a fox will only take flight when really pushed. So when they hear hounds approaching a cat would be off, and a fox will try and hide be it in a wood or an earth. I am sceptical about a government
  11. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    The foxes around Half way will be well fed this week. TC
  12. Glad no one else used it, superb, and thats an understatement. TC
  13. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    Cushty wind your neck in, this has been a brilliant thread. don't spoil it! TC
  14. An more shit like I have just deleted and the thread will be closed. Simples really. TC
  15. I would not advise anyone to do what Francie states. It will leave a trace on your PC / phone and your IP address on the web site, a site that may or may not be a honey trap for peadoes? TC
  16. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    I had that book from a book club 25 years ago, it does make you think. Especially as photoshopping had not been invented then. Do you remember the photo of a cat on a hill side by a dead tree, and when the measured the height of the branch it was as tall as it was over 3ft. That is one photo that has stayed in my mind. TC
  17. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    What a load of crap, Gnash you are normally well balanced, but this is way out. Read the thread again he was asked if he had any photo's, he did not volunteer the fact. The reason he gives for not posting the pictures is a valid reason, any picture that is posted on the net can be copied, except if you have right click disabled on the image, this site does not allow you to do that. So in fact what he would actually be doing would be giving away his intellectual rights to the picture, as who would pay for a picture that is free on the net? Not ever seeing a "big cat" myself I am sceptical,
  18. I wanted to catch them live so the kids could see them . I'd release them a distance away then Have a look at some of these, quite easy to make so you could get the kids involved with making them. https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=634&q=live+catch+mouse+trap&oq=live+catch+mouse+trap&gs_l=img.1.0.0j0i5i30k1j0i24k1l3.2008.8834.0.11300. TC
  19. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    I don't think even that is enough. With the stories told the evidence should be pretty well stacked in their favour. I can understand why those in the know wouldn't want to cause a panic, but why would it cause a panic? I've said earlier in the thread, I live in cat country where I wouldn't be surprised if they outnumber the 600 residents of this little town. Panic? No. Carry a firearm? Definitely. The very nature of the way they hunt makes them very unlikely to be spotted unless it's too late but the evidence is everywhere. Like with most things I'm open to the possibility, but this
  20. Tiercel

    Lidle Find

    Long before the ban, every Sunday morning I used to act as a gun for a private pack of hounds, they also used lurchers and one chap had a couple of bull crosses that would see off a fox in a couple of seconds. One day at the meet we were talking about big cats as one had been spotted only a couple of miles away. He piped in, saying about a month before three of them had been out lamping foxes and had had a few when they spotted a pair of eyes that did not look like a fox or badger. So he slipped his two, the eyes disappeared and the dogs came back. They walked another field or two and spo
  21. Not a good photo but you get the idea what it is. TC
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